Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Vol 4 Chapter 2225: Innovation never seen before

Without any signs, Zhu Zhanji suddenly threw out the idea of ​​clearing up contributions throughout the north.

The news that was like a bolt from the blue made all the dignitaries in Peking City dumbfounded.

At this time, everyone was waiting for someone to fire the first shot, and then all followed with a fluke, so that the emperor should know what it means to be angry.

At this moment, Xu Jingchang appeared.

He awe-inspiringly entered the memorial, and refuted his first half of his life for nothing, it was a waste of food, and it was not too much to kill ten times.

Moreover, he dug into his own mistakes, and even used his power to seduce a woman into the house to be a concubine. His words were sincere and moving.

In the memorial, I counted down my mistakes, and finally mentioned the biggest mistake.

——Receive contributions!

The only voice in the square was the voice of Yu Jia chanting memorials loudly.

"...The ministers are not strict enough to govern, causing the dainty slaves in the family to act recklessly, and the ministers are remorseful and sleepless..."

"...The minister has already recorded the collected contributions and sent them to Shuntian Mansion. Please check them one by one in Shuntian Mansion and return them..."

This beast!

Xu Jingchang felt that there should be screaming at this moment, so his ears moved.

The memorial was finished, and there was deathly silence in the square.

Xu Jingchang was a little uncomfortable with this atmosphere. He remembered the plan beforehand, and said, "Your Majesty, the fields that have been donated over the years have swallowed a lot of taxes, and the ministers are willing to pay all of them and fine them."

Fuck Nima Xu Jingchang!

When Xu Jingchang finished speaking, he felt that a brick or rotten egg should be thrown over at this moment.

There were no bricks and rotten eggs, but he heard the sound of teeth grinding.

The wicked stuff with smoking!

Not only did they voluntarily return their contributions, they also voluntarily demanded tax reimbursements, plus a willingness to fine them.

This is definitely a name for history books!

Xu Jingchang can be regarded as stabbing the lungs of the powerful and powerful. The coughing sound gradually increased in the hall, and some people even coughed as if they had tuberculosis.

Fang Xing remained silent, and the Gan Jiang changed from him to Xu Jingchang. This process was a bit subtle, but no one thought deeply.

Because everyone knows one thing, Xu Jingchang is a target kept in captivity by the imperial family. Whenever he needs it, he will take it out and fight to warn the Manchu civil and military.

Today, he took the initiative to come out like this. In fact, it was similar to being beaten up, except that he became the emperor's microphone.

Countless lights gathered on the emperor.

Yumen listens to politics, this is deliberate!

What does the emperor mean?

Are you really going to be completely liquidated?

Fang Xing looked up at those people slightly, and then smiled badly.

You are going to be unlucky!

"After the last time Shandong was cleaned up, I let people stop..."

Someone was repeating the emperor’s words loudly: "I know that you are loyal and loyal. Daming is now like a carriage moving forward. The less things you carry, the faster nature will be, and the contribution is a huge stone. I want to move."

"I have given you time to deal with the aftermath. The Duke of Dingguo has done the aftermath, and I have handed it over. I am prepared to let the blame go, and those taxes will be exempted. As a reward for you and Da Ming...and rewards!"

The anger is dissipating...

The emperor used the word reward, which shows that it is mean and sharp.

Most of the rich and powerful are inherited wealth. Even if they want to pay for their merits, their fathers and grandfathers have gained a lot of benefits. When it is their turn, they will be useless and useless in the country. Who has such a great face to pay for their merits?

Sadness is the emotion that appears the most, and then someone is worried.

The north is the place where the powerful and nobles gather the most. Those martial arts masters the military power everywhere. What if they fight back?

Yang Rong was worried, so he went to work and said: "Your Majesty, I heard that the Harits and the meat fans have joined forces. There are many hidden worries on the side wall. The minister suggested that two firearms guards should be sent to the key to be stationed in order to prevent sneak attacks."

This is the drunkard's intention not to drink!

Zhang Fu went out of the class and said: "Your Majesty, the minister agrees with Mr. Yang's words."

