Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Vol 4 Chapter 1948: despair……

   Jiao Takeren walked out slowly, still carrying a burden.

   He glanced at Fan Ying who was rubbing her butt, and said, "Xuyuan people don't want to move."

   After he finished speaking, he was carrying a baggage to ease Fan Ying's passing by, showing no respect anymore.

   This is his final explanation for this task!

   Fan Ying tilted her head to watch him go out, smiling at the corners of her mouth.

   A small official who was waiting behind and trying to flatter came over quietly, and whispered: "My lord, he left by himself."

Fan Ying said sternly, "A young man now! How can I become a pillar with a rash and impatient work? Hey! The official thinks too much. He is a student of the academy, and Xinghebo can change places at random. In the future, he will still be able to fly ."

   His worrying appearance attracted the adoration of the young official: "My lord, you have broken your heart for him! But the young ones don't appreciate him, so be careful!"

   Fan Ying approvingly said: "You're good, work hard."

   Xiaoli was trembling with excitement, and a series of flattery blurted out continuously.

   The disgusting color in Fan Ying's eyes flashed by, and said: "Go and follow him to see, don't let him find his short-sightedness."

   Xiaoli thought it was important, so he ran out.

   Fan Ying sneered, then Shi Shiran went home. He had a drink when he was ready to go home, and then slept beautifully.

   As for whether Jiao Teren would find short-sightedness, after arranging that little official to stare at, he didn't worry at all.

   Someone is backing up after death, isn’t the college still dissatisfied?

   No matter how good you are when you wake up, you can't anger others for the sake of a student.

   Thinking of the praise from the county magistrate Wang Xu just now, Fan Ying's eyes became more intense.

   The students of the academy should not be allowed to use Huanxian as a springboard for promotion. This is the consensus of the two of them.

   Once Jiao Quren started to be promoted from Huanxian, the more he became an official in the future, the worse he and Wang Xu would be in everyone's eyes, and they would even become the scum of famous teachers.

   So it's better to get rid of!

   You wake up so badly, we can't afford to provoke it, but it is always possible to send the plague god, right?

   Fan Ying hummed a little tune, thinking about Wang Xu's promise to recommend him first, but felt that even the sunset was a bit beautiful, and his breathing was full of excitement.

   Just when he first entered the house, just when Jiao Kiren was staying in the only inn in Huan County, the city gate was about to close.

   "Slower, slower!"

   The half-closed city gate stopped, and the veteran shouted: "Someone is coming, reopen the city gate!"

   Someone said: "But this is not in compliance."

   The veteran scolded: "The rules are for people. This is a cavalry. If you are on the road at this time, there must be something important. You can try it?"

   The man murmured, "Isn't it a horse bandit?"

   The veteran slapped him on the back of the head and cursed, "Ma, your sister, help!"

   In the setting sun, a group of cavalry arrived.

   The veteran took a look, then bowed his head and said, "Dare to ask the adults if you can go to Huanxian on business?"


   The shopkeeper has asked twice, but Jiao Triren doesn't want to eat dinner.

   The frustration of failure left him heartbroken.

  'S doubts about his own ability made him feel as weak as prostration, he couldn't even move, he just wanted to sit like this until the earth was gone...

   He didn't complain about anything, because Xie Jin and Fang Xing had said all this many times when they were in the academy.

   The students and those people in the academy are naturally enemies. You must be vigilant after going out of office and learn to use methods to resist all kinds of open spears and secret arrows.

   But he didn't expect that the officials in Huanxian wanted to drive him away. As a result, he was caught off guard and had no room for coping.

   He didn't light up the light, and the setting sun gradually fell, and the room dimmed.

   He looked at the last glare, his eyes dull.

   The light faded away, his eyes still sluggish.

   Then, a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth, as if he wanted to keep that light by his side.

   He was in a daze in the dark, holding a rope in his hand.

   He bought this in a shop that was closing soon, and he even forgot his thoughts on buying this rope at the time.

  His breathing was getting faster, then he calmed down, got up and sat down again.

   Frustration has gradually evolved into despair.

   He was not reconciled and didn't want to be the first student to be returned to the college.

   He felt no face to go back to see those teachers and classmates.

