Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Vol 4 Chapter 2217: The booming workshop

"His Royal Highness still has three or four years."

In the study room in the front yard, Huang Zhong was analyzing the elusive dilemma that was rarely seen since the founding of Ming Dynasty.

"After your Royal Highness starts to learn, that will be the target. Countless people will stare at your Royal Highness. If it is a little bad, it will immediately spread."

"The second prince is a bit embarrassed, after all, the eldest prince is the eldest son, no matter how he fights, the possibility of counterattack is too small, the only thing to worry about is your majesty's favor."

Fang Xing said casually: "Your Majesty's favor is indeed unstoppable, but she wants to take a step further and can really rest."

He spoke his thoughts confidently and calmly, but what he didn't know was that in history, the Sun's success was based on his son's counterattack.

And it was her counterattack with Zhu Zhanji.

In this process, Hu Shanxiang became a tragedy, which can be called an eternal tragedy.

She has become the background board and foil of the so-called love, almost the same as all the supporting roles in it. No matter how many titles, it is just a foil.

The Sun is naturally the representative of Xiaosan's turnaround, and the representative of true love invincible, who can counterattack.

Fang Xing, who hadn't had lunch, was a little hungry, but when he saw Jin Yiwei's hunger, he turned into vigilance.

"Uncle, that man was killed."

"Quiet? Whose handwriting?"

Fang wakes up and feels that Xuande's first provocation has finally appeared.

The visitor smiled bitterly and said: "It was Yu Jia who caused the torture himself, right below the Palace of the Qing Dynasty. Many people have seen it."

"Is Yu Jia crazy?"

Fang Xing felt a little unbelievable, but he was wary of whether there would be any traps in it.

"Whether he hands it to the East Factory, the best thing is to report it to your Majesty, and then wait for the Holy Trial."

The visitor obviously got all the authorization from Shenyang, so he knew the cause of this matter very well.

"That person first wanted to lead Song Laoshi to spread the ill of the Queen Empress, but he didn't know that Song Laoshi was in awe of her Majesty and Empress, so he kicked him into the dung pit..."

"Yu Jia took the matter, only tortured but couldn't help it. He killed the man on the spot and found nothing in the end."

Fang Xing's brows gradually frowned. He was a nostalgic person, so he didn't want to see the deceased change and the bad side declined sharply.

The visitor continued: "The man refused to say anything, and Yu Jia refused to give it to the outside. In the end, he was killed alive. Even the person close to the servant was imprisoned. It is said that torture has already begun."

"I was rushed to the doctor, I knew this before, so why bother!"


As soon as the visitor left, Fang Xing confessed to Zhang Shuhui: "In the future, our home will be farther away from Yu Jia."

"Remember that he used to be honest and shy when he smiled, how come he has changed so much now?"

Zhang Shuhui remembered that when he was in Jinling, Yu Jia followed Zhu Zhanji's front and back. At that time, he looked at his duty, not lacking in cleverness, so this was the main reason why he later defeated Jin Ying.

"Why is this person so smug?"

Zhang Shuhui really didn't understand, so she mumbled about this all morning.

"Everyone has their own way of fate, if you have time, please press me as soon as possible, and stop whispering to others."

Fang Xing interrupted Zhang Shuhui's emotions impatiently while lying on the carpet, and then felt a little quiet.

He slowly opened his eyes and saw a pair of small hands.



The things in the palace passed quietly as Fang Xing thought. Yu Jia was a little anxious, but she was reprimanded for a good intention.

Then the case was handed over to the East Factory.

"There are always some greedy people in this world, you have to look at Shu!"

On the edge of the pier in Tongzhou, Fang Xing and Zhang Ben were watching this bustling scene.

"Scenery of the prosperous age!"

There was a constant flow of traffic, but waiting for the unloaded ship to still be discharged far away, some people hurriedly jumped ashore to scold them, and then were chased by people at the dock with sticks.

