Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Vol 4 Chapter 2223: Jian Yi resigned

"Stand firm, yes, stand firm."

"Slide, don't..."

In the warm pavilion of the Qianqing Palace, Fang Xing held the corn that almost slipped, then helped him stand firmly, looked at the pulley under his feet, and said, "Is it fun or not?"


Corn's legs stepped on the pulley and slid back and forth. I just thought it was the most fun toy I had ever seen, so I couldn't help but concentrate.

Fang Xing played with him for a while, and then took the pulley away. Naturally, the corn quit, and he would cry. Fang Xing pretended to leave, and then he stopped.

"Should learn to learn, and play if necessary."

Fang Xing felt that such a small child really should play, but this is Zhu Zhanji's eldest son. In the future, if he wants to inherit the prince of Daming, he has to accept sympathy and start teaching him to recite poems.

But what poem can Corn recite! I recite the chanting goose dozens of times with one hand, and finally only understood the previous sentence.

"Uh uh uh!"

Maize returned to Kunning Palace happily. Hu Shanxiang was waiting for him peacefully. He was happy to see him coming in, and all followed with joy.



Hu Shanxiang took a towel and wiped his hands and face, and when he heard that he was just reading this thing, he asked.


Corn didn't know the expression, his feet were rubbing on the ground, but the ground was not slippery, he inevitably did useless work, and became anxious, so he shouted: "Mother, queen."

It's just that he didn't know what that thing should be called, so he communicated with Hu Shanxiang for a long time, and finally started to cry.

And Fang Xing was talking to Zhu Zhanji about those messengers at this moment.

"They want to go back. Neither the imaginary nor the snake has that effort, it's realistic enough."

Fang Xing talked about the previous encounter with Doc, and suggested: "You don't have to keep them, it's useless. After all, we need morality."

Yes, Daming's interior is still dominated by the traditionalists. If it loses morality, once the war machine needs to be activated, the voice of opposition can drown Zhu Zhanji and Fang Xing.

"It's nothing more than Daming's money and food, but Tessie can't go anymore."

Zhu Zhanji said firmly: "Since they have such a temperament, they don't know much about rules. Hong Bao said that Daming's fleet and firearms are precious to them. If they go again, they will definitely dare to take risks. "

He took a sip of ice cream, which was the food Fang Xing strongly opposed, so seeing Fang Xing frown, he laughed and said, "I have eaten less."

As soon as the conversation changed, Zhu Zhanji continued: "We are now on land to see Harleh and meat fans, and on sea to see Tessie. If both sides are involved together, the current preparations are not enough. Xia Yuanji said, we have to reserve."

Fang Xing persuaded: "The naval division is still being formed, and there is still a big gap in the battleship, so we can't worry, it's useless if it's urgent."

The treasure ship is very big and powerful, but after all, it is too big, and it is a multi-purpose ship, which is not cost-effective.

Therefore, Zheng He and Hong Bao, including Wang Jinghong in Jinling, unanimously demanded that more warships be built. Treasure ships will be more appropriate for use in the South China Sea in the future. They can also go into battle in an emergency. Whether it is transporting soldiers or supplies, the capacity is second to none.

After seeing the power of the new warship, Fu Xian decisively entered the memorial, saying that it is best to stop the treasure ship, and only build the warship in the future.

"Jinling is improving, and is preparing to build a larger warship, equipped with more artillery, and able to withstand greater storms."

The two of them talked about the navy, and left behind Corn’s recent ‘classes’.

When Fang Xing was finally about to retire, Zhu Zhanji said casually: "Jian Yi is a little frustrated. I want to be an official several times, and I'm considering it."

Fang Xing felt a little stunned, he didn't think Jian Yi would want to catch it.

"Jian Yi is getting older, plus... after that incident, he was a little frustrated, and Yu Qian also impeached him..."

The Xinjian incident, as a benchmark, made Jian Yi's self-sufficient vision a joke.

Fang Xing estimated that this was the reason why he wanted to resign.

It's just that Yu Qian went to impeach him, which was beyond Fang Xing's expectation.

Zhu Zhanji glanced at him and said: "Yu Qian is still less official outside."

Fang Xing nodded, then retired.

Fang Xing went all the way out of the imperial city. Instead of pretending to visit the frustrated Jian Yi, he called Yu Qian out.

Yu Qian kept his beard and looked a little more majestic. After seeing Fang Xing, he saluted, and then said first: "Master Jian wants to be an official, but the next official thinks that he should be impeached, and he should not be an official or not..."

This is a bit fierce, and runs counter to the current mainstream thinking, even Yu Qian feels a bit too much.

Fang Xing said: "I was impeached, but you were working underneath. You know a lot about the people's livelihood, but you still lack the experience of being an official in Beijing. That's not good."

Smart people don't need to say much, Yu Qian understands it when he hears it.

He lowered his head. Just when Fang Xing thought he would not admit defeat, or was discouraged, the boy raised his head, but said with a little excitement: "Xiaguan has been waiting for this opportunity, Xinghe Bo, can go to Zhejiang ...If it's not easy to handle, as long as it is a place by the sea, you only need to be a government, and then you can try what you have learned in your chest..."

Under Fang Xing's gaze, Yu Qian handed his hands over and said: "It's wrong to go down to the official position. It is not a trial to manage a place, but to be cautious."

Fang Xing said, "It's good for you to understand this truth. As for where you go, look at your majesty's consideration."

Yu Qian is the person in Zhu Zhanji's pocket, so he needs to be tempered.

Yu Qian thanked Fang Xing with his hand, and then went to the staff department.

He is here to see the wronge.

He thought he would be rejected, but before long, someone came out and brought him in, but this person's face was cold, as if he was taking an enemy with him~www.wuxiaspot.com~After Xin Jian committed suicide, Jian Yi would be old. Many, at this time, even Zhu Zhanji felt pity, and did not blame him.

In the Manchu dynasty civil and military, Yu Qian was uniquely impeached and impeached.

When seeing Jian Yi, Yu Qian just bowed.


Jian Yi was calm, but his face was pale.

Yu Qian lowered his head slightly and said, "Sir Jian, you have been in the staff for many years, and you have acted well, and you are deeply impressed by the government..."

Jian Yi thought that Yu Qian was here to find fault, so he was very calm. Hearing this, he felt that this man had actually learned how to raise and lower, which shows that officialdom is indeed training people.

There was a sneer at the corner of his mouth, and he stopped Guo Jing who was about to go crazy with his eyes.

Jian Yi was preparing to make an official appointment, and at the same time recommended Guo Yan as his successor. This is something that both the DPRK and China know.

This is the grace of support, Jian Yi is like Guo Jing's reborn parents in this life, at least at the level of a teacher. Therefore, whether it was the kindness or the impulse to ‘humiliate the minister’s death’, Guo Jin had to express his stance.

Yu Qian slowly raised his head, his face was firm, and there was no guilt, which made Guo Yan furious.

It is precisely because of Yu Qian's impeachment that Jian Yi made up his mind to resign. Although this move has a lot of benefits for him, Guo Jin, but the gesture is to be expressed.

Moreover, the sad feeling of the rabbit and the fox made Guo Jing not feel good about Qian.

Yu Qian didn't look at him, but said sincerely to Jian Yi: "Sir Jian, the staff is the key, and the head of the household is the key. If the head of the staff is selfish, whether it is for the way of his heart or follow his own vision, Everyone will be biased, and this is also the reason for impeachment."

Jian Yi looked at Yu Qian, who was energetic, and the sadness of the old man welled up in his heart, and then asked: "Then what do you think should be?"

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