   He remembered what he said to the students at the time. At that time, he was so energetic, and he felt that he could shake the whole world.

   But now... the world gave him a blow!

   He has no face...

   Grief and anger slowly filled his chest.

   I want to avenge them!

   What can I use to retaliate?

   The methods they use are fair and honest, and they make sense wherever they go.

   Inadequate work, only to let you quit, not to reform, this is regarded as an extra-legal favor.

   What do you want?

Do not! I still have a way!

  His eyes gradually became dull, his breathing was almost inaudible, and his chest rose and fell slightly, only once in a while. Finally, he stood up blankly and threw the rope on the beam. After throwing it four or five times, he remembered that he needed to tie something on the rope with a counterweight.

   His brain is dizzy, but he remembers something instinctively. The whole person is like a doll, stiffly tying himself a rope.

/>   It's like someone is driving him to do all this.

   As night fell, the wind blew in from the wide open window, and a book on the table was buzzing, as if a hand was turning the pages of a book.

   There was no light in the room, and Jiao Tirren slowly tied the noose, relying on the faint light outside, the technique was taught in the academy.

Puff puff!

   The wind suddenly rose, and the book on the table was about to roll.

   The last page was blown up, and then under the imbalance of the weight at both ends, the whole book fell over heavily.


   Jiao Teren slowly got into the chair. In the dark, he held the noose with both hands and looked out the window dullly.

   There are a few lights outside the window, which are the lights of people in Huan County.

   He loosened the noose, then tidied his clothes.

   The noose began to wiggle, and a beating hit Jiao Teren's chin.

   He picked up the noose again and slowly approached...

   "Is it on the second floor?"

   A question from outside pierced Jiao Tirren's drowsiness like lightning.

   The rope is already wrapped around the neck, just lean forward and kick off the chair...

   He was horrified and startled. He pushed away the noose involuntarily, his body slipped softly, and finally sat on a chair, his legs slumped weakly on the ground.

   The sound of footsteps is getting closer and closer, Jiao Quren doesn't move.


   There was a knock on the door, Jiao Teren moved his body and asked, "Who?

   Only when he spoke his words did he realize that he was extremely hoarse, just like when he was sick when he was cold and sick that year.

   "Are you sure this is it?"

   A voice that Jiao Kiren had heard came from outside the door, followed by the flattering words of the shopkeeper: "Yes, my lord, I live here."

   "Then you go down."

   The sound of footsteps came again, then went downstairs, and gradually disappeared.


   Jiao Torren asked again. He had some impressions of the voice just now, but now his mental state is not very good, so he didn't think of it.


   The people outside the door did not answer. After a loud noise, the door was forcibly knocked open.

   In the dimness, Jiao Tirren slowly got up and turned around with the back of the chair.

   There were three men standing outside the door. The man who hit the door stepped back and searched the room.

   The man in the middle shouted: "Light up!"

   The fire fold was ignited, and the knife came in and found the oil lamp. After lighting up, he picked the wick.

   Light is coming!

   "Mountain long..."

   The dusty Fang Xing looked at Jiao Triren, who was kneeling in front of him, and then looked at the noose dangling in front of the chair not far away. He asked blankly, "Want to commit suicide?"

   Jiao Quren only felt that all his grievances had exploded at this moment. He burst into tears instantly, choked up and said: "Mountain long..."


Fang Xing slapped Jiao Touren down with a slap, then walked over to step on the chair, opened the noose and sneered: "You also know how to use the strongest method to hit the noose. You can see that you really want to die. ."

  Xin Laoqi went out to drink back to the shopkeeper and buddy who heard the sound to check the situation, and then stood outside and stared at the aisle.

   Jiao Teren got up, knelt down in front of Fang Xing again, and whispered: "Shanchang, the student is forced to desperate."

   Fang woke up from the chair, sat down, moved his stiff neck, and said casually: "Talk."

Jiao Quren told about his experience after he arrived in Huanxian, and finally said: "Shanchang, such things are unheard of. The students were only suppressed at the time, even if they were not done, they would probably be left out. Who knows... They actually want to force the students to leave."

