Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Vol 4 Chapter 1925: Eunuch's hatred

Jin Ying rushed back from Tongzhou servicingly, but Wu Zhong, Shangshu of the Ministry of Industry, was not in the palace. He dragged his tired body to find Xia Yuanji.

Gray face, rough hands, tired eyes, this is Xia Yuanji's impression of Jin Ying. He asked: "You are not in the Tongzhou Lane, why are you going back to Beijing?"

Since the workshop belongs to the royal family, Jin Ying naturally does not dare to slack off. He smiled bitterly and said, "Master Xia, our family is rude, dare to ask if there is water?"

This is indeed very rude, Xia Yuanji is a heavy minister that the emperor relies on, and Jin Ying is just a loser in the battle in the palace.

"Hey! It's great to be able to do things!"

Xia Yuanji asked someone to bring warm tea. This thoughtful act made Jin Ying's eyes red.

After he left the palace, most people outside looked at him with a falling dog, but Xia Yuanji gave him decentness today, which almost made the vicious Jin Ying almost cry.

After drinking a few cups of tea, Jin Ying calmed his breath and said, "Master Xia, the workshop has been completed. It just needs to build stoves, build utensils, and rails. A lot of things are needed, but the Ministry of Engineering has been dragging. Now, our family... how many times have our family run, but there is still no shadow."

Jin Ying smiled bitterly: "Master Xia, Xing He Bo said to be a high-profile man, a low-key life, now our family is considered to be a good one? But somehow someone needs to cooperate!"

Xia Yuanji also felt that the matter was a bit procrastinated, but after the beginning of the spring, there were a lot of things in the Ministry of Engineering, and it was normal for Wu Zhong to temporarily forget about the things in the workshop.

"Why don't you... forget it, don't trouble your Majesty about this matter, you can block Wuzhong directly at the Ministry of Industry."

Xia Yuanji’s idea was good, but Jin Ying said with a frown, "Master Wu is busy. We went in and saw him personally. Every day we look for him for errands. People who ask for things have a long line. We don’t even watch. Excuse me, headache!"

Xia Yuanji said helplessly: "The Ministry of Engineering is indeed busy, so wait, anyway, Xing He Bo will be back, and you will pester him to make sure there is nothing wrong."

He didn't do a good job, a call from the palace, Jin Ying was afraid that he would never be able to get out again, and from then on, there would be one more coolie that was rejected in a certain prison.

Jin Ying thanked Xia Yuanji, and after leaving the household, only felt that the future was bleak, and couldn't help feeling a little at a loss, and then slowly went out of the city on horseback.

He didn't want to go back to Tongzhou, where work had been suspended, but found that he had nowhere else to go.

Thinking of the leisure of heaven and earth, sullenly but tears down.

At this moment, Jin Ying felt that she had a deep understanding of Chen Ziang's mood at the time.

Tears gradually filled his eyes, and Jin Ying went all the way out of the city like this, and then ate spring rolls outside the big market, and involuntarily went to Fangjiazhuang.

When passing by the academy, remembering Xie Jin's attitude towards eunuchs, Jin Ying paused for a moment, took a greedily glance at the students who were freely active on the playground, and then went to Fang's house.

Fang Xing is not at home, Tuo He Ping An spends only half a day in class every day, and then goes home and sits down.

It's just that Jin Ying couldn't get these two symbolic figures to come forward, and Huang Zhong met him in the front hall.

After hearing his complaint, Huang Zhong judged and said: "This workshop makes money in the second place, your majesty... My uncle just wants to let those people see. Without craftsmanship, the craftsmen can still do things with peace of mind, even Better than the craftsman."

Jin Ying said with a bitter expression: "Then Wu Zhong slackens your majesty's major event. If our family finds opportunities in the future, we must make him look good!"

The eunuch's nature is extreme, and it is difficult to communicate with outsiders. Once you hate someone, the hatred is almost endless.

Huang Zhong doesn't like people with this kind of personality, he said solemnly: "That's an important minister of the country, not everyone can move. You don't need to worry about this, you will naturally negotiate with them when your uncle comes back."

Jin Ying still has hatred in her eyes, and she stood up and said, "Thank you, Mr. Huang, for your guidance. Our family will now return to Tongzhou. When Xing He Bo returns, our family will report again."

