Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Vol 4 Chapter 2064: what! Frank!

"They call this side Tessie."

"They are very confident, but also very alert."

"The messenger's voice is sharp, it should be the legendary servant, but it is very solemn..."

In the palace, the king looked at the purple prince on his face, and said: "They are here to explore the way, but they have great force, Henry, you have been running the voyage. Tell me how we compare to Daming. ?"

The prince said with some intent: "It's not good, we can't match it. The four ships are very powerful, and their weapons should be iron balls. We need to go and see what they are like, otherwise they will Can't surpass them."

The king turned off the subject and said, "They want to move on. There is Frank over there, and the war is going on over there. Their arrival will stop the war. This is not good news for us."


The prince said in a daze: "One of their ships has entered the strait, father, they will come into contact with more places."

The king was not worried at all. He said: "It will be sooner or later that the route will be found, so don't worry about my children. More people will find Daming, so they will have more eyes. Not friendly."

"I have warned you before, friendliness is the most precious quality in the world, but from my position, friendliness is a stupid quality, we should not have this quality."

The prince nodded and said, "Their boats are stronger and more suitable for long voyages. Their weapons are too sharp, making us awe like gods, father and king. We must get one of the two, otherwise we will always be behind."

The king took a sip of the tea and frowned, "I put too much, as those wise men said, it should be appropriate and waste!"

He smelled the tea carefully and admired.

"They don't allow our people to board the boat, it's difficult..."

The king got up with a teacup and made no secret of his love for tea.

"We are not strong yet."

The king said playfully: "You like to explore. This is a good thing. We need new land. The whole Taixi needs new land to feed more and more people. The **** disease still did not reduce this difficulty. This is heaven. Punish people, go, well, we will get stronger and stronger."


"We have stayed here for too long, and there is still no news about the ship entering the strait."

The exotic atmosphere of the sea and the sky makes people feel novel. On the dock, the ships are far away from here, and some people are watching these ships greedily or fearfully.

Of course, Ming Ren is also the object of their key observations, even including Ming Ren's gestures.

"Father-in-law, we need to keep moving forward, or should we go find them?"

"They should be back!"

Hong Bao coldly looked at the people who peeped here, and said, "Going to sea is the law of the military. They won't be late. Get ready. Let's set off in the next few days."

Lisbon is the first stop. During this time, they not only completed supplies and repairs, but also completed their exploration of the city.

"Their king is mediocre and not outstanding, but that prince's vision is far-reaching, our family..."

Murderous intent flashed in Hong Bao's eyes and said: "Xing He Bo said that our family also agrees, whoever controls the sea in the future will be the master of this world."

"The prince was so successful that he didn't fight for the throne. Instead, he went to another place alone, trying to find new places and new routes to the sea. What is this?"

Hong Baoyin tested and said: "Can you do it?"

Zhang Wangyue said eagerly: "Father-in-law, then try to be an official?"

Hong Bao nodded and said, "Don't be afraid of anything. It's okay if you are discovered. The big deal is that our family will order the destruction of this city."

After discovering the strength of the city's troops, Hong Bao was full of confidence. He felt that a thousand households with so many artillery would definitely be able to prosper in a foreign land.

Zhang Wang whispered: "Don't worry, father-in-law, the people here... are far behind."

Hong Bao nodded, and Zhang Wang went to make arrangements.

As a messenger, the king was very polite to Hong Bao. Every day people came to ask him what ingredients he needed, and what the king ate before gave him the same meal.

It's just that Hong Bao couldn't bear the cooking methods here, so he declined.

The early summer sun makes people lazy, and the people on the boat take a shift to rest and enjoy the rare peace.

"Father-in-law, over there, look over there."

Someone turned around and shouted from the bow.

Hong Bao looked sideways and saw three ships slowly approaching.

This is not surprising, but several ships on the dock immediately rushed over like watchdogs.

"Call someone out."

Hong Bao watched this scene with interest, looked at the flags hanging on the three ships, and smiled: "Is this the enemy coming? Ho Ho! Let's get ready and watch the excitement."

The crew and sergeants who were resting gathered together.

"Leave the dock!"

Someone unfastened the ropes, and the three warships and two grain ships slowly raised their sails and began to leave the shore.

After finding Ming Ren left the dock, someone rushed over, yelling non-stop.

"Father-in-law, someone called us."

Hong Bao didn't even look at it. He stared at the three slowing ships and said: "It's not from one country. Let people pay attention to it. We are full of supplies. If the momentum is wrong, we will leave immediately, and then pack them up."

The officials on the wharf shouted like a beloved concubine, but the ships gradually left.

The three ships did not resist, but were negotiating with the ships that came to inspect.

The people on the boat were all staring at the boats of Daming, their eyes burning.

"Franks, you should be fighting gorse at this moment, not going to Lisbon to see the women!"

An official saw that the sergeants who emerged from the cabin were shaking their heads, and sneered: "Go back, this is Lisbon!"

A Frank official said sternly: "Frank and Daming have a traditional friendship. On the order of His Royal Highness, we come to greet the envoy of Daming."

"A group of wild dogs looking for food, their tails are actually wagging!"

This kind of request is justified and naturally cannot be intercepted.

So the people of Lisbon were depressed and ridiculed. Some even compared the Franks to foxes who flattered lions.

So the three boats approached Mingren's boat.

"Let them go."

The Lisbon people didn't remind anything, they counted on the Franks who couldn't understand the Ming language, and then they were directly sunk by that kind of weapon.

"They are as shameless as a fool. What kind of traditional friendship? Frank almost destroyed the country. The Ming people are far in the east. If there is any friendship, as long as ten ships of this kind come, the Gorse people will not be pleased!"

"Let's see it~www.wuxiaspot.com~ They are... Hey! Where did they find the interpreter?"

You must know that Lisbon can find an interpreter because their prince is very ambitious overseas. He not only focuses on shipbuilding and navigation equipment research, but also finds many interpreters in various languages.

But the Franks were so overwhelmed by the offensive of the gorse, where did the interpreter come from?

"They have premeditated!"

Someone immediately reported this to the lord.

The Franks definitely had an insider here, and they took the boat back to report the letter.

"The Frankish envoy has already set off. If it goes smoothly, he should have arrived at Daming now. Yes, His Royal Highness the Prince is very fond of Daming, so he sent us to say hello to the envoy."

An official said this to Hong Bao respectfully, and then translated it.

Hong Bao was overjoyed, but said lightly: "Frank...what kind of country is this?"

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