Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Vol 4 Chapter 2185: Return to Daming (thanks to "1 Lianyoumeng 880...

"The news just arrived."

The straightness of the Zhuzhan base station is almost comparable to the thick wooden pillar outside the door.

Fang Xing's heart tightened, feeling a little sore in his eyes, as if he was overusing his eyes.

He blinked, Zhu Zhanji was also a little amused when he saw this, and said: "The news that just came from the horse, Hong Bao... is back."

The wind blew in from outside, and there was a crisp wind bell at the door.

The wind chimes swayed, and Fang Xing glanced at it, and knew that it was dedicated to the palace from the workshop.

"I don't want to hang this up, but it's been a fuss for a long time. I just say it sounds good, then hang it up."

As a man, it is natural to show no interest in this kind of love that resembles a woman. This kind of mentality has been there before before waking up.

"Hong Bao...Tessie..."

But at this moment, his mind was full of that place name, as if he had encountered the so-called enemy of a lifetime.



Zhu Zhanji said: "Lisbon, Frank, Gorse, and the missions of the Three Kingdoms have followed Hong Bao to Daming, and they have come all the way by boat."

Seeing Fang Xing's look a little eager, he said: "Hong Bao is cautious and only asks people to pass on the message, saying that those three are not small countries."

"What is he talking about..."

The size of the Taisi country is of course known, so he just pondered a little and got the answer: "It must be a boat, that is to say, the Taisi people are already spying on the ocean."


Zhu Zhanji smiled and said, "It's hard to live without rivals, and you can't live, so this is a good thing."


Along the canal all the way north, although you can see many villages and small towns, but deliberately did not enter the big city for supplies.

The fleet moved slowly, and the three embassies whose ban was lifted all looked at both sides of the strait greedily.

Whether it was a farmer or a boatman, or even Cao Ding, most of the Ming people they met along the way were calm, in contrast to the numb Thai people at this moment.

And they also noticed the fact that Ming people can eat full.

This is very rare. Rice and flatbread, like white bread in Taixi, are very common in Daming.

They ate a lot of delicacies made of flour, among them the pot stickers that made the fleet sigh at them, and they were amazed.

The smell is really...too fragrant!

It can make people forget the existence of white bread!

There are also all kinds of noodles, cakes with different connotations, and even things with a soft texture like bread, all of which make everyone feel that their taste buds are exploding.

"It's really a place more beautiful than painting!"

Farmers work in the fields, and there is smoke in the distant villages.

This is the scenery of the farm, and the messengers of the Three Kingdoms are no strangers to it. When a few children ran to the river with earthen jars, they watched carefully and curiously.

A few farmers went to the river to wash their hands, then arched their hands at the fleet and asked the children to sit down together.

"They eat meat! Oh! They are eating meat!"

When Abel saw a woman scoop out pieces of braised pork he had eaten from a crock pot, he couldn't help but envied: "Look, that child still has eggs!"

Several children were obediently helping, and then one person got an egg.

Hong Bao also saw it. An official around him explained: "North Korea and China advocate a variety of livelihoods for the people, raising poultry and livestock is one item, see Ming Pao often teaches people how to raise these things..."

"Potatoes have done a lot, right?"

Hong Bao is not the **** who is intriguing in the deep palace. He and Zheng He and others have gone to sea many times. Why don't you know?

To put it awkwardly, even if it is a heavy minister in the court, it is rare to have such an insight as him.

The official was a little surprised, and then said: "Yes, with potatoes, plus rice or flour, the people will naturally be able to eat, and most of the leftover grain will be sold, and the surplus can be used to raise poultry and livestock, so the talent With meat to eat, children have eggs..."

The children looked at Hong Bao curiously, one of them grinned at him, and the mouth with several teeth missing looked a little funny.

Hong Bao's expression softened. He glanced at the mission personnel on the ship behind him and said: "These Taixi missions have come to Daming. The first thing is to frighten them. We have restrained them from eating. By force, the navy. I've already let them know that the sea is not theirs, and it lacks some, but it's not in a hurry."

The fleet continued to move forward and gradually approached the capital.

"Go ashore!"

The fleet docked in a place, and the shore looked empty.

There is no wharf, just because of the depth of the water, the fleet pulls aside one by one.

The feeling of being down-to-earth made Doc a little dizzy. He covered his eyes with his hands and looked into the distance, and said, "A good place, it's all fields."

Henry's gaze was withdrawn from the fleet. He regretted that the warships left alone after arriving at Daming, and his plan to look for opportunities to observe was frustrated.

Hong Bao was walking ahead, moving his body.

"Shall we just walk?"

Abel didn't see anyone, so he smiled bitterly: "How far is the distance? Who will ask?"

Doc shook his head, "If they can go, then we can go too."

Both of them smiled tacitly. Henry knew they thought something was wrong with Daming, and the threat level was automatically lowered.

When they were slightly happy, a shock came.

The earth was shaking, and the Ming people all turned around and looked very happy.

"It's a cavalry!"

Someone in the mission roared, and then saw Mingren's reaction, and he was immediately embarrassed.

Doc stared fiercely at where the smoke and dust rose in the distance, as did Abel and Henry.

They need to know the strength of Mingren's army!

They have seen it at sea, but the number is unknown.

How about on land!


Someone from Mingren shouted sharply, and then the sergeants and boatmen began to line up, neatly, like wheat in the field.

The cavalry in the distance got closer and closer. When he saw the man in the lead, Hong Bao's eyes were immediately red, then he lowered his head and rubbed his eyes. When he raised his head again, the man was already in front of him.

Zheng He got off his horse. He was getting older, and he galloped all the way from Beiping to here, with some soft legs.

He walked to Hong Bao's body, saw him lower his head and said nothing, he was shocked~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Then he patted his shoulder, looked at the array behind and said, "Okay!"

A short good word was uttered by Zheng He, but he did all the hardships and risks at sea.

Everyone looked excited, and someone shouted: "Come back! We are back!"

After the robbery, the joy of relaxation and recognition can no longer be concealed.

"We're back!"

Amidst the laughter, Zheng He said to Hong Bao, who was still bowing his head: "Your Majesty does not know that."

Hong Bao's body shook, he looked up at Zheng He in surprise, and then said bitterly: "Our family has considered ourselves dead since that day."

Zheng He smiled and said, "Could this officer coax you?"

Hong Bao's heart was accelerating, his face was reddish, and he trembled: "Father-in-law..."

Zheng He nodded and said: "You are fine, this officer has been worrying about you all the time, you really brought them back safely, you are really...really good."

Hong Bao suddenly lowered his head, and then a drop of water fell quickly.

Zheng He sighed: "If the official had gone then, according to what the imperial doctor said after returning to Beijing, he would probably not be able to return..."

When the people of the mission saw Zheng He and Hong Bao even crying, they thought it was the excitement of reunion after a long absence.

"That person is better than that Hong Bao. Look for opportunities to talk."

Henry felt that Zheng He should be Hong Bao's boss. Then they saw a man walking by, Hong Bao raised his head, wiped away his tears, and talked with him.

"Who is this person?"

The greeting over there soon ended. Hong Bao brought Zheng He and Fang to wake up and introduced the identities of both parties.

Zheng He's new identity was shocking, and the three of them all followed his changes.

"This is Daming's Xinghe... Fang Xing."


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