Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Vol 4 Chapter 2209: I think we were fooled

The person here is Fang Wu, and they all have an impression of Doke.

The big insect and the little insect squatted beside Fang Wu, their tongues sticking out, looking panicked.

"Please see my master?"


Fang Wu said noncommittal: "Master, please come to the front hall to serve tea, please."

Doc's legs were still a little weak, he glanced at Henry, thinking that you dare to yin at me, and when we look back we have some accounts.

But Henry was looking at the children. Doc followed his eyes and saw an older child holding a booklet and recording something with a charcoal pen.

What's so good about this?

Doc thinks Henry is...

"what is that?"

When he saw that every child came in front of the older child, he should have been evaluated, and then most of them jumped up happily, Dock only felt that his back was chilly.


Fang Wu urged impatiently.

Doc slowly backed up, his eyes turned, and he saw further afield where several men were talking.

He thought it was a conspiracy, but he couldn't think of the origin of the conspiracy.

The three of them slowly followed Fang Wu, Henry whispered: "Doc, they are scaring us."

Doc didn't speak, Henry sighed: "Before we met...We were stopped by the uncle Xinghe outside the imperial city. He was intimidated. Now it is threatening again. Doc, he likes to use this method."

This is a new discovery, which is helpful to the follow-up agenda.

And Henry took the initiative to speak out, just to calm Doc's anger just now.

Abel was most embarrassed. His timidity was exposed to others, and he would inevitably lose his momentum in front of Dock in the future.

But the men in the distance were smiling happily.

"Seven brothers, I really got a good look after a try."

The knife said with a smile: "Dork is a stern insider, Abel is timid, and that Henry is the most cunning. They are not monolithic."

In Jinyiwei, the man who had been questioned in the restaurant was speaking righteously, and there was no hint of insignificance.

"...They just asked about this."

"Yes, my lord."

Shen Yang smiled and said, "You answered exactly, so turn your head back to remember your merits."

"Thank you, sir."

Shenyang waved his hand and said after this person left: "It's really restless, how about the people in Dongchang? Didn't they find it?"

Someone reported: "My lord, the people in Dongchang found out, but they were watching. The three people went back to the post house and asked the people from the Ministry of Rites, saying that they were going out of the city to visit Xinghebo, and the people in Dongchang decided to agree. Then their people should have gone to report."

"Report? To whom?"

Shenyang asked casually.

"My lord, to Xinghe Bo."

Shen Yang nodded, and then faintly said: "Does An Lun still know the overall situation?"


"The overall situation is important!"

The subordinates grievedly said that the credit was robbed by Jin Yiwei, and the East Factory had no choice but to report the letter.

An Lun was chanting Buddha, he went to Qingshou Temple and asked for the beads, which was given by a high-ranking monk.

He slowly moved the Buddha beads and said, "There are many differences in the DPRK's views on Taixi. Some want to deter them, some want to make friends, some are yelling and screaming... Let's be steady, slowly Staring at them, as soon as the moment gets worse, I will shoot immediately..."

He took a sip of tea and continued: "Those are the greedy people. They went to Fangjiazhuang. They were frightened before. Then they feared that Fang Xing's relationship with His Majesty was close. There is no ethics, it's all about interests."

Chen Shi said unwillingly: "Father-in-law, if our people in the restaurant are replying, your Majesty will definitely have compliments!"

If the man in the restaurant who answered the question of the Thais was from Dongchang, then An Lun could enter the palace and report to the emperor.

Chen Shi thinks this is a great contribution.

"This is no credit."

"This is to grab merit."

An Lun said a little weary: "Is there any heartbreaking between nations? Those messengers went to inquire about Xinghe Bo. This is just a trivial matter. Even if they were to inquire about the number of troops in Daming, that's normal."

Chen Shi was a little puzzled, and said, "Father-in-law, why not watch them closely and not allow them to contact them."

An Lun said lightly: "You have to pretend to be kind, understand? Otherwise, it's shameful."

"Ke Hing and Uncle directly threatened to kill the door, to Taixi..."

"Someone pretends to be kind, and somebody has to carry a knife. If you don't understand this, you can only take care of trivial things in the future..."

Chen Shi was horrified, stood up and stood with his hands, and said, "Father-in-law, our family is wrong."

An Lun sighed: "Don't think about fighting for power all day long. Remember, we are your majesty's domestic slaves. If you forget this, you will not be far from death."

Chen Shi nodded, unexpectedly a little choked.

An Lun was stunned, and then smiled bitterly: "Is our family so scary?"

Chen Shi paused for a moment, uneasy.

The room gradually became quiet, Chen Shi only felt itchy all over, wishing to run out of the door, and then ran vigorously, coughing vigorously.

I don't know how long it took, An Lun asked leisurely: "What is Yan Dajian up to?"

After a violent cough, Chen Shi panted and said, "Father-in-law, Yan Dajian has been very honest recently, even if he ran into Baoding Hou, he didn't complain."

An Lun nodded, the expression on his face was neither sad nor happy, like a thousand-year-old Buddha, waiting for the passage of time.


After receiving Dongchang's notice, Fang Xing made some arrangements. When he saw the three in the front hall, he had already made a judgment on the personalities of the three.

"Whether it is a misunderstanding or deliberately, Ben will only look at the situation. The need for peace is a friend, and the need for war is an enemy. That's it, come and see you off!"

The three of Dock looked at Fang waking up from the front hall in disbelief, and then looked at the interpretation. They suspected that the interpretation was wrong in the middle~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The interpretation was also shocked, and he swore that he would follow Never seen such a rude master.

He actually chased guests?

The three of them left Fang's house in a desperate manner, but Doc refused to leave.

"What else do you want to stay here waiting for?"

Abel felt that they were all wrong since they walked out of the post hall today, whether they were going to the imperial city or to Fangjiazhuang, they were all wrong.

"We were wrong since we met this earl."

Henry felt the same way, and he knew better than Abel.

"He is oppressing us, making us bow our heads step by step, and everything is just to make us afraid, afraid of Da Ming."


When Abel was reminded by these words, he remembered the several meetings with Fang Xing, and couldn't help sighing: "He is more cunning than the hunter!"

"The first time I met was at the dock. He looked ordinary and didn't talk to us, so we despised him."

Abel felt that wisdom was gathering fast in his body, and his speech was getting faster and faster.

"I think we were fooled..."

From a harmless guy with humans and animals suddenly turned into a murderer with open fangs and devouring living people, Abel felt that Fang Xing was a scheming plotter.

"He is not like a famous general, but more like a conspirator next to the king!"

Henry nodded and said: "But such a famous general is even more scary, and he has a close relationship with Emperor Ming, so we are considered to have encountered the reef. Okay, let's go back and wait for Emperor Ming's decision."

Doc turned around and took a look, and saw the two Jia Ding staring at his group. The expressions in those eyes were obviously sarcasm.

The three people and their entourage left Fangjiazhuang, and there were people following along the way. For a while he was an old man, and for a while he was a woodcutter...

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