Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

: Thank you everyone, the final result was a surprise

Starting from May 1st, we say poke and poke. Yes, it's just a poke, thinking that the top eight is perfect. I just didn't expect the stabbing to be a little bigger, I was a little surprised.

Thank you, everyone, and thank the Cavaliers for their hard work. Later, Yue'er joined in after her busy schedule and thanked them for their conduct. Thank you.

I must, I must thank my book friends, many book friends, your burst of power made me dumbfounded.

The top five, this is a place I have never thought of. As for whether it is fourth or not, the final confirmation will be made tomorrow. The results of the rookie season are good, brothers and sisters, great! grateful!

This month, I added changes every day, and my anxiety was severe. At this moment, I felt like I was wearing an iron hoop on my head, but after seeing the final results, I couldn't help but open a bottle of beer.

This is a moment worthy of joy. Every book friend in the warehouse, including me as the author, is rejoicing, rejoicing in this unprecedented achievement.

I drank slowly, waiting quietly for the light outside the window to gradually go out.

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