Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Vol 4 Chapter 2147: Do those people remember?

Fang Hongzhong looked a little old-fashioned, but when Fang Xing mentioned the past, he still couldn't hide his pain and blame.

Fang Zhuo took the opportunity to introduce people at home, and Fang Xing gave the younger generation a meeting ceremony one by one.

The carriage was still outside. This was Fang Xing's temporary idea. He wanted to see how the officials and powerful people in Zhuozhou were.

It's just that the gift he gave was a bit scary, and Fang Zhuo said awkwardly, "Wake up brother, what have you done all these years?"

His gift to the boss Fang Yin was a set of four treasures of the study and a box of books.

The presents of the old two Fang Mu are mostly the same, and they are all matched.

As for the bead, Fang Xing not only gave the jade pendant, but also a box of jewels, so that Zhu did not dare to accept it at all.

Fang Hongzhong just came out of the memory, nodded when he saw it, and smiled bitterly: "Come on."

Only then did Zhu take the box, and then retire with Zhuzhu.

"Go to the official!"

When Zhu Clan and Zhuzhu left before leaving, Fang Hongzhong shouted with red eyes: "Go to the officer and catch him! Catch him!"

Fang Xing didn't know why, so he looked at Fang Zhuo.

"The boss went to report to the official! Caught that beast!"

Fang Hongzhong's body was trembling, and he looked like he had encountered great anger.

"Go and call your second uncle, he will be more active and report to the official!"

Fang Zhuo got up and responded, Fang Xing hurriedly stopped him, and then asked, "Big brother, what's the matter? Anyway, I have some abilities, if I can help!"

Fang Hongzhong waved his hand, crying sadly.

Fang Zhuo sighed: "When the third uncle had an accident, his father and second uncle were restricted from leaving, so they pooled a sum of money and asked someone to send it to the capital. By the way, he asked that person to go to Peiping to see your situation. Who knows that person will go? I came back for more than half a year and said..."

At that time, the capital was still in Jinling, and it took a lot of time to go there.

Fang Xing's heart has outlined some context, but he needs to continue to observe and investigate.

No, no investigation is required!

"Then Yang Er! Then Yang Er actually said that the third child was killed by your majesty, and you were exiled when you wake up. There is no one in Fang's family! He also said that he had given you the money..."

Fang Hongzhong beat his chest, making a sound, his face flushed.

Fang Zhuo hurriedly went over to hold his hands and persuaded: "Father, it's okay to wake up brother, it's okay to look at it anyway, it's a tribulation."

Fang Hongzhong breathed his nose and said, "That beast! At the beginning, the third child was beheaded and his head was hung for public display..."

Fang Xing frowned and said, "Uncle, what is that person doing for a living now?"

Fang Hongzhong was angrily speechless. Fang Zhuo thought for a while and said: "When he was asked to deliver letters and money, he used to run errands in the yamen. It was not even a small official. Later... I heard people say that he was an official, and he was considered a leading figure in Zhuozhou."

Fang Xing felt relieved, and no doubt he was worried, and said, "Since I'm here, there is no need to worry about this. Brother, do you think this is okay? First invite your second uncle to come, and everyone will meet, and then slowly It's not too late to clean him up."

Fang Zhuo was stunned, and then saw that his two sons were both excited, and he was a little bit sad. Fang's family has never been sad that a guest came in.

In families without guests, children will be excited when strangers come home, and then be inexplicably attentive.

Fang Hongzhong got up, feeling a little trembling, Fang Xing followed up, and Fang Zhuo went to help him and said, "Father, you should go to rest first."

Fang Hongzhong's complexion was not very good, almost pale, he smiled at Fang Xing: "Wake up and rest assured, there is nothing wrong here."

If you are in agitated mood, people with poor cardiopulmonary function will feel tired and easily feel dizzy.

Send Fang Hongzhong away, and Fang Zhuo drove away the two sons before it was time to speak.

