Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Vol 4 Chapter 2180: Chen Mo is flattering, the Ministry of Engineering sits on wax

The brakes worked, and the speed of the car gradually slowed down, and finally stopped more than 30 steps away from the emperor.

Jin Ying jumped out of the carriage, without staggering, and then approached and knelt down and said: "Your Majesty, the slave and maid's head guarantee that this carriage will be of great benefit to Daming whether it is for transporting goods or pulling people."

Yu Jia's eyes were gloomy and cold, thinking you want to show your overall view of the situation?

Sure enough, he started barking his teeth after dormant!

Zhu Zhanji walked to the side of the carriage, and the horse was panting lightly. There was no sweat on his body. It can be seen that once accelerated, relying on inertia, the horse saves a lot of effort.

Then you have to ensure lubrication!

Zhu Zhanji learned this with Fang Xing, so he squatted down and looked at the axle.

Jin Ying followed behind, bending down and shorter than Zhu Zhanji, who was squatting down, and introduced: "Your Majesty, a bushing is used here. There is a seal on the outside, and some grease is poured into it. This carriage does not have to worry about lubrication. ."

"Do you know this too?"

Zhu Zhanji asked casually, and then touched the suspension.

Jin Ying held down the joy in his heart and said: "Your Majesty, since the building of the workshop, the servants and maids have been afraid to miss major events, so I went to the craftsmen for advice every day when I was free. The servants and maids can now build something..."

Zhu Zhanji praised: "This is good."

Jin Ying trembled with excitement. After turning around to see Yu Jia who seemed to be in a daze, he smiled and arched his hands, appearing a little humble.

Zhu Zhanji refused to support him, got up, then touched the grain bag on the car and said: "This is the specialization in the art industry. As a craftsman, you must focus on the work of the craftsman. If you are a businessman, you must focus on the business. Ministers..."

Zhu Zhanji glanced at the ministers, but saw that Chen Mo was looking at him with a smile.

This guy is very bold!

How dare ordinary people look at the emperor?

But this man not only looked at each other, but also smiled flatteringly.

This... This looks like a treacherous official!

Zhu Zhanji couldn't help but cursed secretly, and then said: "What are the ministers going to do? To assist the king and appease the people, you must know the general situation inside and outside, you must know the people, farmers, industry, and industry. Don't just know what you are. A waste of money and food!"

The emperor now likes to beat people more and more. In this case, he compares the rotten scholars to the dung-making machines Fang Xing used to talk about before.

So far Zhu Zhanji ordered, he didn't ask what was going on with the wagon of Wuzhong's Ministry of Industry, and entered the imperial city under the protection of Ye Luoxue and others.

This is considered a breakup!

Wu Zhong looked ugly, and strode back to see what it looked like. Today's Ministry of Engineering must be cleaned up.

Jin Ying won the prize, so he asked someone to unload the car, and then said hello to Fang Xing, and actually drove back by himself.

This is the activist!

"The activist is still the procrastinator. In fact, it has something to do with the atmosphere. You are in the staff, there are so many dirty people, you must learn to observe people..."

Ma Su was on the periphery. After Zhu Zhanji had left, he came in to meet Fang Xing. Jian Yi did not say anything when he saw him, and nodded.

He was much older. After Xin Jian died, he was silent for a long time.

I heard that the emperor wanted him to be raised, give him a false title, and then consult state affairs.

Looking at Jian Yi's appearance, he clearly didn't agree. I don't know where his energy comes from. I have been working hard recently, and I heard that I was sorting out the officials in the capital.

This thing is unpleasant and hateful, but Jianyi still does it. This is ethics.

When he saw Chen Mo also look at Fang Xing, he bowed his hand, and then went to the staff.

Fang Xing saw it, he bowed his hand in reply, and then ordered: "You follow, not slapping your horse, look at it anyway."

When Ma Su understood, he chased him up without help.

The distance between the two is not too close, and if they are crippled or are about to wrestle, Masu can rescue them in time.

The rest of the people began to disperse, and everyone looked at Fang Wake who was standing in place, and some people were laughing.

Happy smile!

The emperor didn't mention craftsmanship! You woke up this time as a waste of effort, right?

But Fang Xing suddenly said to Yang Rong who had just turned around: "Master Yang."

Yang Rong turned around and frowned, "What's the matter with Uncle Xing?"

Fang Xing said loudly: "The carriage has been built. Are those craftsmen who have no mastery of craftsmanship, how good are they?"


Under the blue sky and white sun, there seemed to be applause.

Not applauding, but slapped!

The officials looked at Yang Rong with ugly expressions, thinking they would fight back anyway.

Yang Rong just bowed his hands, and said: "The world is so big that there are craftsmen everywhere in Ming Dynasty. What if all of them have become a craftsman and no one does it?"

Fang Xing originally proposed to set up a pilot program to test the cancellation of the craftsmanship of craftsmen, and today is a result.

Yang Rong's counterattack was a bit vague, which was in line with his position.

Shoufu should not express his stance lightly, at least be cautious before understanding the whole thing.

As for the cancellation of the craftsmanship, he felt that Fang Xing was looking for trouble.

The craftsmen have craftsmanship, which is to feed them money and food. As for the cost of those craftsmen on the road, didn't the Ministry of Households say that they are willing to pay.

Fang Xing nodded, and said, "Yes, when the family member has ordered the carriage, everyone will naturally be able to see the color."

Speed ​​and quality!

This is what Fang Xing uses to crush the craftsmen of the Ministry of Industry!

My craftsman is a piece-rate system ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The quality is traceable, rewards and punishments are clear, how about the Ministry of Engineering?


"Waste! Rice bucket!"

In the Ministry of Industry, Wu Zhong's scolding sounded earth-shaking, and several officials were scolded without expression, and then they were smashed out by things.

"Go and see what they did? Where's the car?"

Wu Zhong scolded the Ministry of Engineering angrily, and then went to the palace anxiously to make a plea.

The carriage of the Ministry of Industry was made, but the craftsmen just followed the previous routines and did not see any new ideas.

So in the third day of the test, the carriage of the Ministry of Industry pulled a thousand catties, and the horse was very hard to pull, and it was difficult to get up.

When it reached the shallow pit, the carriage actually swayed directly, lifting the horse in the air, neighing helplessly.

The Ministry of Industry lost an adult, and Wu Zhong invited the craftsman for questioning. As a result, the craftsman said that the difference was mainly in the materials.

"My lord, that Zhu Fang is terrible. He learned a lot of science from Xing He Bo. It is said that he has at least hundreds of formulas, and they have everything, otherwise they have something to come out of!"

Facing the honest craftsmen, Wu Zhong felt powerless for the first time.

Science is something Fang Xing made, and a lot of knowledge in it is simply tailor-made for craftsmen.

But it is impossible for the Ministry of Industry to organize craftsmen to study science?

If you don't talk about Shilin's anger, you don't have the energy and money!

Wu Zhong was deeply melancholy, and the people from the household department urging the results added fuel to the fire.

So Wu Zhong went to the Hubu and Xia Yuanji to fight the arena, and the few ‘honest’ craftsmen left the Engineering Department, and when they went away, someone said, “I can’t see the meat. I want us to die!”

"That is, doing good and bad things are like this, and there is not much benefit. Who wants to toss?"

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