Huang Zhong sent him out all the way, just as Tudou came out with no worries. When they saw Jin Ying, they said hello, very kind.

Jin Ying's eyes were more kind, and said: "Little Uncle and Miss look at them as blessed people!"

Eunuchs have no children. After all, the eunuchs, like Wang He, are a minority. So when they see children, most of their attitudes go to two extremes.

One is envy, even with a little bit of jealousy.

The second is charity, which makes children feel weak when they see it.


An Lun likes children, but his home is long gone, so when he was in Jinling, someone persuaded him to accept an orphan, and there would be incense at that time.

But An Lun has never agreed, but it is inevitable that she will be more soft when she meets a child.

As a rising star in the East Factory, An Lun took on more affairs after Sun Xiang gradually dormant.

As a royal eagle dog, Dongchang naturally cannot form gangs, so you must be cautious in making contact with people.

But today An Lun came to the Ministry of Rites, he went in sternly, and Hu Ye didn't show up.

So Zuo Shilang Yan Dajian had to pinch his nose and show up with some disgust.

The two sat down in the hospitality area, Yan Dajian just held his teacup, and then muffled his speech.

An Lun looked indoors and praised: "It's really clean."

This is a bit disgusting, Yan Dajian frowned and said: "Public An, dare to ask what's the matter with the Ministry of Rites?"

An Lun smiled and said: "Our family is here to find Mrs. Yan this time..."

Yan Dajian didn't move his hand while holding the teacup, his eyes were calm, and he said indifferently: "The officer is doing everything right, please tell me if you have anything to do."

An Lun looked at him and asked, "Master Yan, your noble son is an official in Fujian. During a routine inspection of the Dongchang factory, I found some traces of man-made artifacts. I dare to ask Master Yan, why?"

Yan Dajian said coldly: "The official's old mother traveled to Fujian with the official. The old man missed his grandson, but the dog was out of town at the time. The official reported to the official department, and when he found out about the difficulties of the official, he took the dog. I adjusted it so that my mother could see me more often..."

Seeing An Lun still smiling, Yan Dajian's eyes darkened a bit, and said: "My mother has passed away, the official is transferred to Beijing, but the dog is still in Fujian. Father An, is there anything else you want to ask?"

An Lun nodded and said: "Our family doesn't know about this, so we will clean up the people below. It is said that Mr. Yan's cleanliness is indeed the case now. Our family will sort it out and make it available for your Majesty's inspection. "

These words had a good sale meaning, Yan Dajian couldn't help looking at An Lun, and said with a smile: "An Gonggong has overwhelmed the prize, and the officer just did his duty."

An Lun did not evade, but looked directly at Yan Dajian, and said with a simple smile: "When our family was poor when we were young, our father was not a weapon, and my mother was submerged in a big family as a slave. Now that I think about it, it's really... I can't bear to look back!"

This is not easy to answer: the son does not tell the father to pass, let alone the mother is a slave and maid, if it is Yan Dajian, he must conceal it, and then after he develops, he will clean up the family.

So he took a quick glance at An Lun's expression, and then lowered his eyes and said, "Now that An Lun is in his early days, he should arrange his relatives earlier."

An Lun nodded and said, "Thank you Mrs. Yan for your kindness, but my mother has been there for many years, hey! Our family is thinking...this heart is like a knife cut..."

There is no way to answer these words, unless Yan Dajian prepares to befriend An Lun.

So he just followed with a sigh, An Lun left by himself.

Since the first time I dealt with it, I had a good impression~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Yan Dajian sent An Lun away.

Outside the ceremony department, An Lun turned around and said, "Thank you, Mrs. Yan, for sending me."

Yan Dajian's complexion has returned to that majesty, he arched his hands and said, "Gong An, go slowly."

Immediately he turned, and the moment he turned, An Lun's eyes staring at his back suddenly became more hateful. The hatred was so hot that An Lun didn't dare to look at Yan Dajian more, and then returned to normal.

After getting on the horse, An Lun went all the way back to Dongchang's own room, closed the door, and lay stiffly on the bed.

"Mother, the child must be able to kill Yan Dajian! Revenge for you!"

There were screams coming from afar in the East Factory, and then continuously...

The bed board shook, then the door opened and An Lun went out.

It didn't take long for the scream to become even sharper, like a sound from hell...

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