Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Vol 4 Chapter 2205: Is there a problem? (Thanks to "Tian Dian Yingxin" for becoming this.

Chen Mo turned and left.

He already has some fame in the capital, no, it is the officialdom of the capital.

Everyone knows that the Ministry of Rites has a principal who likes to bathe with others and is reused by the emperor.


The heavy rain still couldn't cover Chen Mo's voice, and the sergeants who were hiding from the rain couldn't help but applaud in unison.

There was more excitement and enthusiasm on the faces of those who originally wanted to see the jokes.

Is there anything more proud and proud of than beating other countries’ envoys?

No, at least not right now!

Then someone murmured: "What if they go back to China if they are angry?"


Those excitement are less, and there are more worries.

The mission has been in the capital for quite a while, and there are so many guys with different skin colors all at once, and the people in the capital have treated them as western sceneries, and there is a lot of discussion.

Many people say that these three countries are big and powerful countries in Western Thailand.

Daming provokes three great nations at once...Is this appropriate?

Those sergeants were all looking at the Three Kingdoms envoys, and they were in full view, but they had a counterproductive effect.

As the saying goes, it's hard to get a shameful knife. Doc and Abel just said cruel words. Now that they are stared at by so many people, they find that they can't get off the stage.


Abel hesitated and said: "We must maintain the decency of the country."


Doc was still annoyed. He glanced at Henry and said, "Lisbon is looking into the distance, trying to find more land, Henry, shouldn't you say something?"

Henry spread his hands and said: "We are weak and can't support ourselves. It's that simple."

Abel obsessively said: "But not only is there danger in the distance, there are also countless places, there must be good places, there are a lot of gold and silver, and then Lisbon will slowly become stronger... Isn't it Henry?"

Doc's eyes changed slightly, approaching Abel, and he whispered: "You know?"

Abel proudly said: "Lisbon is always looking for a place, no matter how desolate the island is, they will not let it go. They are like wolves that can't feed enough. Doc, we are fighting, but they are looking for a place, funny? Ha ha ha ha!"

The two were staring at Henry, and the two major powers of Tessie were staring at Lisbon, the land of bullets.

Henry glanced at Fang Xing, who was hiding from the rain, and said calmly: "What we have to think about now is how to eliminate this humiliation, otherwise the reputation of the Three Kingdoms will fall, at least in Mingren's eyes."

Doc and Abel looked cold, but Henry didn't care about it. He said, "How old is Daming? Have you seen it? Can we...can't the gorse stop it?"

His eyes were so earnest that Dock didn't have the embarrassment to brag about the gorse, "I don't know, but it will be difficult."

"Where is Frank?"

Abel said awkwardly: "It's difficult."

They were beaten into dogs by gorse some time ago. How can they be qualified to fight against Daming!

"Then what shall we do?"

Henry smiled and said: "We have to unite. We can't beat one, but three? When we are united and act in the same way, will Mingren really dare to do it?"

If the Three Kingdoms really want to join forces, the bursting power is really not small, at least they think they can be invincible.

The heavy rain is still falling.

Doc glanced at the sky and said, "It's still dark clouds, Abel, shall we go back?"

Abel shook his head and said, "You decide."

Henry smiled: "Lisbon is just a small place."

Doc cursed the two guys who wanted to watch the show in his heart, and then said with a stern face: "Well, I just want to ask, why they should despise the gorse."

After speaking, he walked into the heavy rain, calmly walking, as if never going back.

Abel stayed for a while, then said to Henry: "Frank will not back down."

He also walked over.

Henry smiled, then ran out.

The prince of a country, and also a messenger, is a must, otherwise it is malfeasance and shame.

Henry has always performed very well, and he did not live up to his dual identity as a prince and messenger in Lisbon.

But now he is running wildly.

No decent rush!

His shoes trampled on the ground in the rain, splashing water everywhere.

The rain poured on him, and he was still smiling, as if it was a golden jelly.

He surpassed Abel, and Abel could only look at his back in a daze, and then his face was full of anger.

Doc heard the sound, he turned his head, then stunned, then cold.

He rushed to Fang Xing's body, then wiped his face, and said, "It's really weird this day. If it rains, it will rain."

The translator followed, and then quickly translated.

Chen Mo was already sluggish. He didn't expect them to come right away, and he didn't expect Henry to rush to him.

How reserved?

How about reserved as a messenger?

What about morals?

What about the morals of being a prince?

Fang Xing looked at Doc and Abel as Henry walked slowly, and did not respond to Henry's tricks.

Henry only glanced at him to make sure that the Lord Earl was not bluffing.

The point is that he is not afraid to anger the Three Kingdoms envoys.

While this discovery made him secretly grateful, he was also speculating about the reason in his heart.

Is it true that Daming is so powerful that the three countries can join forces without fear?

He smiled and said: "I just came to see His Majesty the Emperor."

He didn't conceal his dissatisfaction, which is very important, and he thinks this is the first step in honesty.

"Your Majesty is busy with state affairs, and another date is selected."

Doc and Abel also arrived, dripping water on their bodies, watching Fang Xing and Henry talking dumbly.

"Is there anything else? Or you think this is an insult to you."

Henry just smiled, and the opponent awoke aggressively and did not fight back.

Doc was anxious and said, "So Da Ming wants to humiliate us?"

In one sentence, he pulled Fang Xing's words to the height of the country, thinking that Fang Xing must not dare to continue.

"They said that you are Daming's No. 1 player."

Doc came under pressure, and Hong Bao's words in the strait were too oppressive.

——You are just a corpse on the Jingguan Temple cast by Xing Hebo!

The navy commander of Gorse was actually compared to a corpse in Fang Xing’s eyes. This is almost a shame~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Ward almost couldn’t help but want to destroy Mingren’s fleet at the time, Ke Mingren Always let a ship tow at the back, and the Lisboners are also behind. Once a ship ran, whether it was Lisbon or Mingren’s ship, the news that the Ming mission was completely killed by the gorse is guaranteed to spread quickly. Back to Daming.

So after seeing Fang Xing on the dock for the first time, Doc followed him and dragged Abel and Henry into the water.

After observation, the three of them agreed that the earl was probably the emperor's favorite minister, and he couldn't see the appearance of a famous general at all. On the contrary, he was more like a wretched man who seduce women all day in the next door.

Yes, at that time they were imagining Fang Xing's true identity maliciously, and then they felt very happy.

But today Fang Xing humiliated them!

Real humiliation!

Anyone who is greeted with a finger hook will feel humiliated.

That's why Doc was completely irritated and dared to ask that sentence.

In his calculations, even if this matter was brought to the front of Emperor Ming, there was absolutely no reason to lose.

——Da Ming is a nation of etiquette!

Yes, this is the common view of countless people.

Daming pays attention to etiquette, not rude, not unreasonable.

Therefore, he felt that he could take this attack and let Daming get to know the gorse again.

And Daming's fleet is too leading, Frank and Lisbon are also vigilant, this is the foundation of the Tessie League.

This is the basis for troubles.

So he looked at Fang Xing confidently.

The sergeants all heard the interpreter's words, and they all looked at Fang Xing.

How will Fang Xing respond?

Weak, or tough.

In full view, Fang Xing looked at Doc and asked coldly, "Is there a problem?"

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