Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

: North Travel Notes: Jiming Station

If Xianzhong Temple is a place of worship, then Jiming Post is a lively large ancient post.

Starting from Beijing, there are gradually more mountains along the way.

In this season, I set off from the south and discovered a characteristic of the north-south junction: once you find that there are many bird nests on the trees by the road, it means you have come to the north.

Before leaving, the leader and sister Yu said that the wind is strong, and you will doubt life.

It’s just that we are lucky. In the past two days, the Beijing sun is shining, neither cold nor hot, and a windbreaker feels just right.

The mountains in Beijing feel that they are all stones, and look at the dust, but green is rare.

Before arriving at Tumubao, I remember that I was taking the Beijing-Tibet Expressway. When I entered the mountains, Sister Yu drove, and the teacher suddenly asked me to look ahead.

"Sir, this is the Great Wall, Juyongguan."

I sat in the back and looked forward carefully, and I saw a city wall winding and winding among the lofty mountains, and I felt extremely shocked.

The terrain here is dangerous. Looking at the Great Wall built on the mountain, I really can’t imagine how it was built back then.

Since it was Saturday, there was not much traffic and we were able to move forward calmly.

"This is Jiming Mountain."

The leader is an experienced outdoor sports and adventure expert, and his explanation of the scenery along the way is not bad at all.

I followed the sound, and just in front of my right, a mountain that looked like a large stone sculpture was constantly changing its angle of sight.

Jiming Station is under Jiming Mountain, and when you get here, you are not far from Jiming Station.

There are more residential buildings along the way, mostly bungalows. A woman’s voice came from a restaurant, but it wasn’t very real, it was probably the rice was cooked, the rice was cooked...

Jimingyi is a small city from the outside.

We parked the car at the parking lot outside the city wall, and a few locals stood on the right. Under their gaze, we thought we would charge a parking fee, but who knew we didn't care.

Sister Yu also likes outdoor sports, and she also likes to watch football matches on the spot, which can be called a living and open-minded. She is carrying a SLR. Not only does she have to drive, she also has to take pictures of everyone.

Although it was the first time everyone met, they were very casual and natural. Especially Xiao Bai, this man is tall, and looks extraordinarily ‘Yushu Linfeng’ among a bunch of fat guys.

And this guy is still talking and laughing, obviously an extroverted player!

Is this great?

Of course it’s good, everyone chats and talks casually...

And I am a casual victim...

Seeing me standing under the city wall and looking up at the top of the city, 8000 and Xiaobai ‘freakly’ grabbed my hands, and then Sister Yu used the SLR to leave the ‘criminal evidence’ I was taken down.

Want to enter Jiming Station is to buy a ticket fee, 40 per person, Sanhua couldn't help but squeezed me to the side, and then bought the ticket.

As soon as they entered, two people came over and asked if they wanted a tour guide, saying that they knew the origins and allusions of the ruins, and it was more convenient to know how to go.

We are here to look for some historical traces of the year. Naturally, we refused to let people explain it all the way. We got rid of the tour guide several times.

Only after entering it did I realize that it turned out to be a residential building long ago.

There are the most tiled houses inside, but you can occasionally see new houses that are mostly just rebuilt. Most of them are antique and should be expensive to build.

The first monument we encountered was the Confucian Temple, which enshrines Emperor Wenchang, but we just went in and made a round and came out.

The post city was not small. At that time, the Xuan Mansion was in front of it, and the capital was behind it. I guess it must be undertaking a considerable task, such as hoarding heavy equipment, providing food and lodging for the army and so on.

The biggest feature in Yicheng is probably the antique shop, with tiles or stone lions outside the shop.

The leader was very interested in this, and talked about the good things that he had missed before, and regretfully said: If you took those things at that time, that one is less worth mentioning now.

Of course, his ambition was futile and melancholy, so he bought two pounding pestles made from the original old construction wood to remember his mistakes.

There is a command yamen inside ~www.wuxiaspot.com~. Next to it is the residence of Cixi when she ran away.

Naturally, we were not interested in seeing Cixi’s residence. The commander’s yamen went in and took a look, but there seemed to be people living in it, so we took a picture on the steps.

Sister Yu was sitting in the front and the men sitting in the back. I took the pounding pestle and knocked on Sanhua's head.

I like this casual atmosphere very much. Everyone doesn't have to deliberately, and it is natural to laugh and talk, just like the tacit understanding of a few old friends who have been separated for a while and meet again.

This is good and makes me feel very relaxed.

The sun was pouring down, and Sister Yu was being coaxed by everyone to pose at the stagecoach sculpture. The leader picked up her SLR and decided to show her professionalism.

But this profession disappeared after a few days!

A few-year-old kid got his camera, and then took a few photos. The leader spread to the group, and everyone was shocked.

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