Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Vol 4 Chapter 2183: Xing He Bo angrily kills the tiger

"He is a discarded son. A discarded son who doesn't matter whether it is useful or not is just a chicken rib for Zhu Ergan. If you send him to Daming, you can save some rice, so why not do it."

Fang Xing was wondering whether Zhuoergan's character was a hero or that kind of hero.

As for the hero, then he was born at an untimely time. The powerful Daming and the resurgent meat fan caught Harleh in the middle, and the hero would die very quickly.

What the king said...

Fang Xing squinted, listening to Chen Mo's words.

"Uncle Xinghe, but he is a prince! Meiergan's brother."


Fang Xing added, and then said: "Mie'er is going to deal with those brothers... I guess it should be tough."

Toughness means coldness and bloodshed.

Chen Mo understood, so he said another thing.

"The envoys brought back by the fleet are very honest, but they are a little lazy. Some even say that they only seek peace and not see the swordsmen..."

Fang Xing frowned and said, "Have the fleet ever bullied their country?"

Chen Mo shook his head and said, "The next official asked, but never."

Fang Xing was helpless: "That is Daming is too powerful for them to see... But it is also a manifestation of ambition. Without ambition, Daming is suppressing this place. Instead, their lives will be very good, at least they don’t have to maintain it. Are they still dissatisfied with the expenditure of the army?"

Chen Mo understood, and said admiringly: "No wonder the DPRK and the Central People's Government said that you have something to do with the outside world, and that you have benefited a lot from the official today, so let's go."

Fang Xing nodded. After the person left, he said to himself: "Many things are actually the human mind, and the human mind seeks benefits, and there are many kinds of benefits."

He got up and went back to the inner courtyard. Someone came and closed the front door.

The early summer sun shone on the roof and also on Fang Xing's body.

When he returned to the backyard, he moved the recliner under the eaves, then took out a book and looked at it slowly.

When Zhang Shuhui found that he was already asleep, she carefully removed the book covering his face. Seeing him frowning in dissatisfaction while asleep, she muttered, "I still have a bad temper."


Taking a bath is Chen Mo's love, and seeing his "friends" sincerely is his way of doing things.

The two wooden barrels are placed next to each other, without the need for interpretation, allowing the two to get along alone.

Without soap, there is no pancreas, just dry foam.

As the steam was steaming, Chen Mo's voice was a little erratic: "Your envoy, Harleh... you have a lot of courage to kill the person who killed Daming!"

There was a sound of water over Ye Siya, and then fell silent, as if there was no one in the barrel.

Chen Mo didn't look back, and continued: "Uncle Xing He is looking for opportunities today. If the official does not arrive, your envoy, you...are in danger."

It was still silent, but Chen Mo ignored it.

He still took a shower and even hummed happily.

After the shower, the two drank in a restaurant.

Chen Mo didn't say those words again, just chatted with Ye Siya about the matter between the man and the woman, and then the wretchedness immediately filled the wine glass.


When Chen Mo arrived at the Ministry of Rites the next morning, he heard a news.

"Yesterday the daughter of Xing and Bo's family met the tiger outside and was frightened. Xing He Bo was furious and took the family members to besieged and killed overnight."


Chen Mo thinks this is really terrifying.

He traveled to many places back then, and he had seen most of the carcasses eaten by tigers, so he was extremely afraid of this animal.

But Fang Xing shot, he felt that the tiger was dead.

Yes, when the news reached the palace, he hurriedly begged Hu Shanxiang, and then took someone to Fangjiazhuang to visit Wuyou. Most people in the palace said that the tiger was dead.

News came at noon.

"Xing He Bo led Jia Ding around to kill the tiger and killed a big tiger, but there was also a small tiger, Xing He Bo brought back, and said to see if he could tame it and make her a pet."

Then there was news that Xiaohu had been sent to the palace.

"The little tiger caught Xinghe uncle. If it weren't for his daughter begging, then the little tiger would have become a hot pot now."

But the development of things is funny.

The Queen Mother’s voice came from the palace: There are many children in the palace, Xiaohu should leave it to Xing He Bo.

In the end, no one knows where Xiaohu was thrown, but Fang's family opened a banquet. It is said that the main dish is tiger meat.


In the Fang's kitchen, Hua Niang looked anxious at the big skinned tiger.

"I haven't gotten this thing! Who will taste it first, see what it tastes like, and then fix it."

She stared at Chunsheng, who cut a small piece of tiger meat with a bitter face, then grilled it on the stove, and took a bite: "Sour."

Hua Niang breathed a sigh of relief, and said, "No wonder that human flesh is sour. It turns out that people who eat meat make their own flesh sour!"

She thought about it, and then arranged: "Master said that the bones are reserved for soaking wine, and the meat should be heavy, and more peppers and spices should be prepared."


The tiger bones must be dealt with first. If it is impossible to get bloody, let Fang Xing hesitate. When Meng Ying and others arrived, they all encouraged Fang Xing to burn the thing.

The smell of tiger meat was a bit heavy, and Fang Xing didn't want his family to mix it up, so he set up a banquet in the front yard.

In the inner courtyard, the rumors were scared and worry-free, and Zhuzhu was looking at the little tiger in the cage~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The little tiger was a little dazed, spinning around in the cage, and then lying inside. Whimper a few times.

Excitedly said: "Shall we keep it? I can grow up to be a horse rider."

Zhuzhu sat on a low stool, resting her cheek in her hand, and said a little boredly: "Its father is so fierce."


Worry-free said proudly: "No matter how fierce it is, my father is not as fierce as my father, so what's the fear!"

Zhuzhu nodded heavily and said, "Well, Uncle is the most fierce."

Yesterday they went hunting, but they encountered the big and small tigers before they even entered the mountain. Then Wuyou and Zhuzhu screamed joyfully and scared the tiger away.

After Fang Xing heard about this, he felt that it was not a good thing for the tiger to come out of the mountain, so he took people to hunt.

Well, in fact, he has never eaten tiger meat, so he wants to try it.

Duan Duan said enviously: "Father is not fierce."

If Zhu Zhanji heard this, he would have vomited blood three times, but the maid and the maid who followed her had already smiled bitterly behind.

This remark will definitely be passed to His Majesty's ears, but it is mostly treated as a joke.

"I heard that there are a lot of martial arts in the front, and there are two of the country's fathers, and they are all waiting to eat tiger meat!"

A court lady said enviously. For them, even if they hired out the palace in the future, they would also become nurses, but they didn't have a chance.


Thinking of Zhang Shuhui's previous drunk of potatoes and Ping An, the calmness of not allowing them to join the fun in the front yard, after all, makes people envious.

"Eat tiger meat! Mother, want to eat tiger meat!"

The son is easy to drink, but the pampered daughter started to make a fuss again.

"Eat tiger meat!"

When the three girls were making trouble together, Zhang Shuhui wanted to throw the tiger from the kitchen into the mountains.

"Tiger meat is poisonous. Don't eat it!"

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