Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Vol 4 Chapter 1922: Eunuch as a battlefield

The queen mother did not call Zhu Zhanji for a long time, so as soon as he heard the call, Zhu Zhanji put aside things and hurried to Ningshou Palace.

As soon as I entered Zhu Zhanji, I saw Duan Duan and Wanwan by the Queen Mother, holding a wooden sculpture in a show of his hard work, and from time to time he exchanged words of comfort and praise from the Queen Mother.

"Mother Queen."

Zhu Zhanji saluted a bit bluntly. He always felt that he was right, and the queen mother was unwilling to do politics. The mother and son were just having a quarrel.

The queen mother took the wooden statue over and sighed: "You know all about filial piety. The palace still thinks about when you were young, when you loved to laugh, and your father drooled when he saw you laugh. Then I will saliva you with my sleeve..."

Zhu Zhanji said embarrassedly: "Mother, everything is there!"

When he was said to be drooling in front of his daughter, Zhu Zhanji couldn't bear the face.

Wanwan covered her mouth and snickered, then Zhu Zhanji glared at him, and lay on the shoulders of the Queen Mother and said: "Mother Queen, Brother Emperor is fierce."

The queen mother patted her hand and asked, "Where is Xiaofang?"

There was a dog barking outside, and the queen mother said, "The poor little Fang, who is so behaved, was actually caught and put in."

Then Xiao Fang rushed in, shaking his whole body. He probably knew who was the best, but was wagging its tail at the feet of the Queen Mother.

The queen mother leaned over and touched the top of its head, and smiled: "It's very good."

Zhu Zhanji also jokingly said: "Mother, do you want to raise a dog here too?"

The room was silent for a moment.

The queen mother looked up and thought, and said seriously: "Okay, but it's better to be like Xiaofang. Those big dogs are said to be very powerful, but they are too fierce."

The reconciliation between the mother and son in the palace is as good as ever, the mother is kind and filial, but Jiao Quren is a little hard to move.

He was assigned to Huanxian County, Shaanxi. It was the front line in the pre-Song Dynasty, but now because the enemy outside the Great Wall is gone, there is something peaceful.

Since it is peaceful, then the county government is going to be stable.

Yes, in places like Shaanxi, even if there is no foreign attack, agriculture is underdeveloped in the harsh environment. Not to mention commerce. In the past, commerce was possible outside the Great Wall, but now there is only Xinghe City outside the Great Wall, and there is nothing but the vast grassland outside the Great Wall.

Therefore, Huanxian and the entire Shaanxi have gradually declined.

Being assigned here was not just a stalker from Jian Yi, but Fang Xing's arrangement.

When I walked into the county office, I felt that the house was grey and gray, and the people I saw were lazy. Even the horse dedicated to Wang Xu, the magistrate, put his head on the fence, and the forage in the trough was not eager to eat. .

Jiao Quren went all the way to the duty room. Two colleagues, Pan Zhi and Li Xincheng, both glanced at him, and then proceeded to deal with official affairs.

The so-called small official is better than the handyman, but in fact it is not much different from the handyman.

Shangguan asked you to sweep the floor, don't you dare to go?

When Jiao Touren first arrived, he was very enthusiastic. He also felt that he was in a good place, and he couldn't help but feel grateful.

"Jiao Quren, Master Fan wants you to go."

The two colleagues had been waiting for Jiao Quren to sit down and count the performance of the grain chiefs everywhere before they slowly reminded him.

But a quarter of an hour has passed, and Jiao Tiren is neglecting Shangguan.

This is office politics, one of the ways that colleagues pit rivals. Not inflowing, but very practical.

Jiao Quren's hand stopped, and he sat for a moment, then put the brush on the pen holder, got up and went to find the master Fan Ying.

Walk along under the eaves and enter the inner courtyard. The room on the right is Fan Ying's room.

The door of the duty room was not closed. Jiao Triren remembered that Xie Jin had taught him that these officials who did not close the door were either fake or unpredictable, worried that he would not be able to withstand the temptation, so he simply opened the door to show his innocence.

According to Jiao Quren's understanding, although Huanxian County has declined, the more impoverished places such as these are, the stronger the struggle and ‘motivated’ among officials.

Standing at the door, Jiao Triren whispered: "Master Fan, the younger one is late."

Inside, facing the window, there was a table with three strands of long beard, and the amiable middle-aged man was reading a paperwork.

Hearing this, the man turned his head to look to the right, frowning and said: "Why are you late?"

This was a questioning question with a trap, Jiao Triren calmed his mind and said: "The little one just came back and heard the news."

Don't argue too much, if someone deliberately wants to punish you, the more the defense, the more guilt.

This is the teaching of Jie Jin.

The man is Fan Ying, the owner of Huan County. He coughed dryly: "Fine, sooner next time."


Seeing Jiao Touren's respect, Fan Ying said with a smile: "I heard that your college is very keen on immigrants. Difficult to leave, but makes Lord Wang embarrassed."

Jiao Triren just smiled, but didn't answer the question.

Fan Ying continued self-consciously: "I heard that your college is a little more sophisticated about immigration. I want you to try it, how about it?"

Jiao Quren almost crushed his teeth in secret.

Sophisticated? What is elegant? How long has he been in Huanxian? Not familiar with the situation everywhere. To persuade the people to immigrate, success will naturally be a thorn in the eyes of the county government, and failure to succeed is a ready-made crime.

He wanted to refuse, but his eyes showed some meaning, and Fan Ying smiled and said: "You are new here soon, remember, be diligent, don't be lazy..."

This is a blatant threat: You are neglecting Shangguan today. If the official reports, no one can fault this matter.

Moreover, Shangguan arranges you to do things, and you are still picking and choosing. This is to be the master!

Jiao Quren handed his hands: "Yes, the younger one will go right away."

Don't say anything at this time. I will go after lunch. That is another crime.

Fan Ying said with satisfaction: "Okay, young people should act vigorously and vigorously when doing things. The officer will look at you and won't lose your credit."

Jiao Quren resigned. Whatever looks at you is to make him be more careful and don't make mistakes.

Back in the duty room, Pan Zhi smiled and said, "Oh! Seeing you smile happily, did Master Fan praise you?"

Li Xincheng also smiled and said, "Before someone came to ask if you were there. We said you were out, but then we forgot about it. Master Fan didn't say anything, right?"

Jiao Tiren smiled and said nothing. He packed his belongings, put them in a cloth bag, slung them on his shoulders, and left the duty room.

"High self-esteem, ridiculous!"

"The little officials are all locals, he is a foreigner, and he doesn't know how to communicate, so he shows that he can do things all day long, haha!"

Jiao Quren led a donkey out of the barn of the county government. This donkey was the county government's luxury bus. Whoever went out to ride in UU Reading www.uukanshu.com, he was carefully waited on, and his hair was slippery.

All the way out of the county government, the streets are deserted, and those shops rarely have customers coming in and out, and the reason is spring.

In the spring, we need to prepare for farming, but the land here is no better than other places.

The main street in Huanxian County is not long. When we reached the end of the street, there was the sound of fishing drums.

This is a shadow puppet show in Huanxian, the locals like most.

A piece of cloth, some paper-cut figures, this is the prop.

The voice of an old man came from behind the white paper, and the performance of the paper-cut characters in broad daylight was not good enough, but the people were willing to watch it.

The carriage and horse moved slowly, and the two figures moved and shook relative to each other behind the white paper.

The old voice came from the back of the paper, and the onlookers were silent, watching and listening attentively.

The singing is bleak, but it seems to have broken the world...

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