Zheng He looked tired, and when he came out to see many people gathering, he asked, "Are you afraid?"

   These people are all elderly people who followed Zheng He. The long sea life has wiped out many people's pride. They just want to come out step by step to show their comfort, and then they can get rewards when they go back. It is a safe profession.

   "Most of you have wives and children. It's common sense to be reluctant. Our family doesn't blame you."

   Zheng He's words made many people bow their heads.

   "No one knows what is ahead. It may be a treasure of gold everywhere. Of course, it is more likely to be a fierce land that can destroy the fleet."

   "Our family is also afraid, but our family is even more afraid of..."

   Zheng He shook his fist sharply, and roared: "Our family is even more afraid that Daming's reputation will become a joke in others' mouths! It is even more afraid that the next generation will not be as good as the next generation. They can't even build ships and dare not even dare to go out of the sea!"

   Those people gradually raised their heads, and there was more unwillingness in their eyes.

   The thousand households shouted: "Father-in-law, let's not be afraid! Let's go around and see what's going on behind!"

   Zheng He turned his eyes, watching these men who had been with him for many years, a smile appeared on his haggard faces because of lack of sleep.

   He felt relieved, so he couldn't help but said, "We are Da Ming's navy, not fishermen, nor pirates."

He pointed to the front and said: "Our family wants to go and see what is there. Whether there are monsters or monsters ahead, our family wants to go and see it for Daming! "

   "Father, our family is willing to go."

   Hong Bao was the first to respond, and proactively asked: "Our family is willing to take a few boats to explore the way. If we can't return, there will be no regrets."

   His face was firm, even with a meaning that could not be rejected: "Father-in-law, you must take the fleet back. Daming can lose one Hongbao, but you can't be lost!"

   Wang Jinghong nodded and said, "Yes, father-in-law, you know the Western region so well. Most of the DPRK and China have to listen to your suggestions in foreign affairs, so you can't go!"

   Zheng He said with satisfaction: "Our family feels that their health is deteriorating. If we die on the bed, our family will regret it for life. Don't fight anyone, choose six ships to come out with full supplies, and our family is ready to leave immediately."

   Hong Bao said desperately: "Father-in-law..."

Zheng He nodded to him, and said, "It's good that you have this idea of ​​serving the country. Let's do it later. At first, Xing and Uncle said that this world is so big that it can make the people in the central government desperate to watch the sky from the well. Don't go and see , Our family will never look down!"

   "Two grain ships, and the remaining four new ships are all taken away."

   The fleet is actually a standard military unit, and the commander makes a decision and there is no change.

   The fleet quickly began to mobilize supplies: not only food, but also tea, soybeans, dried vegetables, dried meat...

   "The father-in-law is sick."

   Zheng He went into the cabin to rest after the explanation. He became ill during the storm, and he stood up to command the fleet to deal with the storm, and has been busy until now.

   "The father-in-law's face is almost skinny, the grandfather-in-law..."

   Hong Bao pulled Wang Jinghong to the side, and whispered: "My father-in-law needs rest now. If he leaves by force, you and I know what the consequences are..."

   Wang Jinghong nodded, watched the grain ships approaching, and then began to adjust supplies.

   "You also know your father-in-law's temperament. Since he has decided to go, no one can stop him."

   Hong Bao watched blankly as the fleet began to disintegrate on the sea. The four new warships came out first, and the remaining two grain ships were still in the process of distributing materials.

   Wang Jinghong is deeply worried, he is worried about Zheng He's body.

   Hong Bao left the ship's side. He first went to find the doctor, then went to make a cup of tea, and knocked on Zheng He's hatch.

   Zheng He was resting, his eyes were bloodshot, and his breathing was heavy and laborious.

Seeing Hong Bao holding hot tea in his hands, Zheng He thanked him and drank the tea slowly. Seeing that Hong Bao looked a little weird, he said, "Our family is just a little bit tired. It’s enough to keep it on the boat for a while. ."

   Hong Bao's body was a little stiff, he lowered his head and said, "Father-in-law, Xing He Bo said that you are the first person to sail in this dynasty. Looking at the world, you are still the first person, so... you have to take care."

   Zheng He rubbed his eyebrows, feeling a little weak in his body. He put down the teacup, breathed hard several times, and said, "It's okay. Our family should be cold and wet in the storm. Let the doctor look back."

   Hong Bao nodded, and whispered: "Father-in-law, go to sleep..."

   Zheng He shook his head, his voice gradually lowered: "It's okay, the food ship will be dispatched very quickly, our family will change the ship...change..."

   Zheng He only felt exhaustion overwhelming himself like a tide. He leaned on the chair, tilted his head back, and gradually fell asleep.

   Hong Bao quietly went out to find Wang Jinghong, and brought him to see Zheng He.

   As soon as he entered the cabin door, Wang Jinghong heard the snoring sound, and Zheng He was already lying on the desk beside him, sleeping soundly.

   "My father-in-law is too tired."

   Wang Jinghong turned around and looked at Hong Bao standing outside the cabin door and said, "Let the fleet wait for an hour."

   This is not a big deal, but Hong Bao shook his head.

   "The prince, my family just asked the doctor for a medicine that can help you sleep. It doesn't taste great, and the father-in-law is tired. I thought it was medicated tea..."

   Hong Bao’s voice was a bit erratic, but it was like a thunder bombarding the warehouse, making Wang Jinghong daunted.

   "You dare to drug your father-in-law?"

   Hong Bao calmly said: "As I said before,

The father-in-law's body is not good anymore, he can stand up hard, but can we just watch it? Our family told the doctor that I could not sleep at night, so I should get more..."

   "You are looking for death!"

   Wang Jinghong didn't expect Hong Bao to be so bold. He gritted his teeth and said, "The stunned general, just wait for your head off."

   Hong Bao walked in and said nonchalantly: "If you decapitate, you decapitate, but before that, our family will take someone to explore the channel."

   Wang Jinghong smiled angrily and said, "Are you going crazy if you want to climb up?"

Hong Bao hesitantly said: "Our family doesn't want to make meritorious service now~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Such a serious crime, even if we find Taixi, it will at most be worthless. Our family wants to take the fleet to explore. Even if there are only six ships, our family is satisfied!"

  Wang Jinghong was silent, he first found a quilt and put it on Zheng He, then pointed outside and went out with Hong Bao.

   When the two arrived on the deck, Wang Jinghong saw that the grain ship had finished allocating supplies, and began to leave the fleet, and moved closer to the four new warships, and said, "Did you figure it out?"

   Hong Bao nodded and laughed at himself: "Our family and father-in-law are from the same hometown, and we were sent to the palace together. Fortunately, they were valued by Emperor Wen."

   When the Ming army conquered Yunnan, a large number of children were castrated and sent to the palace, and many of the eunuchs who followed Zhu Di were reused.

   "Our family is one year older than the father-in-law. In the fleet, it is only the commander of the sergeants. But our family likes to go to sea and the feeling of waiting for the future. Lord, please fulfill it."

   Hong Bao solemnly bowed his hands.

   Wang Jinghong turned to look at the fleet, and said quietly: "Our family wants to go too, but the fleet must be led by someone, you..."

   Hong Bao’s heart was boiling and suffering like a frying pan at this moment, he used his actions to cut off his back road, and there is no possibility of turning back.

   But if Wang Jinghong disagrees, he can only ask someone to tie himself up and wait for Zheng He to wake up.

   "You... go by yourself, when your father-in-law wakes up, our family will naturally ease your cheeks for you."

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