Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Vol 4 Chapter 2156: Life is like a play, who is acting

If the emperor is the ultimate boss, then the chief envoy is the small boss, and officials at all levels are various bosses.

Fang Xing probably belongs to the category of the big boss, and he is in the same ranks as the six Shangshu, Auxiliary Scholars, and Martial Arts, and he is slightly better than the emperor's trust.

With this ranking, Fang Xing relied on the emperor's trustworthiness the most.

From the time of Zhu Di, Fang Xing and Zhu Zhanji accepted all kinds of tests by Zhu Di, and then they were trusted.

Zhu Gaochi also trusted Fang Xing. The only thing he was talking about before his death was Fang Xing who was fighting outside the Great Wall. He just wanted him to come back quickly, then stabilize the situation and **** Zhu Zhanji.

"Grandfather! Father! Mother!"

When he got home, Zhuzhu rushed in happily, showing off the things he bought for a while.

Fang Zhuo came out and strolled with Fang Xing in the yard.

"Yun Conglong, Feng Conghu, you have come to Zhuozhou, should you be a little disturbed?"

After the bad luck of the Fang family in Zhuozhou, Fang Zhuo took on the life of the young and old, the difficulty of making money... Fang Xing saw the calluses on his fingers and knew that he was mostly copying.

And the loom thrown out by Fang Hongzhong happily is the tool Zhu worked hard for this family.

So Fang Zhuo is not a nerd, he knows what Fang will bring here when he wakes up.

Fang Xing said embarrassedly: "Brother, those... cleaning up the fields, I was scared here. Once I arrived in Zhuozhou, many people were worried that Zhuozhou would be cleaned up, and there were a lot of people from the north. All staring."

Fang Zhuo took a deep breath and patted the tree trunk beside him, and said, "You...wake up brother, you didn't talk about you for your brother. Last night, you thought about you for your brother. I think you have been... all these years. Take the risk! A wrong step is the abyss..."

Fang Xing was a little surprised and very pleased. He smiled and said, "Big Brother is so sensitive, but it surprised me, no, it was a surprise."

"I have no thoughts of becoming an official, so don't be surprised."

Fang Zhuo said frankly: "After the third uncle's accident, I decided to take care of the family. I have forgotten the troubles, but I have to ask you to take care of it..."

"this is necessary."

Fang Xing smiled bitterly: "Big Brother, here is the burden of my family, and I am here to take care of my side... Don't talk about this, I guess Zhuozhou government will come today, what are the taboos of the big brother here?"

What **** taboo!

This is just to ask Fang Zhuo brightly: Brother, what's wrong, say directly when the time comes, see who dares to refute, I will fix him!

Fang Zhuo said earnestly: "Wake up brother, our family has been bullied by Zhuozhou officials over the years. We have to vent our anger."

Fang Xing bowed and said, "It's the younger brother who is late, but the eldest brother just talk."

He owed a lot of things to the Fang family in Zhuozhou, and Fang Hongzhong and the others were not up for it, it was just Fang Yin and the others.

Fang Zhuo sighed a little: "It doesn't matter to be a brother, but your uncle has been worried about it for many years. Every time he is drunk, he will cry loudly and miss his third uncle... I was so sober last night."

Fang Xing took a deep breath and said bitterly, "Brother, it will be all right."


After lunch, Zhuzhu, who had been excited for a long time in the morning, became tired, yawning and said to accompany Fang to wake up, but fell asleep in Zhu's arms in a blink of an eye.

"This girl is one year younger than Wuyou. Sister-in-law, if you are willing, I will take her to play with Wuyou for a while, and then send it back."

Fang Xing likes girls and feels much better than his naughty son.

Zhu looked at Fang Hongzhong, and Fang Hongzhong coughed dryly: "It's time to go and see, anyway the next generation can't be unfamiliar, otherwise the old man will be shameless to see the ancestor in a hundred years."

The strength and cohesion of the clan in this era surpassed Fang Xing’s imagination, and the ‘sense of responsibility’ to the ancestors was also unbreakable.

Therefore, Fang Hongzhong, as the patriarch of this generation, said very clearly: "You must move around frequently in the future, regardless of whether it is rich or poor, unless it is disgusting, you will walk around. If you don't move, you will not be a family!"

Fang Xing nodded in agreement: "Uncle rest assured, I know this truth."

Fang Hongzhong said with satisfaction: "Okay, your eldest brother is a bit stupid, let's watch it later."

This meant that he wanted to throw the next patriarch to Fang Xing, but Fang Xing couldn't refuse, and his guilt made him silent.

Fang Hongzhong looked happy, and felt that the Fang family finally had hope.

"Master, please see Lu Yun."

Fang Hongzhong was taken aback and looked towards Fang Xing.

Fang Zhuo got up and said, "Wake up, don't move, I'll meet him."

Fang Xing smiled and said, "Big Brother, there is no need to lower your head."

Fang Zhuo smiled and said, "I know how to measure."

Fang Hongzhong began to organize his clothes, and even took care of his hair and beard.


Lu Yun was a person who looked very righteous and awe-inspiring. Of course, according to the jokes of the small officials of the state office, the official Yang Er looked more upright than he looked.

After seeing Fang Xing in the main room, Lu Yun bowed and said in his magnetic voice: "The official has seen Xing He Bo."

"Master Lu..."

Fang Xing tapped his fingers on the tabletop and said calmly: "This is where Fang's family is located, and Fang is ignorant. He even witnessed the mixing of Qingpi and Xiaoli yesterday, and then smashed the back door here..."

The awe-inspiring justice on Lu Yun's face became stronger and stronger. He handed his hands over and said, "Uncle Xinghe, the subordinates only knew about this. That small official had been stopped by the subordinates and was detained in the prefectural office..."

"What about these years?"

Fang Hongzhong suddenly joined in. He raised his head, his body trembling slightly, as if he had exhausted all his energy to speak.

"How many times did the old man report to the officials?"

Fang Hongzhong said angrily: "No one cares! Even the situation is getting worse. What did the old man gain by keeping himself safe? Being oppressed! He didn't dare to go out, he was called Fang Rat! Master Lu... Why is this?"

Lu Yun glanced at Fang Xing and said, "At that time... now and then, the old man should know the difficulty of being an official..."

This is to say: There was no Fang Xing to support you before, and the officer didn't have the time to take care of this.

This is very realistic, but there is nowhere to blame.

Fang Hongzhong was stunned. He was an old-fashioned man, but his subsequent anger was blocked by these words.

Lu Yun sternly said: "The official sees that the house is very dilapidated~www.wuxiaspot.com~ It just so happens that the prefectural government wants to mobilize craftsmen to do the work, and the official is in charge, and the house is repaired."

As soon as this person changed the conversation, he immediately talked about compensation.

If the Fang family’s big house were completely renovated, it would cost a lot of money and food, but the state government can mobilize craftsmen and make a name for it, and it can get it right for free.

The key is that Lu Yun has a straight face and awe-inspiring justice, which makes people feel that this is what it should be, and he can accept it calmly.

This is also a skill. If you learn it well, go out to welcome the rich and powerful, then it is really nothing to lose.

More importantly, when he said this, he didn't even look at Fang Xing during the whole process, as if Fang Xing was still in Peking City, and Lu Yun was only here to fight for Fang Hongzhong.

Life is like a play!

Fang Xing feels that officialdom is just the stage, and if you want to be on stage to act, your acting skills must be high enough.

Lu Yun is good!

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