Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Vol 4 Chapter 2191: I look at the sky outside

The college entrance examination is coming soon, and I wish the book friends of the college entrance examination a great leap. Ten years in the cold window, once in high school.


Sun is going to give birth, and the emperor is also going, the palace is a little nervous.

The empress dowager sits in Ningshou Palace, and the eunuchs and maids are going in and out like streams of water. Except for palace affairs, it is mostly Sun Guifei's affairs.

"...The hospital is there, the emperor is also there, just give birth."

The queen mother seemed a little calm, not like being a grandmother.

Wang Zhen was outside, standing there with a group of eunuchs.

Others are waiting for arrangements, but he is not.

He is waiting for the Queen Mother's ‘care’.

Li Bin came out. He stood outside the door, his eyelids moved, and he glanced at Wang Zhen and said, "Your mother is giving birth, what are you doing here?"

Wang Zhen raised his head and said with a smile: "The servant girl wants to see if there is anything she wants to take with her..."

Sun is not a serious daughter-in-law, but compared with those concubines, she can be counted as one-third.

Therefore, there is nothing wrong with Wang Zhen's words: Sun's is about to give birth, the queen mother must give some warmth and comfort.

Li Bin glanced at the eunuchs who bowed their heads, and said, "The empress has already sent someone, so what are you waiting for?"


"Our lady is the main palace, no, this is called the Zhengtou lady."

A few palace ladies and eunuchs stood outside Kunning Palace, watching that there were a lot of people going to Sun Guifei, so they had to slander.

"That's it, a little concubine gave birth to a child in the palace, and people who didn't know thought it was going to give birth..."

Yi An came out and calmed these people. She looked around for a week and said: "Don't trouble the Nyonya, do something, and rest when there is nothing to do. You are not allowed to run around asking for news, or you will kill you!"

These people immediately acted as birds and beasts, Yi An raised his head, and then slowly went to the Queen Mother's side.

Walking in the palace, I saw fewer people than before.

The sun was swaying down and it was slightly hot.

She passed a palace and saw a group of people looking at the sky.

There are many people looking at the sky over Concubine Sun, as if waiting for something.

She knew something vaguely, and went to Ningshou Palace with worries.

"What about the end?"

The queen mother was still calm, and Yi An said: "The princess is endorsing, and your Royal Highness is making trouble on the side..."

A smile gradually floated on the Queen Mother’s face, and she smiled: "That kid is a troublemaker, but if the kid doesn't make trouble, the adults will panic in their hearts!"

Yi An continued: "The empress is teaching while doing needlework."

"What have you done?"

The queen mother asked casually.

"Embroidered a duck."

This is normal. As a queen from an ordinary family, embroidering a little duck for a child, this is her aesthetic.

But the queen mother was a little dazed, and then said: "It's a couple. It can be seen that this is a certain destiny."


"Your Majesty, the empress has entered the delivery room."

Zhu Zhanji nodded, looked at the Piandian and asked: "What does the Taiyuan Hospital say?"

The judge of the Taiyuan Hospital was called over, and then he elaborated on the situation of Sun's family and the fetus. In a word, it was very good.

Zhu Zhanji looked at the busy but not chaotic places and nodded slightly.

Dechun tremblingly did not dare to say a good word for the Sun family, but Mother Zhou boldly said: "Your Majesty, these are all arranged by the mother in advance."

Zhu Zhanji nodded noncommittal. Someone brought a chair. He sat down, then leaned on the back of the chair, squinting at the sky.

The sky is blue and refreshing.

"What do you always look at the sky? It's time for lunch, you treat."

It is rare for Meng Ying to sit with Fang Xing for a while, but she didn't want to stay any longer, so she said she was going to the first fresh meal.

"Send someone to it."

Fang Xing's words caused Meng Ying to retreat, just thinking that everyone's recent relationship is good, he reminded: "That's not something you can interfere with."

"I didn't interfere."

Fang Xing pointed to the sky and said, "I just want to see what God means."

Meng Ying gradually thought about it, then her face suddenly changed, and she whispered: "If it really comes, who knows whose idea it is? You are too courageous."

At this time the people inside began to come out.

It's time for lunch.

Fang Xing looked at Meng Ying, and there was a moment of silence between the two.

"Where is Uncle Xing basking in the sun?"

Xia Yuanji wouldn't go out to eat, but when he heard that Fang Xing was outside, he came out to take a look.

Fang Xing beckoned to him, and then whispered to Meng Ying: "There are certain things that your Majesty refuses to do, but others may not."

"Master Xia, let's eat together?"

Fang Xing greeted with a smile.

Xia Yuanji looked at the tables and chairs and said, "Here..."

Fang Xing pointed to the sky and said, "It's good to take advantage of the small sun today."

Xia Yuanji was startled, and saw Meng Ying's face with embarrassment, and said: "Eating here... or go to the Hubu, or the Dudu's Mansion. You have to leave room. I heard that you like to play chess. The benefits. Blindly strong will not last long..."


In the Dudu's Mansion, a large hot pot is placed on a large carbon stove, and the heat is overflowing.

The fragrance is overflowing!

The soup in the pot was boiling, and a whole chicken was tumbling up and down.

A plate of hairy belly was driven off, and then someone took the chopsticks and stirred it.

"Hurry up, just roll the hairy belly three times, it's crispy."

The public chopsticks were immediately proved to be redundant ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The three pairs of chopsticks went down together, and then they picked up a lot of hairy belly that had been slightly curled and deformed.

"You don't need to dip."

The red oil soup base was enough, but Fang Xing didn't think it was spicy enough, so he got a chili dipped in water.

Xia Yuanji was not afraid of being hot either. The corners of her mouth trembled slightly, she stuffed her hairy belly into her mouth, then felt it, and praised: "It's really crispy. I didn't know that this thing was delicious before. In the future..."

Fang Xing's mouth was grinning, hot and spicy. After eating, the spiciness remained in his mouth, but the skin of his mouth was tingling.

This is the charm of spicy hot pot.

It must be numb and spicy enough!

Meng Ying sat with Da Ma Jindao, her body tensed, as if she had spotted the enemy general, ready to slash and kill.

Xia Yuanji's mouth twitched, and his old eyes swept across Fang Xing and Meng Ying, and said, "The old man is getting old and can't eat for a few years."

After speaking, his chopsticks rushed to the hot pot.

But the other two pairs of chopsticks are one step ahead of him.

Meng Ying swiped his wrist and immediately collected a lot of hairy belly, and then fished it into the bowl.

Fang Xing didn't have his skill, so he could only try to remove it.

Fishing and clamping are naturally more efficient.

Just when Fang Xing was about to clamp the second chopsticks, Xia Yuanji said coldly: "Just now the old man saw something floating and sinking, but it looked like..."

"A maggot?"

Meng Ying picked up another chopstick and said contentedly: "Master Xia, these are just jokes for us, let alone maggots. If human blood falls in, you have to eat it, or you will starve to death."

Compared to the warrior, Xia Yuanji chose the wrong opponent.

"Someone said earlier that meals in the palace today are simple."

Xia Yuanji finally managed to grab it, and calmly swept away the remaining hairy belly.

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