Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Vol 4 Chapter 1919: Will give Fang Xing a lesson

The array disappeared when the two sides collided together. In the melee, the natives on the right took the upper hand. They began to gather under the call of the leader, and attacked in groups of two or three.

"Seeing that, they are not useless."

When he first went ashore, Zhu Gaoxu said that he could sweep the natives on both sides with a one-hundred house. But look at the current situation, a one hundred-house, it’s really not enough for the natives to swallow.

Zhu Gaoxu said disdainfully: "The natives on the left are about to lose. Be optimistic, let's see how this king kills the enemy."

Fang Xing frowned and said, "His Royal Highness, this is a time of war, and we don't rely on personal martial arts for victory."

Zhu Gaoxu ignored him, turned around and waved, and more than a hundred people began to gather.

He drew out his long sword, grinning and said, "Dare you follow this king to kill those natives?"

There was no sound, the guards and sergeants just nodded together, and the bloodthirsty breath gradually spread.

Zhu Gaoxu turned around and smiled, and said seriously: "It will be the courage of the soldier, the incompetence of a general, and the exhaustion of the three armies. Isn't the general who can rush into the battle a famous general?"

This was teaching Fang Xing. Fang Xing's heart was shaken, and he nodded and said, "Thank you, Your Majesty."

Zhu Gaochi looked at his expression carefully, until he was determined to be sincere, then he said with joy: "You Haosheng watched how this king rushed to kill, and you can boost your morale like this when you look back."

Fang Xing nodded heavily, and Zhu Gaochi's complexion gradually became grim, staring at the battlefield that was about to decide the outcome, and suddenly shouted: "All soldiers, follow this king to break the enemy!"

Fang Xing stared blankly at Zhu Gaoxu raising the knife and rushing out first, as if seeing Zhu Di rushing into the battle himself.

"Da Ming Wan Sheng!"

The cheers of more than a hundred people were not too loud, but the aura made the two fighting parties unable to stop for a moment, and they all looked at the jungle nearby.

There were more than a hundred people, and the natives on both sides immediately relaxed. The two leaders who had not participated in the battle yelled a few times and quickly decided to fight the enemy together.

"Brothers fought against the wall and guard against their humiliation!"

Fang Xing's eyes were cold, and he said, "The will of the natives should not be underestimated. Keep an eye on them."

Wang He saw the natives starting to form, and then slowly rushed towards Zhu Gaoxu, and said worriedly: "Uncle Xinghe, let's go out."

Fang Xing shook his head and said solemnly: "This is your Highness's moment, we can only watch the battle!"

This is the time of the fighters, and also the time of the fierce generals. Any interruption is blasphemy!

Zhu Gaoxu rushed forward first, and several natives who thought they were brave and brave greeted him, and they stabbed forward with wooden spears.


Zhu Gaoxu is burly, but flexible. He slashed with a knife, and three wooden spears were cut off from the head.

The natives were still keeping the forward stab action, and Zhu Gaoxu's long knife swung, cutting from the right.

What is the sight of cutting off two heads in one fell swoop?

Two heads flew up, and the third native was fortunately not cut in the neck because he was too short, but the consequences were even more tragic.

The hard skull blocked the blade, and Zhu Gaoxu's long knife stuck in the middle of his head. He pulled hard, then roared, and rushed to meet those natives who were already showing fear.

"Kill the enemy! Kill the enemy!"

Zhu Gaoxu had no fear at all, so he rushed in.

Fang Xing looked at the **** enemy formation, Zhu Gaoxu was like a lone warrior struggling to fight. He couldn't help feeling agitated and drew his sword and shouted, "Old Qi, come with me!"

Wang He was startled, Fang Xing had already rushed out with the family members.

"Da Ming Wan Sheng!"

Fang Xing led Jia Ding into the enemy group, his Tang Dao was sharp and invincible in the world of wooden spears and iron knives.


As soon as he drew a long knife, a native roared and rushed forward. Fang Xing was about to meet the enemy, but the other party threw out the wooden spear in his hand.

Throwing a wooden gun at close range, Fang Xing couldn't avoid it. He just stepped back subconsciously, and the wooden gun hit his chest.


After the slight metal collision, Fang Xing became furious, rushed up and swung his knife, and then continued to rush towards Zhu Gaoxu.