He picked up the teacup and said, "I remember... back then, the house was okay, there were servants and maids, and I didn't know how to make tea and cook, now... I understand everything."

There are many meanings in this sentence, and Fang Xing asked: "Big Brother, can you tell me things slowly?"

"...Back when my third uncle had an accident, my father and my second uncle panicked, but they ordered that we were not allowed to travel far, so they waited..."

Fang Hongjian's case was later investigated, but it only affected Chi Yu. When the case was finally closed, Fang Hongjian was just letting Fang Hongjian go home to eat old rice, which was considered a safe landing.

"...Later, my father and my second uncle couldn't wait, but they didn't know how to do it, so they asked Yang Er, who was familiar with him, and gave the letter and money. The banknotes wanted to be passed to you. At any rate, I could give my third uncle... …"

"Yang Erda only came back half a year, saying that he was almost arrested, and asked, he said that Sanshu was beheaded to show the public, you...you were exiled, I don't know where...there is a sergeant, he didn't dare to ask."

Fang Xing pointed to the outside and asked, "Why did it decline again later?"

Fang Zhuo smiled bitterly: "After waiting for a few years, the government also relaxed, but the father was timid and almost prepared to take his family to hide in the mountains, that is, as a refugee... Later, he was blackmailed many times by the small official and Qingpi. , And gradually lost."

He paused in the middle, Fang Xing noticed it and didn't say anything, just smiled slightly.

"Remember all?"

Fang Xing asked easily, as if he was asking what to eat for dinner.

Fang Zhuo froze for a moment, looked at Fang Xing carefully, and finally said in relief: "Remember, Yang Er wrote a note back then..."

"I'm talking about those little officials..."

Fang Xing's still relaxed attitude made Fang Zhuo a little surprised. He said embarrassingly: "Xing brother, don't worry. Although Yang Er is an official, but the day is clear. Now that you are back, his evil deeds back then can't be concealed... …"

Fang Xing didn't know whether he should say his identity, he began to doubt, but after thinking about it, he found it absurd.

If the people here know their identity, no matter what, even if they don't show up, Fang Yin and Fang Mu can always fight.

But for so many years, he has never seen anyone.

So just ignorant ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Fang Zhuo got up and went outside, almost impolite, but excited.

Fang Xing didn't move. He was holding a teacup and drinking some bitter tea. He didn't feel any discomfort.

The house is very old, and the wooden beams look black, but the look of the wood should be unusual. After a few hundred years, it is estimated that it can compensate five or six houses on the spot.

The air was filled with a smell similar to humidity, mixed with the original smell of wood.

Fang Xing had been to an old house in the countryside before, and it was just this smell.

He leaned back in his chair, feeling the familiar smell somewhat comfortably.

He was even taking a nap, and he was dozing relaxedly until he was awakened by the sound.

"Master, that... the big master asked the big lady to find something for money, and then go shopping for vegetables and wine."

Fang Xing opened his eyes and said slowly, "Tell him...no, get the carriage in."

Fang Xing yawned, a little bit reluctant to feel this relaxed feeling.

Xin Laoqi knew his situation, so he regretted it a little.

He was out of the main house, and the Zhu family had already come out. Seeing her appearance, it was clear that he was going to **** things in person.

Zhu felt a little embarrassed, Fang Xing's shot was too generous, and a box of gems made her a little bit embarrassed.

So as soon as she gritted her teeth, she took out the dowry jewelry, took a gold hairpin, and prepared to **** it.

She called her eldest son Fang Yin to accompany him, and the two of them went out of the inner courtyard together.

Not to mention the rules of the Fang family at this time, even the food and clothing had some problems, so Xin Laoqi was able to walk freely.

When he arrived at the gate, Zhu saw that the gate was actually open and someone was removing the threshold, so he said in amazement, "This is... what is this going to do?"

The family members removed the threshold, and the carriages filed in...

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