Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Vol 4 Chapter 2214: Rebel in the cesspit

Daming didn't want to see that Tessie was a piece of iron, but Henry was cunning, just to test Xiang Fang Xing. It's just that this person is only willing to say something lie, Fang Xing feels bored, and it is better to go home to make up for sleep.

When he returned home without seeing two girls, Fang Xing took off his clothes and asked his concubine.

Xiaobai is calculating how much food Fang's family has put into the warehouse this year, and there is no time to take care of this.

Zhang Shuhui is collecting used clothes, which will be donated.

Hearing that, she said bitterly: "The two girls slept together last night and muttered for half the night. They refused to get up in the morning. After being beaten for a while, they said that they were wronged, so they went to the back garden."

"Normally, isn't it like that for children."

Fang Xing changed his clothes, and then swayed to the back garden with a folding fan.

The Fang's back garden is not small, it hasn't been trimmed before, and it looks like a jungle.

Now the winding paths here are secluded, and benches and small pavilions are also everywhere.

Fang Xing fanned the fan lightly, thinking about the Three Kingdoms of Taixi, and halfway away without knowing it.

"...The tiger was sent away by my father. I cried for a long time. My father refused to agree. He said that my family loves me the most..."

"But... but tigers can bite people!"

"It didn't bite, it was play, its paws hooked the clothes, if it really bites, it will definitely see blood..."

Fang Xing stopped and listened with a smile.

There is a bench in front of which two little girls are sitting side by side with their short legs swaying, saying something they think they are mature.

"There are still a lot of goslings in the house. If you like it, you can raise a few. When they are older, they will take care of the house and help you peck people..."

"But it's smelly..."

"Yeah! This is the most annoying, everywhere..."

The topic of the little girl is like clouds in the sky, colorful, but Fang Xing doesn't listen to it anymore, so she takes a few steps forward.


When Wuyou saw Fang Xing, all his grievances were gone, and he happily slid off the bench and ran over.


Zhuzhu was one step behind, but he was also overjoyed.

Fang Xing touched the tops of the two girls and said: "The sun will get bigger, and your faces will turn black later. Come back with me, let's go carving the ice."


After taking the ice to the child to carve and play, Fang Xing lay on the recliner, seeming to be napping.

Zhang Shuhui stared at the two girls while packing her clothes.

After getting it right, she asked habitually: "Husband, how is your empress?"

"Fortunately, we are as respectful as guests."

Fang Xing didn't open his eyes, but the index finger of his right hand flicked beside him.

"That's no pampering."

Zhang Shuhui knew this was the case, but every time she couldn't help asking and caring about it.

Fang Xing said, "This is fate."

Hu Shanxiang's fate is already good, and Fang Xing feels that at least the existence of corn carries a sense of changing fate against the sky, which is exciting.

But Zhang Shuhui felt that the emperor was indifferent, so she murmured for a while, and at last she simply called someone to prepare a car, and went into the palace to see the queen and corn.

"do not go!"

Fang Xing had only time to say a word, and Zhang Shuhui took some people away.

"This woman!"

She didn't actually bring Wuyou, so it can be seen that she was indeed to inquire about the news, and she would probably cheer up the queen by the way.

The two girls were playing with Jiulianhuan on the side, and from time to time they encountered problems and asked Fang Xing for advice. Fang Xing was still enthusiastic at first, and after being stumped, she could only pretend to sleep.

He wanted to tell Zhang Shuhui that he should not enter the palace during this time, so as not to get involved in the fight in the harem.

The Sun family gave birth to a son, and he is currently dormant, but there are many frustrated people in the palace. These people tout the Sun family and speak ill of Hu Shanxiang secretly.

There are many such things, as long as they don't involve the emperor, they are spreading as gossip.

But some people carelessly died. When they muttered the queen, they were heard by the queen mother. The queen mother became furious and beat the two eunuchs to death. If it weren’t for the second prince’s not full moon yet, most of the two eunuchs would be beaten to death. .

But even so, the Queen Mother still scolded a lot of people. During the period, it is not known whether Sang cursed Huai Fang to wake up, but I heard that the Sun family was even more silent.

At this time, Zhang Shuhui went into the palace to cheer for her "girlfriends". What is it in Zhu Zhanji's eyes?

Put on eye drops!

"Just be angry, and suffer the sins you have done yourself."

Fang Xing put the book on his face, too lazy to think about how Zhu Zhanji would deal with the women of his dearest relatives.

Zhang Shuhui rushed into the palace with billowing smoke and dust, and then the cart of gifts was unabashedly divided into two halves, half of which belonged to the Queen Mother and the other half belonged to the Queen.

And the queen’s two children often mess around with the queen mother, so those gifts seem to be prepared for them, and many of them are children’s toys.

As for the other noble woman in the palace, the birth mother of the second prince, it was natural that she didn't get a single hair.

Someone in the palace said that the Fang family did not leave anything behind. They were so desperate that they might be unlucky in the future.

"Don't bully the young man to be poor!"

Song honestly wondered where he heard the words, looked impassioned, but peeed in the hut.

There used to be no latrines in the palace, but at the end of a court meeting last year, an official suddenly couldn’t hold back, but couldn’t find the lavatory. Finally, he pulled his own lavatory, and the palace suddenly became a large-sized lavatory. Exhausted.

Later, Zhu Zhanji made people find a remote place outside Qianqing Palace and built the current latrine. When the latrine came out at that time, the officials were so excited that Huang En mighty did not know how many times he said it.

This person has three urgency, urination is the most urgent!

This latrine is a big pit. There was an **** next to him, and Song honestly squatted to pee. When the urine splashed in front of him, a lot of it was splashed on the eunuch's body.

The **** did not call to dodge scolding, but sighed: "I heard that the empress likes to pinch people?"

Song Laoshi shook his body~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and then lifted his pants, looked at the **** and said, "Nonsense, my mother is fine."

The **** chuckled and said: "I heard that someone was pinched and covered in bruises. You are working in the Qing Palace. Haven't heard of it?"

Song Honestly frowned and looked at him, then slowly put on his belt, moved his hips by the way, and suddenly kicked it out.

The **** was anxious to hide, but he squatted for more than a quarter of an hour, his legs were already numb, and Song Laoshi kicked him on his shoulder, and he fell backward.

After a thump, Song Laoshi ran out and shouted, "There are rebels! There are rebels!"

Not far from the Qianqing Palace, Song Honest's voice was not small, and a group of eunuchs immediately rushed.

These eunuchs were slow at first, and when they saw Song Laoshi standing outside the latrine, their eyes lighted up, and then they rushed in like a herd of bison.


"Pull him out!"

"Fart! Who wants to get pee, look at the maggots on him, vomit!"

"Get a stick! Go!"

An **** rushed out, glanced at Song Laoshi, and then ran forward.

Song Honest was drinking water, slowly as if he didn't call it just now.

People are still alive when they are rescued. This is due to the high requirements in the palace. Almost every few days, someone will come to collect the dung, and then cover it tightly, and sprinkle some spices on the outside to drag it away. This is a guarantee. There is no'poisonous gas' fermented inside.

"Look for water! And ask what treachery is."

Someone came out stinkingly and asked Song Honest with a smile.

Song Honestly drank the water, then hiccuped, and muttered: "He said that the queen empress pinches people. I don't know him. He is a liar. They say that the liar is treason."

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