Xin Laoqi came from behind, and Fang Wu rushed up from both sides of Fang Xing. The knife was beside Fang Xing. As his eyes turned, the surrounding movement was within his observation range.

Zhu Gaoxu's rush can only be described in one word: infinitely forward!

His long sword is sometimes incomparably mighty, sometimes dexterously cut, no one in front of the enemy can stop him.


A gust of wind blows, Zhu Gaoxu narrowed his eyes, stared at the opponent's long knife, screamed, and then waved the knife to block.

As if the iron sword is the opponent of the treasure sword, the natives just showed a look of surprise, Zhu Gaoxu's body turned, and the long sword followed.


Zhu Gaoxu's waist was severed by Zhu Gaoxu, and his upper body fell to the ground. He stretched out his hand in pain, trying to grasp everything in front of him, but a big foot was oncoming him.

The two leaders on the native side looked at this scene with pale faces, and then screamed desperately, trying to boost morale, and besieged Zhu Gaoxu in the middle.

Zhu Gaoxu suddenly raised his head and gave a long scream. He swung a knife with his right hand to knock over his opponent, fisted with his left hand and opened the wooden spear stabbed on the right, and then shook his fist again.


Before the wooden spear stabbed the native, he was knocked to the ground with a punch by Zhu Gaoxu.

This is a peerless murderer!

This tragic situation finally terrified the enemy who was already at the end of the crossbow. Zhu Gaochi keenly noticed the decline of the enemy's morale and shouted: "Break the enemy! Break the enemy!"

The morale of the team of more than one hundred people was like a rainbow, and they shouted after Zhu Gaoxu: "Destroy the enemy! Destroy the enemy!"

Fang Xing slashed over a native, only to find that there was no more enemy in front of him.

He looked over in a daze, and saw that Zhu Gaoxu and his men had almost penetrated the enemy's defense line.

When the leader was kicked out by Zhu Gaoxu, the morale of the natives was finally irretrievable. After a loud shout, all of them turned around and fled.

"Da Ming Wan Sheng!"

The enemy army has been defeated, and the Ming army in the dense forest no longer hides, and they rushed out to pursue them.

Zhu Gaoxu has stopped pursuing him. He stood in place and ordered: "Terrorize them with a musket. If you discard your weapon and kneel on the ground, don't kill!"

This is a timely order. After seeing that their companions surrendered and were not killed, the hopeless natives discarded their weapons, and then knelt on the ground, watching the Ming troops rushing past them, thanking them in their hearts. Escaped.

"Da Ming Wan Sheng!"

Chen Mo was holding a long knife and panting behind Huang Jinlu, but unfortunately he had no chance to kill the enemy.

He was excited by Zhu Gaoxu's personal hero just now. He wanted to prove his bravery, so he bravely crossed the golden foot of the enemy and chased behind the enemy alone.

When he slashed the last native's back into a deep wound, Chen Mo was excited. He kicked over the screaming native, then rushed forward and started to slash and kill with the knife.

Morale after the rout is almost zero. At this time, everyone dare not look back, everyone is a lamb, and children can hunt them down.

The more Chen Mo killed, the better he went. He felt that his hidden talents of generals were finally awakened today.

So he shouted triumphantly, but he didn't retreat because of the blood.

When he knocked over the fifth native, the native screamed and yelled to the front, and then a native in front of him suddenly turned his head. He saw Chen Mo was making a knife, his eyes were red and he turned back. He rushed over~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Just as Chen Mo killed the native with a single blow, he looked up and saw a pair of crazy eyes, and then the sharpened wooden spear tip.

In an instant, Chen Mo had forgotten all the talents of the generals. He sat on the ground without a teacher, and then the wooden spear passed over his head.

"Lao Huang, help..."

Chen Mo closed his eyes and waved the knife indiscriminately until someone fell in front of him. Then he panted and said, "What's the matter, I was finally killed by Lao Tzu..."

When he opened his eyes, he saw the native man lying in front of him, his eyes opened wide. The fatal wound appeared on his neck.

Of course Chen Mo, who was sitting on the ground, couldn't cut his neck, so...

Huang Jinlu, who had already reached the front, was pursuing vigorously, Chen Mo bowed his head in frustration: "Aren't I so weak?"


"Boom boom boom boom!"

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