Both civil and military leaders suggested sending a firearm guard to the side wall at the same time. It seemed worried, but as long as the people present were not stupid, they would naturally know the purpose of this suggestion.

Lock the side wall, who dares to rebel and suppress it on the spot!

This is the purpose of this proposal!

Zhu Zhanji smiled and said: "The soldiers guarded hard, I believe them, if there is an enemy invading, there will be no return!"

This is to reject the proposal, Yang Rong and Zhang Fu returned to class, Zhu Zhanji continued: "Cleaning up is urgent, Xinghe Bo..."

"The minister is here!"

Fang wakes up from class to listen to orders.

Everyone's eyes were focused on him, unhappy and angered.

This is to let this unblinking murderer suppress Beiping City, right?

"The navy is being formed, but the ship building is not satisfactory. You can go to Jinling to see it."

"Yes, the minister abides by the decree."

This cargo is going to Jinling?

What about the north?

The north is about to usher in a big move. Why did the emperor send Fang Xing to Jinling at this time?

Why look at the progress of shipbuilding? No one will believe me. Fu Xian and Hong Bao are now staying in Jinling. They are experts, and Fang Xing is a layman. What are they going to do?

Is it because of the second prince, the emperor and Fang Xing gave birth to nasty?

That's great!

After Brother Yu was born, news about Fang Xing squatting outside the imperial city to watch the astronomical phenomena spread to great enthusiasm, and everyone agreed that Fang Xing was adding a blockage to the emperor.

Yes, that's a favored concubine, and you are a courtier to take care of the emperor's household affairs, what a big face!

While many people were happy in their hearts, Zhu Zhanji said calmly: "Take Jubaoshanwei with you, otherwise something goes wrong on the road, it will really become a joke of the country."

The atmosphere took a turn for the worse in an instant.

Someone bowed their heads and wanted to vomit blood: Fang Xing was surrounded by good players, and that old Xin Xin could count on one hundred, plus some sergeants with him, who would dare to stop him halfway?

Then Zhu Zhanji confessed a few things, among which Yu Qian was transferred to Jinling to serve as an official pusher, which did not attract the attention of the hundred officials at all.

Just a push official, according to the level of promotion to the matter, the emperor was a bit mean to Qian~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and then the emperor left the dynasty meeting.

Fang Xing walked among the scattered people in a hurry, the eyes with different meanings around him couldn't hurt him, and he kept smiling.

Yang Rong rarely walked quickly. He abandoned the tolerance of the first assistant and hurriedly caught up with Fang Xing. He panted and asked: "Xing He Bo, Your Majesty suddenly made a decision... This official understands, but Jinling ...What does Jinling mean?"

Fang Xing slowed down and saw that no one was eavesdropping on the left and right, and then whispered: "Beware, no need to worry."

In fact, as long as you calm down, with Yang Rong's mechanism, you can think of the reason why the emperor let Fang Xing go south in a quarter of an hour.

But he was in a hurry, which showed... he was panicking.

Zhu Zhanji didn't ventilate with him. It is reasonable to say that such important matters should not be kept from the chief assistant, but Zhu Zhanji just kept it.

There are many meanings here, and the most obvious one is frustrating and frightening.

In the cleanup offer, the emperor does not trust you Yang Rong!

This is a blow!

Fang Xing quickened his pace and caught up with Zhang Fu in front of him.

Yang Rong's footsteps were slow, frowning thinking about things.

His back was slightly bent, as if tired and exhausted.

Yang Shiqi walked over from behind, stood shoulder to shoulder with him, and whispered: "Forget it, we always said to be cautious before. If you say too much, your majesty naturally thinks that we are all opposed, and your majesty made a sudden move that caught us by surprise. "

Jin Youzi also quietly approached Yang Rong's right, and said: "Fang Xing went south to suppress the South, lest the North clean up the offering and the South takes the opportunity to make trouble."

Yang Rong nodded, looked up at the distant sky, and muttered, "An innovation that has never been seen before!"

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