Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Vol 4 Chapter 1874: Those who fall in love also think about teeth

The Mid-Autumn Festival is a reunion day for the people of Ming Dynasty. Every family will make or buy some moon cakes and use them as gifts for relatives and friends.

The same was true for the Fang family. Just after Zhang Shuhui entered the palace, Xiaobai went to pick up Mochou's mother and son, and Fang Jaylun took the list to discuss with Fang Xing.

After ticking the person who should be given away, Fang Jay Lun went to the Hua Niang to get moon cakes and fruit.

Hua Niang's craftsmanship is getting better and better. In Fang Xing's words, there is no smoke and fire, and it is much better than Yu Chu.

She also made some roast ducks over there, and then wrapped them in greased paper, and each family gave one. Although this kind of gift list was thin, it was real.

Fang Jielun called the families to come, and each assigned a few to give gifts.

The old man Xin arrived at was the Guogong Mansion in seven minutes. He carried the box in both hands and went out. He happened to meet a long-lost person who should be placed under house arrest.

"What is he here for?"

Xin Laoqi frowned and asked.

It is indeed a long time since the visitor, he is also the captured Prince Harley thinking about teeth.

It was Shenyang who brought him, and Shenyang said: "He has some big plans to talk about. It's just a festival in the palace. Your Majesty asked him to come here to have a look first."

"Big plan? Halle is torn apart, what else is there?"

Old Xin nodded, then mounted his horse and left.

Shen Yang brought Ye Siya into the front hall, and it didn't take long before he woke up.

"I have seen my uncle."

Ye Si Ya's Chinese is already very good, which makes Fang Xing feel better.

"What's the matter?"

Fang Xing was flying kites for the children, so he was a little anxious.

Shen Yang thought about his teeth, then smiled: "Uncle's delicacy is famous, and the official shameless wants to try moon cakes."

Fang Xing said casually: "Don't worry, I will naturally put a box for you when I leave."

He turned his gaze and saw that Ye Siya was a little cramped, so he slowed down and said, "You can live a stable life in Peking. If you want, you can naturally marry you a prairie girl. Today you said you have big plans, what are the big plans? ?"

Siya became fat too, the original thin man now even appeared with a double chin.

He said a little uneasy: "Uncle, when I heard that Halle is now torn apart, I think of those brothers. Among them are many ambitious, but now Daming is so... so powerful, they must not dare to come, so they can only lie down. Harleh fights inwardly, but there are more powerful fleshy charms in the west, thinking... can I talk about... let them return to Daming."

Fang Xing said with uninteresting interest: "First, you have a brother named Wu En. He has already colluded with the charming flesh and attacked the Ming Dynasty before he was defeated. Second, you said to surrender, but your brothers are Ambitious, this is difficult."

Ye Siya's complexion darkened, and said: "No matter how ambitious people are, they should stop under the suppression of the two powerful countries in East and West, otherwise they will just open the way for others. Compared with the charming flesh, Da Ming is at least not bad. The choice can only be Daming, so I want to go back and see if I can move those brothers..."

"What if you can't say it?" Fang Xing asked.

Ye Siya smiled bitterly: "There are no soldiers in the hands, and no helpers. If I can't say anything, I would rather return to Daming, otherwise I will stay in Halle, and there will probably be no good end."

"I don't hope much!"

Fang Xing first defined it, and then said: "It's not bad for you to have this heart, why? Why did you suddenly become a guardian of peace?"

It took a moment for Fang Xing to understand what Fang Xing meant. He lowered his head and said, "Next... I like a girl."

Fang Xing's complexion suddenly turned cold, "Is it Daming's girl?"

Shenyang knew that Ye Siya probably touched this uncle's discomfort.

How can a Daming woman marry an outsider?

When the members of the Wala mission asked to marry an ugly girl from Fangjiazhuang, Fang Xing went out directly.

Ye Siya nodded, and then said: "She likes me too, so I am ready to do meritorious service before I can be free."

"Do you want... to be rewarded for meritorious service, and then to marry her?"

Fang Xing frowned and said, "Are you sure she likes you too?"

Ye Siya is under house arrest. Only two people in Jinyiwei chat with him every day. Where can I get to know girls?

Ye Siya was actually ashamed, and then said: "Her father delivered food to Lie, and sometimes she also comes."

Fang Xing nodded and said, "I will report this matter to your Majesty. If it is feasible, you will be prepared."

Yi Sifang stood up and arched his hands, and said with joy, "Thank you, Uncle."

The former Prince Harry in front of him is now like a young boy who had first love. He forgot to retire happily, and ran out in a hurry.

Shenyang winked, and the two Jin Yiwei followed out.

"Are there women?"

Fang Xing asked, looking a little unhappy.

Shen Yang knew what he was thinking, so he said in embarrassment, "I didn't ask the official, so I'll check it later."

"Go and see now."

Fang Xing naturally wanted to see it in person as it was a matter of military affairs.


The place where Ye Siya was under house arrest was not far from the imperial city, because he had no destructive power and was worth using, so it was very loose.

Fang Xing estimated that he had arrived outside the courtyard at lunch time, standing on the side, and waiting with Shenyang.

Not long after they had waited, they saw a girl in a cyan biker coming over with a food box.

Shen Yang's eyes were poisonous, and he glanced at him and said, "Uncle, he looks ordinary!"

Fang Xing also took a look, then turned around and whispered: "The beauty is in the eyes of the lover. See if this girl is interested in him."

After the girl entered, the two leaned over to the open door and looked in.


"Sister Wu, you are here."

Ye Siya is like a young man in love, walking towards the girl, rubbing his hands, appearing especially nervous.

The girl named Wumei said coldly: "Who is your fifth sister?"

She put the food box on the ground and said, "Remember to put it away after eating. I'll pick it up this afternoon."

Ye Si Tu Dui smiled and said, "I will wash it well, and I will wash it clean."

The girl frowned and said, "My father will be deducted if you wash it, hey! Please, don't wash it, okay?"

Fang Xing saw the joy in Ye Siya's eyes and couldn't help but shook his head slightly, and then quietly exited with Shen Yang.

"Unrequited love!"

Fang awoke this comment, then thought about it, and said, "He has no effect in Daming~www.wuxiaspot.com~ but is consuming food. I will go to your Majesty to talk about it."

Shenyang said: "Uncle, today is Mid-Autumn Festival!"

Fang Xing smiled and said, "Just because it was Mid-Autumn Festival, I left the matter to him, and then went home for the festival by myself."


"This matter!"

Zhu Zhanji was dressed in casual clothes, and there were several months cakes on the plate beside him. Fang Xing recognized it as his own at a glance.

"I don't have much hope, or it's no show at all."

Fang Xing analyzed: "Those people are thinking about the unification of Halle! I also think that there is no one in Ya's hands, and no money, and no one will care about him when he goes back."

"He doesn't have any fruit when he goes back, so he might as well raise him in Daming, and he can be released after a few years. I think this person really loves that fifth sister."

Zhu Zhanji felt fresh, so he asked, "Is that fifth sister a stunning beauty?"

Fang Xing shook his head and said, "Ordinary."

Zhu Zhanji hesitated for a moment and said, "Then it's up to him, but his followers are building roads. I don't know how many are left."

"There are only a few left, let him determine who he wants to take back to finish the work, we also save food."

Zhu Zhanji nodded, and then said: "But the news is not easy to pass! At present, Jin Yiwei's people have withdrawn from Halle. By then, he will be an orphan, and we don't know whether he is alive or dead."

Fang Xing said indifferently: "If you think about it, I have to go home for the festival first."

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