Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Vol 4 Chapter 1909: Opportunity comes, strikes

Sumatra is now a fire!

The little fisherman prince won by accident, so he became excited, and then angry again.

He thought of his father's tragic experience and Daming's treachery, so the flames of hatred blazed in Sumatra.

The first is the struggle between the old and the new factions. Because of the existence of hatred, they will never die.

The fighting continued, and the two sides fought three decisive battles within a few days.

When standing outside the palace, looking at the men and women kneeling in front, the little fisherman prince's eyes were bleak, he lowered his head and muttered to himself for a while, and then said, "Kill!"

So the already huge rebel army rushed into the palace, screaming and screaming, blood flowed into rivers.

Walking in the palace, the little fisherman prince said smugly: "Prepare for the ceremony."

Defeating the enemy, the next step is of course to ascend to the throne. He couldn't wait for a moment, he just wanted to sit on the chair against this **** color.

"Ming Ren..."

His wise man said with worry: "Ming is in the old port. Although I don't know who is leading the army, Ming will definitely interfere."

This is a conclusion drawn from Ming's past practice, and it is also an inference from the impact of Zhu Zhanji's reopening of the treasure ship after he took the throne.

The little fisherman prince sneered: "So what?"

The wise man whispered: "I'm afraid that Mingren will attack!"

The little fisherman prince suddenly laughed, and the rebels who were cleaning up around cheered, and the atmosphere was warm for a while.

In this warm atmosphere, the little fisherman prince said: "They are gone, not even a daughter. If they attack us, who will manage Sumatra?"

The wise man was melancholy in his heart, but he still pretended to suddenly realize: "Yes! We only need to obey the Yu Ming people, if they want to come, they don't mind changing to a country lord."

"Ha ha ha ha!"

The little fisherman prince smiled triumphantly: "Send someone to the old port to report, just say... the former lord has done a rebellious act and has been beaten to death by the people in the country."


"All dead?"

"Yes, uncle, many corpses were dragged out of the palace, and they were all thrown into the pit. The younger ones checked it at night and they were all dead."

The scout was tired, but his expression was excited.


Fang Xing started shooting the case, and then said: "It's a pity! The rescue is not urgent, this is Ben Bo's fault. But it is enough to make a mistake, come, let the fleet get ready to set off!"


"The rebellion killed the family of Sumatra's sovereign, and Ben Bo was ordered to travel the West. How can he watch such frenzied people rampant? Let's go!"

Shi Jinqing watched the fleet farther and farther with eyes eagerly, and sighed: "Why don't you let us follow, uncle?"

Second Sister Shi said, "Father, we still have to prepare manpower here! When the overall situation is certain, our people must pass right away."

Shi Jinqing said gratifiedly: "Fear and fear, start with Sumatra, and this strait will be Daming's in the future! People are required to prepare, and we will leave for Sumatra in two days."

Fang Xing was holding this idea and wanted to take this well-known strait into his hands, so he tolerated it last time when he went out to sea, but he also planted a nail.

Fang Xing was overjoyed when the opportunity came today.

The fleet went all the way, Fang Xing was planning how to solve the matter perfectly, but Li Jia was listening to the muttering.

In the cabin, because the voyage was not long, everyone was just recharging their energy and did not go out for activities.

Li Jia's small flag reached a cabin and was crowded.

There are a lot of people, smelly feet, coughing, talking... these are like magic sounds that make people headache.

"My lord, originally Sumatra should have been the prince in charge. Why don't we help, and we still have to beat him?"

Qian Duo felt that Fang Xing was a bit perfidy in doing this, "Da Ming should be the teacher of the king, isn't it okay for us to scold him upright? The little fisherman must not dare to talk, and he will listen to Da Ming at that time."

I went to Sumatra on this trip, and the reasons were also stated. Some soldiers who knew the details were talking about it, but most of them were happy.

Li Jia was dozing off, and being harassed, he casually said: "How can it be that simple? The little fisherman and his son are luck, but they have persecuted the original prince. This is grievance."

"Then what does their grievance have to do with us?"

Qianduo was injured on the grassland, and later he was rewarded for his merits, but he was still not enough to get promoted.

Moreover, the promotion of Jubaoshan Weizhong depends not only on combat merit, but also on ability, so the recent problem of more money is particularly numerous.

Li Jia closed his eyes and tried to rest.

"My lord, talk about it!"

He has a lot of money but refuses to give up. He wants to work hard to learn all kinds of knowledge, so that when he does meritorious service again in the future, he will have a better chance of being promoted.

"I also hope you can be promoted, but you talk too much."

Li Jia said helplessly: "These are Daming's vassal states, do you understand? They just want to obey Daming's words, not obedient..."


"Beat if you don't obey!"

Five days later, when the fleet slowly docked, Wang He asked how to deal with the remaining forces.

Fang Xing held the handle of the knife and looked at the natives who were kneeling on the ground, and said: "Rebellion makes people unable to resist murder, but I believe most people are obedient. There is not much cultivated land here, but it can survive somehow. Some food will be able to replenish the fleet..."

There is no good port here, it is difficult for the treasure ship to get past, but the warship does not have this taboo.

Fang Xing got down to the battleship and pointed to the distance as soon as he reached the shore and said, "Use the fastest speed, and all those who dare to escape along the way to report the letter will be killed, attack!"

As soon as the soldiers came ashore, their bodies were still shaking, and the whole team began to assemble, then assigned tasks, and rushed over.

Fang Xing had a horse somehow, and after getting on the horse, he took Jia Ding and Wang He into the horse slowly.

There was almost no opportunity to use force along the way. When the natives saw the Ming army, they all knelt on the side and did not dare to lift their heads.

The march went smoothly for half a day, and when seeing the buildings in front gradually increasing ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Fang Xing ordered to speed up.

The heavy footsteps alarmed the natives, and they came out to check. When they saw that it was the Ming army, everyone was stunned.

Some were screaming, some running back.

There was only the sound of footsteps, other than that, the entire trotting team was silent.

And these natives were frightened by this silence.

At this moment, Fang Xing couldn't take care of these natives, but just took them all the way to the palace.

When the palace could be seen, more than three thousand people also appeared in front.

These people held a variety of weapons and barely formed a formation under the scolding of several officers.

"Huh! How dare you stop it?"

The soldiers need to calm their breath, otherwise the movements will be deformed, so Fang Xing did not immediately order an attack, but took the family to the front with great interest.

Two people walked out over there, one of them was holding a long knife behind, while the legs of the person in front were shaking, and they were forced to come slowly by the person behind.

When the distance between the two sides narrowed, the man in front shouted, "Why are the Chinese army coming here?"

Fang Xing was stunned, and Wang He proudly said beside him: "Uncle Xing He, these people are not very obedient!"

So Fang Xing smiled, and then said to the man: "Ben Bo Fang wakes up."

The person was probably an interpreter. After hearing this, he knelt on the ground and shouted: "Uncle, please be forgive..."

The people behind him picked him up and asked, the interpreter struggled hard and said a few more words, and then...

Fang Xing drew his long knife and pointed it forward. When he was about to order an assault, the man behind the interpreter suddenly shouted and then turned and ran.

But the loose formation immediately collapsed after hearing the shout. Most of the miscellaneous troops fled, and a small number discarded their weapons, kneeling on the ground and please descend.

Fang Xing was startled, and then shouted: "Half pursue, half control the palace!"

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