The weather is hot and people's tempers are not good. It is said that there have been three bloodsheds on the wharf, and the head was battered.

Zhang Ben didn't feel vulgar, so he smiled and said, "This is the negligence of the Ministry of Industry, right?"

Fang Xing said: "With the completion of Xinghe City, the area from Xinghe City to Beijing City has actually become a rear area, and there is no longer any need to worry about the enemy's harassment, so it continues to prosper, and the requirements for transportation capacity continue to increase..."

"That's why the DPRK and the Central Government decided to build the north-south corridor, which will be paved with cement. If it were the past, anyone who dares to mention it, let alone the north-south corridor, would be crazy even if it was built from Beiping City to Tongzhou."

Everyone knows that Xia Yuanji's madness is someone who even the Emperor Wen has taken him. Now almost no one can control it.

That's why Daming's banknotes will be issued in an orderly manner, and Daming's finances have been healthy and increasingly stable.

The two then went to the workshop.

Jin Ying was watching a furnace of steel coming out of the furnace.

"Get out of the way!"

The craftsmen who monitored the safety didn't notice that Fang Xing and Zhang Ben were coming, but when someone wanted to approach him, he cursed, "I want to die! Then the molten steel came out and got a little...er, uncle."


Fang didn't have time to say anything when he woke up, he saw molten steel pouring out when his eyes lit up.

Seeing Fang Xing, Jin Ying walked around in a circle and said proudly: "Xing He Bo, Master Zhang, this furnace of molten steel is for Jinling Shipyard."

Zhang Ben asked, "Where will the shipyard be used?"

Jin Ying's face was a little molting, looking at the red and white, it was particularly ugly, but Zhang Ben was unexpectedly pleasant to him.

Jin Ying was a little surprised, because he had an encounter with Zhang Ben before he was ‘exiled’. That time, Zhang Ben’s eyes looked like a maggot with disgust.

He was stunned for a moment, and then said flattered: "Master Zhang is polite. The shipyard uses it himself, and there are also a lot of places used on the ship, but we must try our best to ensure that there is less rust. We are exploring each of these in our workshop~ www.wuxiaspot.com~ I have been making recipes for several years, and I have tried various kinds of recipes many times, burning money like water!"

"Spending money is like running water."

Zhang Ben is considered a rigorous person, so he couldn't help but pointed out the error in his words.

Jin Ying didn't admit his mistake. He pointed to the molten steel that was still being poured and said, "Master Zhang, we never talk about spending money in our workshop. It's burning. You can see if this is the case."

Zhang Ben smiled and said, "This is indeed."

"The shipyard uses a lot of steel. In the past, the steel was not good and the output was not much, so it used less. Now it is different. After the supply from our workshop, someone from Jinling found the Ministry of Engineering and the Ministry of Households. , Just talking about the steel that will be used exclusively for our workshop in the future..."

Jin Ying's proud appearance is similar to before, but looking at his shabby face and dark hands, Fang Xing and Zhang Ben both secretly admired.

"The Ministry of Engineering is going crazy. Wu Zhong came to us a few days ago and wanted to entice a few craftsmen to go back. Our family found out...Ho **** ho ho!"

Zhang Ben could imagine Wu Zhong's embarrassment at the time, but he was not easy to make fun of his colleagues, so he asked: "The shipyard is building a larger warship. The last time I wrote that it would require a lot of things, the workshop can receive it. ?"


Jin Ying was almost proud, and said: "The list was shared with us by the Ministry of Engineering. Finally, the shipyard was present and gave us most of the goods in a single game, Wu Zhong...Ho **** ho ho!"

Fang Xing saw Zhu Fang and went to speak. Zhang Ben sternly said: "The Taixi missions have come to the capital, so the warship is related to the safety of the Daming sea and territories. We must not slack off, and the workshop must hurry up."

Jin Ying received his pride, and said solemnly: "Master Zhang, don't worry, our family knows the severity of this matter, and we will definitely stare at them and don't cheat."

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