Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Vol 4 Chapter 1952: Grief and responsibility

The war horse is a comrade-in-arms of the Harith. It can carry you for thousands of miles, and it can also carry you to launch a decisive shock.

Using war horses to trample the enemy to death is a good way to share the joy with your comrades.

"do not move!"

On the left side of the high platform, four men stood together, watching the Ming man being dragged down.

A man breathed quickly: "My lord, they are going to trample him to death!"

"do not move!"

A smiling man said in a low voice: "This is Samarkand. The five of us in the East Factory are here. Wang Shi was captured, and we can't move."

"Miao Xi, Chen Hui, look at Guan Qisheng."

The man still smiled as he spoke, and he yelled at the man who was being pulled down, and he was extremely excited.

A cloth bag was brought over. When the two raised the cloth bag and prepared to cover the bright man, he did not struggle, but looked up at the sky, and then his whole body began to tremble violently.

The two behind him thought he was going to struggle, so they pressed his arms hard.

But he is not struggling, he is accumulating power. Tears slid from his eyes, he forgot the sharp pain in his broken arm, raised his head and shouted, "Da Ming Wan Sheng..."

The smiling man had a lot of sadness in his eyes, but they couldn't go, they had to stare at them, otherwise the sergeant staring at the crowd around would pick them out.

Tie the cloth bag tightly and push it lightly, and Mingren falls to the ground.

It must be dark in the bag, right?

The onlookers stared at the squirming cloth bag, wondering about the situation of the Ming man in their hearts.

But shouts still came from the bag, dull shouts.

"Da Ming Wan Sheng..."

Several horses were brought over...

There were still screams at first, less than a quarter of an hour later, the cloth bag stopped moving, quietly...

After the execution, the crowd began to disperse.

The four people slowly left here with the flow of people, turned around the last few times, and finally entered a stone house.


The table was kicked into the air, and a man squatted on the ground, crying sadly.

"Wang Shi... Wang Shi still said last night that his son was not smart enough, and he wanted to beg Xing Hebo to study in the academy, and... and he was afraid of being faceless... oooooo!"

The depressed cry made the smiling man sit down and said: "We have discovered the internal disputes and military strength of Halle, and we also know roughly the contradictions between the princes, Wang Shi...he didn't shame the Dongchang factory, go back to this The officer went to ask for Xing and Uncle."

"My lord, don't blame Guan Qisheng, he and Wang Shi have been on good terms. Now that Wang Shi is so tragic, he feels uncomfortable."

The smiling man was Zhao Chun, the stall manager of Dongchang, and the one who squatted on the ground and cried was Guan Qisheng.

It was Miao Xi who was talking, and he nodded at Chen Hui, and Chen Hui went over to comfort Guan Qisheng.

Zhao Chun gritted his teeth and said: "Wang Shi Guojue, this official is not feeling well, but today you have all seen that also thinking about teeth, we must figure out the final result of thinking about teeth too."

Miao Xi whispered: "My lord, I wonder if Ya..."

Zhao Chun shook his head and said, "He is obsessed with that woman, and no one will value him when he stays in Halle. He will even become a scapegoat. It is better to go back to Daming, there is a way to survive."

At this time Guan Qisheng stopped choking, he stood up and said: "My lord, Wang Shi's remains..."

Zhao Chun's eyes were sharp, and he shouted in a low voice: "Do you think the officer doesn't want to take Wang Shi home? But what is this place?"

"This is Samarkand, where Meier did it. This official dare to bet that there are at least a dozen people staring at Wang Shi's body, just waiting to get someone."

Miao Xi said sadly, "My lord, when can we go back?"

Zhao Chun clenched his fists and murmured: "I'll take the risk to check Ye Siya, and we will leave when we get the news."

"My lord, it's dangerous!"

Chen Hui got up and went out to look outside, then turned around and said: "Siya has arrived here, who knows what he is thinking? If he wants to treat us as capital for taking refuge in Zhuer, then we have almost no resistance. My lord, think about it again."

Zhao Chun raised his head, exhaled forcefully in his nose, and said weakly: "We must leave early, otherwise, once Zhuan'er decides to unify Harley, we will get in if it fails, we will have to do it at that time. Fight fiercely, don't think of it if you don't die."

"Wang Shi..."

Zhao Chun covered her face and sighed: "He has done everything we can think of. The official is not as good as him, so I think...Don't be afraid of death. Xinghe City has been built. Even if the official is dead, there will be no more Regret."

"Let's eat."

Zhao Chun felt that this was a bit sad, so he asked someone to cook.

Their rice is noodles, and it's dead noodles.

Guan Qisheng took a dough cake and said that he was going to go out. Zhao Chun agreed without asking his whereabouts.

Where can he go? It was nothing more than to see where Wang Shi's body was left.

"Leaving my brother, the official sin is unforgivable. The man who started to stop Wang Shi today, the official remembered working in a grain shop nearby, go, find him, and kill him!"


Ye Siya eats lamb. As a brother, even if he was weak before, Meier would not be stingy enough to treat him badly on board and lodging.

Eating mutton, Ye Siya's mind would occasionally show the face of a bright man who was trampled to death. He hadn't eaten meat for more than ten days, but he still lost his appetite.

"I'm going to see my brother."

After taking a nap, I thought of Yang Wumei as soon as I thought about it, as if she had been beaten up with chicken blood, she immediately went to see Zhuoer to do it.

Meier is very busy. He needs to rebuild Samarkand. There is no shortage of materials for the reconstruction, but food.

"Let them hand it over, except for the food needed to feed the family. If someone doesn't hand it over, then take it all."

Meier waved his hand tiredly, and then said to Ye Siya: "Your request cannot be agreed. If you say that the meat fan is a wolf, then Da Ming is a tiger. Harleh can't be contaminated by anyone, at least not until the situation becomes clear. "

Ye Siya said: "Brother, they are all watching and need a powerful person to unite them. I believe you are the right person, brother."

"The latest news is that Roumei is preparing for war, and they are even studying firearms."

Meiergan said helplessly: "They will definitely re-emerge, and they will also think about it. Harleh will be their first goal. There will be no more powerful means to defeat their old opponents to prove their re-emergence. That is a A powerful country, even if he has been depressed for decades, no one can underestimate them."

Ye Siya was depressed and felt that she and Yang Wumei had no hope anymore.

"Brother, Daming can help us."

Ye Siya felt that Halle had stepped into a crisis, and he might be killed by the two empires at any time because of the wrong path.

"The Ming people treat the vassal country, if it is the old emperor, it would be nice to say, but that demon **** is the most rogue, any vassal country, as long as it doesn't agree with your heart, you can not miss it~www.wuxiaspot.com~ the surrounding area is terrible!"

Ye Siya felt that this concern was not wrong anymore. His other side's view was very complicated, and he probably thought that this was an unreasonable guy, focusing on interests.

Once he finds that Harley is a piece of fat, then no matter what the state of the two countries, Harley will not escape.

But Yang Wumei's beautiful image swayed in his mind, causing him to say involuntarily: "Brother, but meaty charm is also a threat! If we don't get together, then it will be a pile of loose sand..."

The meat fan's biggest enemy, apart from Tessie's gang, is Harleh.

In the past, the old King Halle defeated Meat Charming in the first battle, and also captured their lord of the country. As a result, the meat fans have not recovered for many years, and this hatred can grow stronger.

Meiergan said, "I'm already working on this matter. By the way, Wu En has also sent someone."


He also thought of his teeth in surprise: "Isn't he curled up with the charming flesh? What is that called Pugu?"

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