Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Vol 4 Chapter 1900: Crazy Zhu Gaoxu

Man Lajia watched Zheng He's fleet sailing by the sea in awe. They looked forward to the fleet's landing and then it was time to get the reward.

But Zheng He's fleet was gone forever, and the disappointed Man Lajia people wondered why.

Some think that Ming is poor; some think that Zheng He's fleet is going to do urgent matters...

No reward!

Just when they were disappointed, on the third day, a small team came.

"Ready to dock!"

After Fu Xian on the ship asked Fang Xing for instructions, he ordered the warship to dock first.

Fang Xing put down the telescope and said to Zhu Gaoxu: "His Royal Highness, this place must be under the control of Daming!"

Zhu Gaoxu nodded and asked: "Then just kill it?"

Fang Xing saw that the warship was approaching the shore, and the natives on the shore stepped forward and exchanged ships with Zhu Gaoxu.

"Look and talk."

As soon as the warship drew ashore, Wu Yue led some people to seize the pier. The natives couldn't help retreating when they saw it, and a place was cleared on the pier.

The boat came slowly, and Fang Xing took the lead to land. He immediately ordered to camp in the open space.

The translator stepped forward and conveyed Fang Xing's meaning: let the lord of the country come to see Prince Daming quickly.

"This weather is really weird! Counting the time is winter, why is it so hot?"

Zhu Gaoxu took off his robe, slapped a fan, and kept complaining about the weather.

Wu Yue's ministry was building a barracks, and sergeants were driving away the onlookers. Two of the natives, who were probably officials, were trembling and gesticulating.

"Uncle, they said that the lord of the country will arrive tomorrow, and they want to ask why Grandpa Zheng didn't come."

Zhu Gaoxu was furious upon hearing this: "What do you mean? What do they mean? Isn't it enough for the king to be here?"

Fang Xing beckoned and let him go. Two native officials and interpreters walked over.

"This is His Royal Highness the King of Han, Ben Bofang wakes up."

Fang Xing introduced it, and after the translation was over, the two native officials knelt down.


The two of them muttered in a panic expression, and the translator said: "Uncle, they said that it was not intentional to neglect, but that it was Duke Zheng who used to come, and Duke Zheng's fleet kept passing by. They were a little worried..."

"worry about what?"

Fang Xing felt a little dizzy. He stomped his feet to let himself feel the solidity of the earth, and then said: "I heard that you and Siam are at war. Daming is to be a peacemaker. How do you feel?"

The two glanced at Fang Xing, and then communicated in a low voice.

The man in front of him is very famous in the South China Sea, and there is a precedent in Java. How dare such a small country like Man Lajia be the front?

Zhu Gaoxu wanted to get angry, but because Fang Xing said that the diplomacy was mainly about him, he suddenly got up and frightened the two officials. Then he said in a violent voice: "This king is going to drink, and there is something to call someone."

Fang Xing got up and nodded. After Zhu Gaoxu left, he asked, "How about Old Port?"

When the two officials heard the problem, they hurriedly said: "Uncle, now our two families have a good relationship. Last month, I also rescued a fishing boat in the old port."

"That's good."

Fang Xing waved his hand, and the interpreter took the two of them out. They walked all the way, constantly looking back at Fang Xing's face until they couldn't see clearly.

Wang He listened to what he heard and said with a smile: "Last time you warned them that the front car in Java was still there, how dare they go to the old port to harass? Otherwise, the country will be wiped out instantly when the army arrives."

Fang Xing said gloomily: "I wish they could be more arrogant and domineering. It is best to face each other with swords and guns, but these people don't give a chance!"

In the camp, those tents gradually took shape, and the cooking smoke gradually rose.

A sea breeze hits, and the blower's chest is big.

At this time, there was a commotion at the entrance to the sea in front, and the natives all turned around and ran towards the camp, their expressions panicked.

"Stop them!"

The sergeant outside the camp immediately raised his gun, and the interpreter warned loudly. The natives ran to the side and stepped away in fear. Someone yelled at the interpreter.