Fang Xing looked at him coldly and said: "Even if you fail, but you have to use these methods to retaliate against them, have you ever thought about your parents and family? Ever thought about the grief of the teachers and students in the college after learning the news. Is it worth it even if I smash those people into pieces afterwards?"

   Jiao Jiren was speechless and said, "Shanchang, the student is wrong."

   Fang was eye-catching and deep, and sighed: "I taught you science and taught you to be strong, but I forgot to teach you how to behave..."

   Xin Laoqi suddenly whispered a few words to Fang Wu, and Fang Wu quietly opened the window from the other side.

   "A person has to go through a lot in his life, from the ignorance at birth, the ignorance at a young age, to mature and adult, you have to experience many...setbacks."

Fang Xing touched the top of Jiao Quren's head, who was kneeling in front of him, and said softly: "There are many kinds of setbacks, which can make you feel unhappy, make you feel that the world is full of gloom; make you want to tear this day apart. , Let the light descend before my eyes again..."

   Jiao Torren listened piously...

   On the street, a dark figure quietly approached the window outside the inn. He put his ear close and was also listening.

   is inside, the shopkeeper and the buddy are already trembling.

   Just outside the inn, a man coldly looked at the black shadow hanging outside the window on the second floor.

   "But don't give up. As long as you can live, there are unlimited possibilities. For example, Su Wu, if he is desperate, how did he survive the bitter cold for more than ten years?"

Fang Xing touched the top of Jiao Quren's head and sighed: "It's hope! It's hope that let him persist to the end, and then the light will come. This is what my mountain leader wants to teach you, never lose the future. Hope and longing, even if you are in the mud, don’t forget hope..."

"……compared to

For humans, animals are more able to withstand setbacks because their purpose is clear, that is, to survive, mate, and raise their own children. They are so attentive that setbacks are just a hurdle for them. As long as they can survive, they will pass. "

   The lights flickered, and Fang Xing's voice gradually became louder.

   "You still have a long way to go. Remember, living is hope. You are not even afraid of death, why should you be afraid of living?"

   Fang Xing used to be furious like a father, but now it is like a father's gentle teaching.

   "Don't worry about this..."

   Xin Laoqi quietly walked to the window facing the street.

   Fang Xing looked at the window and sarcastically said: "The people of the fly camp and the dog gou, can't be your despair!"

   The black shadow outside the window was startled suddenly, and then he was about to evacuate.

   He slid down cautiously, he was a little excited, because he felt that these news could be exchanged for a lot of rewards.

   He landed and looked back.

   A big hand is already waiting for him.

   Pinch the neck with a big hand and press hard.

   There was more despair in the black shadow's eyes, and the color in his eyes gradually dimmed.

   "Fifth brother, don't you find out who is it?"

   Fang Wu released his hand, and the black shadow slowly fell to the ground.

   "No need, the master is here, those few people can't get better."


   "...Shanchang, the students never knew that they had to be a whole person to be able to re-arrange like this ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ quietly, once activated, you can't parry, just feel that you are incompetent..."

   The night is getting deeper, and the county is getting quieter.

   "You are not incompetent. When I first recruited students, I asked for a little bit. Don't be genius."

   "Genius is so proud, and the academy does not have the energy to teach one by one in accordance with their aptitude, so I don't like genius. And you...just have less experience, this is just a small setback, hold on."

   Jiao Kiren nodded, just feeling that the experience just now was a dream, and there was light in front of him.

   "You will experience greater and more setbacks in the future, forget about despair, and survive until the time comes and the light reappears."

  Fang woke up and said, "Go to bed early and go out tomorrow morning."

   Seeing Fang Xing walking to the door, Jiao Triren remembered that he had arrived at Huanxian in the evening, and said guiltily: "Shanchang, the students will ponder how to deal with them in the future."

   Fang Xing stopped his footsteps, nodded, and said, "They... they are afraid there is no future."

   He went down the stairs and walked to the lobby.

   The shopkeeper and the buddy have been rushed to the back. Xin Laoqi glanced around and said, "Master, it's cleaned up, you can move in."

   Fang Xing was indeed tired. After Fang Wu came in to report the situation outside, he said, "That's the trick, don't bother about it."

   Huanxian gradually fell asleep...

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