Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Vol 4 Chapter 1928: Shocked, Chen Mo's audience

"what is this?"

When he saw the walls of the capital from a distance, Bastian blinked, but later, feeling that it was not enough, rubbed his eyes again.

"Oh! What the **** is this? The city wall? So tall...and wide."

The tall city walls can't see the sides at a glance.

The neatly arranged houses outside the city reminded the people of the mission of Frank.

"Is this heaven?"

Someone said blankly: "It's neat and tidy. Put it in Tessie, this is heaven."

"Yes, this is... heaven!"

Bastian was already watching, his attention was all on the wall. As the distance narrowed, the city walls became clearer, and his mood became deeper and deeper.

"The Ming people are building a wall in the capital. They are always preparing to fight foreign enemies. It's terrifying!"

The people entering and leaving the city gate are in order, although they are not gorgeous, they look peaceful.

Frank was in a state of war and there were some problems with the supply of food, so after seeing the faces of these people, Bastian was extremely disappointed.

"Ming people can make the people eat and wear warm, which is not good news."

After entering the city gate, these discussions disappeared.

"It's all dumbfounded, it's really a countryman!"

Wang He said disdainfully: "Uncle Xinghe, aren't these people liars?"

"No, because they can't get the reward."

No one dares to pretend to be the Taixi mission, because Daming is more cautious towards Taixi, and they don't get much benefit. Compared with the hard work along the way, that little thing is not worth the loss.

Wang He turned around and took a look. He saw the people in the mission poking their heads out of the carriage, looking almost dull and greedily at the bustling capital, and he couldn't help feeling a sense of pride spontaneously.

"Xing He Bo, Daming is Shang Guo."

"Yes." Fang Xing said affirmatively: "Always always!"

"Uncle, the people in the mission want to visit your Majesty now."

Someone from behind told him, Fang Xing sneered, but Wang He shouted: "They are so stinky, and the clothes on their bodies can't be seen. What should I do if I smoke them? People from the Ministry of Rites will come soon and give them to them. ."

Fang Xing directly confessed after the people from the Ministry of Rites arrived: "These people come from Frank in Tessie. You must keep an eye on them and look after them. They should not be allowed to contact them. Otherwise, Ben will kill them halfway. "

The person from the Ministry of Rites was Yan Dajian. He was shocked by Fang Xing's threat, and then smiled bitterly: "Uncle Xinghe, you can't say this to outsiders, otherwise it will be a shock between the ruling party and the opposition."

Killing the other party's mission almost represents an endless war.

Fang Xing said casually: "Concussion will cause concussion, but compared with what they found out about Da Ming's fictitiousness and certain secrets, Ben will choose to kill them, so the Ministry of Rites must be careful, and Ben will enter the palace."

Yan Dajian only gave a wry smile and then went over to talk to the messenger.

"Yan Dajian, the left servant of the Ministry of Religious Affairs, you all come from far away in Taixi, you are in the dust, please follow along to wash and bathe."


Fang Xing went all the way to see you outside the palace, and was led in after a while.

He has taken a handful of baths along the way, and when he arrived at the main hall, several bachelors of auxiliary political affairs saw his black face and couldn't help but secretly laugh.

When Zhu Zhanji saw Fang Xing's tanned and tanned, and the skin on his face became much rougher, he said, "Xing He Bo has been on this very hard trip."

After a few polite words between the monarch and his subjects, Fang Xing began to report the results of the trip.

"...Sumatra is in chaos. The lord of the country is killed by the rebels. His Royal Highness leads his army to break the enemy and capture the rebels."

"Java is still in chaos, the people don't have a living, and the ministers can't bear it when they see it, so they wiped out the most evil forces..."

All the officials raised their eyebrows together, thinking that what they said was absolutely unreliable. If the people don't have a living, they can't bear it. Most of them are going to be a **** stick.

How innocent is Java!

"A Frankish delegation came to meet your Majesty, and the minister took them all the way back to Beijing. Currently, the Ministry of Ritual has taken over."


"Yes, your Majesty, from Taixi, it's a big country."


The atmosphere immediately became enthusiastic. Not only the officials, but also Zhu Zhanji wanted to see what the Taisi people were like and how Taisi is now.

Fang Xing briefly introduced the situation. When it was said that Frank was fighting with his neighbor on the other side of the strait, and he had been beaten and almost unable to take care of himself, the ministers obviously lost their interest, thinking that this was just the same as the former North Korea. Similar countries.

"Frank cannot be underestimated. This is a country that has a great influence on the region, and there is no lack of fighting spirit. Therefore, the minister thinks that we can talk, but we can't be honest."


Isn't this great?

Yang Rong felt that Fang Xing shouldn't say this in front of everyone, which was a bit embarrassing.

Fang Xing didn't explain much, and then said sternly: "Your Majesty, the Golden Lu fleet has returned."


After thinking for a while, Zhu Zhanji remembered what the Golden Lu fleet was, and then asked, "Can you find something?"

The emperor only asked about the result. As for casualties, it was only after the result.

"The rubber tree seeds have been retrieved, and there are surprises."

Fang Xing said loudly: "Your Majesty, they not only brought back rubber seeds, but also a new kind of grain seeds."

When Zhu Zhanji heard that it was grain, he couldn't help himself, and asked: "What kind of grain? Can it be produced?"


Fang Xing felt that it would be difficult for Ming to cause a famine in the future, so he also said with joy: "Your Majesty, the minister is called corn. Looking at the young man, the minister thought that he could slowly improve the seeds through cultivation."


The officials who had been pleased immediately died down.

But out of the other side's waking trust, Zhu Zhanji immediately ordered: "Go and pass them on."

This is so decent, so when the three of Huang Jinlu walked in the palace, they almost didn't squint, and their heart rate was probably faster than the first night of the wedding.

After entering the hall, the three of them all knelt on the ground, not daring to lift their heads, let alone glance at the emperor.

"Golden Foot..."

"Your Majesty, the little one is here."

Huang Jinlu could still maintain his composure, but Chen Mo beside him was already trembling like chaff, and even heard the sound of his teeth bumping.

Zhu Zhanji praised: "You can correct evil and return to righteousness, and you can contribute to the country, which is not bad."

This is the praise from the emperor!

Huang Jinlu couldn't hold it anymore, trembling with thanks.

The reaction of such a small person couldn't be more normal, and it was also a reaction that would relieve the king, so Zhu Zhanji nodded, then praised Liu Ming a few more, and finally asked, "Who is Chen Mo?"

"His Majesty……"

Chen Mo yelled explosively ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The guards beside them almost wanted to rush over, but fortunately Fang Woke up and went over to curse.

"What a crime to disturb Your Majesty!"

Chen Mo hurriedly pleaded and said, "Your Majesty, the little one is flustered and flustered."

The fat black face looked a little worried, but it was funny in the eyes of outsiders.

Zhu Zhanji held back his smile and asked: "I heard how you have done a lot overseas, but Superman Wu Yong?"

Chen Mo was stunned and looked at Fang Xing. Fang Xing knew his glorious deeds, so he turned his head with twitching cheeks, not wanting to look at this fat face full of tragedy.

Chen Mo also feels that he is a tragedy. If his "great achievements" are said, will the credit be counted?

Yes, this guy doesn't care about the face at all, only the benefits.

Huang Jinlu and Liu Ming were holding back a laugh. They endured very hard, so they were a little disrespectful. Someone nearby gave a dry cough, and the two hurriedly bowed their heads, fearing in their hearts.

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