"Uncle, there is a dragon."

The interpreter turned around and shouted.

"What kind of dragon?"

Fang Xing just asked, and Zhu Gaoxu came out with his guards. He asked excitedly: "Where is the dragon?"

"Uncle, Yaolong..."

The interpreter tried his best to open his arms and said: "Things with feet are full of thorns. They are big guys and can eat people."


Fang Xing became interested when he heard it, and went over there with Zhu Gaoxu.

This river flows in front of the Lord’s house and finally converges here into the sea. The dragon is on a tidal flat at the mouth of the sea.

When Fang woke up, he saw a huge crocodile biting a native.

The native's right shoulder is no longer there, and he doesn't move under the bite of the crocodile, mostly dead.

"What a big dragon!"

This dragon has a tail length of at least six or seven meters. The huge body seems to be difficult to move, but when it bites the human body, it swings its head violently, looking like an ancient beast, which is breathtaking.

Presumably aware of the arrival of prey, Xulong paused for a moment, and then continued to bite.

"Bring the knife!"

Zhu Gaoxu happily prepared to kill the giant dragon, Fang Xing coughed and said, "Your Highness, you can't cut it."

He hadn't cut it before, but looking at the countless raised spikes on the back of this behemoth, he didn't think it was a good idea to fight with alligators.

"Take a big knife and ask for the one that is made of 100 steels. Go!"

But Zhu Gaoxu came out just to kill. Those Japanese pirates weren't enough to warm him up. Now he met a big guy. For him, this was a huge fortune!

A guard ran back, Fang Xing also shouted: "Go and pull a cannon out, for a shot!"

Then he persuaded: "His Royal Highness, the dragon is fierce, let's..."

"The more fierce the king, the more I like it!"

Zhu Gaoxu was like a pervert who had met a beautiful woman, and his face flushed with joy.

The guards came over to put on him armor, which was still the kind of plate armor of Jubaoshanwei, which Fang Xing specially asked Zhu Fang to build for him a few years ago. It was thin and good.

"Don't use armbands!"

Zhu Gaoxu moved his body~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and asked someone to untie his arm armor, then jumped on the spot a few times before turning around and waiting for the machete.

Two horses pulling a cannon, almost synchronized with the guard taking the machete.

The artillery was then erected from a condescending position, and then charged with shotguns.

"Uncle, you are ready!"

With a range of less than 30 meters, there is no problem with direct shots.

Zhu Gaoxu held the machete in both hands, which was the Daguan knife. It looked like it weighed about sixty or seventy catties, but he danced easily.

"His Royal Highness..."

Fang Xing wanted to persuade him at the end, but Zhu Gaoxu couldn't help but walked down the small **** with strides.


Zhu Gaoxu's temperament is like this. When he is in the mood, probably only Zhu Di can drink him in this world. But Zhu Di had long been asleep, and Fang Xing was helpless.

Chang Jianxun personally followed, and Fang Xing thought about it, so he called Xin Laoqi and approached with five sharpshooters.


The soldiers from the periphery couldn't help shouting hello when they saw Zhu Gaoxu go down with the knife alone. Zhu Gaoxu became even more excited when he heard it, and the sound of a puppy beckoned in his mouth, licking the giant dragon.

The dragon had bitten half of the corpse and was slowly devouring it. Its cold eyes looked at the approaching Zhu Gaoxu, and its sharp teeth were biting.

The two feet on its right moved slowly, and Fang Xing shouted, "Be careful!"

Zhu Gaoxu said triumphantly: "This is just a stupid..."

Before the words fell, Yaolong's eyes suddenly widened, and his cold eyes stared at Zhu Gaoxu.

"It moved!"

At the moment when the musket was raised and the long sword was out of its sheath, the dragon suddenly rushed towards Zhu Gaoxu with agility that was inconsistent with its huge size.


Zhu Gaoxu was not worried but happy, and greeted him with a machete tightly.

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