Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Vol 4 Chapter 2219: Daming and New World

"There is no mention of the alliance?"

Fang Xing received the news when he returned to the capital, and then went to the Ministry of Rites.

"Yes, just talking about trade, they just mentioned the alliance, knowing that Daming is not keen on it, that's it."

Hu Ye and the Three Kingdoms messengers have already met, and they have also tentatively asked a lot of questions.

"They are like merchants who are keen on trade, and they are also tentatively asking if they can buy a few ships in Daming. It's funny."

Hu Yi smiled and said: "They thought that we didn't know their wishful thinking, so the official declined directly. As for the alliance, the messenger of the gorse said yesterday that we have to ask the king to be the master."

Daming's alliance!

Fang Xing and Hu Sui smiled relatively, and said: "They are not worthy. Hong Bao's performance in Taixi can't help but be amazed. He was applauded. He made Daming's prestige reverberate through Taixi, but it brought a disadvantage... "

"The Taixi people are afraid of us!" Fang Xing was a little helpless, "but Daming won't be afraid of their reaction."

Hu Ye nodded in agreement with this judgment and smiled and said, "They are afraid of Daming. It is a good thing. Then we can also save the beating. Think about it. To beat them, our navy has to go to Taixi from Daming. Two years, it was too expensive."

"The profit will be greater." Fang Xing said: "Taixi is eager to trade with Daming. To them, Daming's goods are things used by gods. Once you trade, Daming can get a lot...More The important thing is to search for their wealth."

"But the official knows that you Xing He Bo is not a person who only looks at interests. The Taixi people are ambitious. According to Hong Bao, they are not reconciled to be trapped there, and the meat fan is not easy to fight, most likely Still go by sea.

But Daming is also expanding at sea. If this is the case, sooner or later everyone will have conflicts, from quarrels to swords and guns, and finally the whole country fights... that is not far away. "

Fang Xing entered the palace and asked to see Zhu Zhanji. When he saw the big map hanging in the room, when Zhu Zhanji was looking at Taixi, he asked, "Is it wrong?"

Zhu Zhanji turned sideways and said: "Those Thais are untamed and untamed. Our fleet is going to visit us. What will happen to them while they panic?"

"Be prepared for a rainy day!"

When Fang woke up, he wanted to talk about this issue. He walked to the map and drew his finger up along the Dragon Bay, and said: "The Thais have not been able to find a route. Their desire to expand can burn this sea area with fierce heat, so I Determined, they are acting."

Zhu Zhanji touched his short beard, his gaze wandered around the map, and finally settled on Taisi's side.

He stretched out his finger and pointed at Lisbon and said: "They have come to the prince, and this prince is the most steadfast in sailing and foreign exploration. He is also the host... What is he here for?"

His eyes were cold, Fang Xing said: "Henry should have come to spy on Daming, especially the ship building, but Hong Bao was clever and threw them on the grain ship, and they were blocked in the cabin under the deck all the way... "

Zhu Zhanji said: "They have not gained much, at least they have a vague understanding of Daming. You said... should you raise them or send them back?"

Fang Xing gave a dry cough, and then said, "If they can't go back, Tessie will become deadly enemies with us."

Zhu Zhanji said with disdain: "Are we still afraid of this?"

Fang Xing pointed to the meat fan and said: "But we have to pay attention to this side. If there are big enemies in both directions, I am not worried about the big defeat, but I hesitate about money and food."

"Poor soldiers and militants?"

Zhu Zhanji said with a headache: "The two sides are fighting at the same time, and the cost can make Xia Yuanji hang himself immediately. This emperor will probably become a tyrant in the future."

"Now Jinling is spending a lot of money. The ship building has just been rolled out, and the cost will be even greater in the future. Xia Yuanji has already hinted that I should not do anything expensive in recent years. I said that. In the Nian Palace, spend money as frugally as possible, and enter fewer people. Those palace ladies will be sent home when they are old. In the palace..."

The expenses in the palace are indeed not small, but most of them are on people.

The emperor's family can spend so much money no matter what, so streamlining the manpower in the palace is the king.

"The prince is also a cost, but if it is safe overseas, it is of course not a problem, so in the final analysis, the navy is the key."

Originally, Ming's fleet was divided into two, one was Zheng He's voyage to the West. This fleet was large in scale and strongest.

The other is the navy fleet under Fu Xian's command, mainly cruising in the coastal waters, and incidentally, it also cracks down on smuggling.

The two fleets are currently integrated. According to the plan, they will still be divided into several internal fleets in the future, with different directions of responsibility.

The goal of reorganizing the navy was actually Taixi from the beginning.

Fang Xing looked at the Dragon Bay and said, "Taixi people are not fools. They will definitely follow Hong Bao’s fleet from a distance. If they walk along the coast there, they have to pass through the Dragon Bay and then turn around. For them, It's... the new world..."


In the hall, Doc wants to return to China.

There are three people and the interpreter in the room, a pot of tea is in the middle of the table, and three cups of tea are steaming, subtle.

Doc sniffed the scent of the tea, and said intoxicated: "This is a gift from the heavens, and the king must be willing to exchange it with the same weight of silver."

Henry glanced at Abel in the wood, and said: "Our trip is to see Daming's situation. It seems like it is wasting time to stay in Peking now..."

Henry agreed with Dock's proposal to return home, and Abel was left.

Seeing that Abel seemed to be outside of his wandering things, Dok sneered: "Don't think that the Ming man will regard Frank as an ally. The earl didn't take you seriously, and the Emperor Ming didn't take you seriously. You can Allies who talked about **** are gone! Nothing!"

Abel moved, not angry, just murmured: "Their ship needs to be inspected, so why are you in a hurry?"


The embarrassment caused Henry to turn his head, thinking that his dignified pioneer of sailing would actually make such a low-level mistake. It is really embarrassing to spread it out!

Doc smelled the tea again, and sneered: "Don't they have a few ships? There are several more ships."

Abel raised his eyebrows and said: "I'm afraid there will be more than one!"

Doc shook his heart and asked, "Do they want to send a huge fleet?"

Henry nodded and said: "The last time it was the small team~www.wuxiaspot.com~ said it was a mission, but it was actually exploring the channel, so they were very vigilant."


Abel leaned back and the chair was up and down, "Doc, next time they go again, it will shock the whole Tessie, yes."

With a puff, the front legs of the chair landed, and Abel shook his body and said with a serious face: "I bet that when they go again for the second time, that is the moment when they show their fangs, what shall we do?"

The atmosphere is a bit solemn, but Henry is very relaxed.

"Henry, you are a veteran of sailing, let's talk about it, what should we do?"

Doc looked a little worried, but Abel continued to be in a daze.

"Stop pretending!"

Henry looked at them and said, "I bet that just after knowing that the Mingren arrived in Taixi from the new route, both of you are thinking about exploring this route, so what are you pretending to be?"

Seeing that there was still no embarrassment on the faces of Doc and Abel, he said coldly: "You guys have joined hands, right?"

Abel and Doc looked at him blankly.

Henry sneered: "Sure enough, yes! Compared with those sites, the New World is obviously fat swan meat, waiting for you to occupy, and then reap wealth..."

Doc faintly counterattacked: "Isn't there in Lisbon?"

Abel also said: "Maybe your people are the fastest, maybe you have discovered the channel, and you are searching for a new world at this moment."

Henry picked up the teacup, took a sip slowly, closed his eyes, as if tasting.

For a long time, he sighed: "So many good things!"



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