Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Vol 4 Chapter 2234: At the beginning of human beings, interests drive people's hearts

Fang Xing arrested more than 30 people, and everyone thought that this was the case. What I didn't expect was that after half a month, this man made a bold move again.

Yang Tiantian looked more and more mature, Fang Xing looked at him as he walked in a daze.

"How do I see some official power?"

Yang Tiantian approached to salute, and Fang Xing asked, "How are your days now?"

"Very well, the county chief is trustworthy, and the small officials below are also obedient."

Fang Xing was really in a daze. He thought of Yang Tiantian, the farmer, the simple farmer.

Although the man with short beard in front of him seemed to be smiling happily, his majesty was actually engraved into the bones of nature, as if he had been an official in a previous life.

Yang Tiantian was in a daze when Fang Xing saw Fang Xing, and couldn't help but feel a little nervous.

Fang Xing looked at him with a complicated expression, and then said: "Last time your county magistrate Yuan Jie wanted to recommend you, but he was suppressed by my uncle. Do you have any complaints?"

Yang Tiantian hurriedly bowed and said no, he was already satisfied.

But Fang Xing saw the loss when he lowered his head, a huge loss.

So Fang Xing's heart fell.

"Everything you have now, one is because of you last time, Benbo overthrew the county prime minister Zhang Mai, let Yuan Jie escape."

Fang Xing gradually became indifferent: "Naturally, Yuan Jie couldn't reach Ben Bo, so he showed his favor to Ben Bo by promoting you..."

Yang Tiantian has been an official for several years. How could he not understand the meaning of these words? He knelt down without hesitation and said: "It's a little greedy. Since he became an official, he has liked that kind of subordinates. , The taste of being free to instruct..."

Fang Xing walked over and asked, "Do you remember the content of the letter you wrote to Ben uncle?"

Yang Tiantian looked up for a moment, then read it out.

Fang Xing has been listening, listening to him from stuttering to fluent, from blunt to emotional.

"... How difficult the people are, the small officials are like a tiger, the officials are numb, the honorable, the gentry are free... Daming put the burden on the people, but indulged the officials, the powerful and the gentry..."

Yang Tiantian stopped, he understood what Fang Xing meant.

"Yes, the little one has forgotten the wish of the year and just wants to be promoted..."

Fang Xing said quietly: "If it's all like this, where would you have the chance to meet Ben?"

Yang Tiantian bowed and said: "The little one dare not argue, but he only begs the uncle to look at him coldly and see what happens to the little one."

He turned and left. After he disappeared outside the door, Xin Laoqi said, "Master, he didn't look back."

Fang Xing turned around and smiled bitterly: "Human nature is greedy, but I am too demanding."

Old Xin Xin said casually: "Master, he just borrowed your power."

"But I don't want to gather a group of officials around!"

Fang Xing didn't want to set this precedent, such a big Ming was not what he wanted to see.

But he was even more worried that he couldn't help himself. When interests tied everyone together, he couldn't help but not sit on the throne of that ‘leader’ and then lead those people to work hard.

"That's not the life I want!"

Fang Xing shuddered and asked, "How many did you find?"

Xin Laoqi said: "As of yesterday's report, there were more than 300 people, more than 200 people in trouble."

Fang Xing smiled and said, "Call someone."

Not long after, Fei Shi and Li Jing came, and Lin Qun'an also came.

Then there came a person whom Fang Xing had never expected.

"Gong Qin Zhai?"

Fang Xing thought for a while before thinking of the old Confucian who even Zhu Zhanji had to accompany with a smile.

"Please wait for tea, wait."

Fang Xing just casually ordered, Fei Shi awkwardly suggested: "Uncle, Qin Zhaigong is in the south...very highly respected."

"This is a state matter. Does high respect have anything to do with state affairs?"

Fang Xing frowned and glanced at Li Jing who was smiling beside him, and said, "Prepare to close the net."

Li Jing was a little hairy at this glance, so he smiled and said, "Uncle Xinghe, there are more than 300 people, I am afraid that the entire Jubaoshan Guards will be attacked to ensure that they are caught!"

"Just take those more than a hundred gentry."


The corners of Li Jing's mouth twitched, "Uncle Xinghe, that's... adding fuel to the fire!"

The atmosphere in Jinling City was already tense enough with Fang Xing's arrival. After he had taken more than 30 people, many people in the city were staring, just waiting for his second hand.

What will the people in the city think when this back player appears?

Fang Xing glanced at him again and said, "Are you going to teach Ben how to do things?"

"Our family dare not."

Li Jing got up and stood with hands.

Fang Xing glanced at Lin Qun'an and said, "Jin Yiwei and Dongchang are just leading the way. We still want our people to do it. As for those who will resist stubbornly..."

Lin Qun'an said murderously: "That is rebellion!"


Qiu Jia became more and more old-fashioned, and when he spoke with one mouth, he could see that there were only three or four lone teeth left in his mouth.

"Xing He Bo, every time you arrive in Jinling, the south will be jittery and bloody..."

"Why is this?"

Fang Xing pushed the tea cup over, then looked at Qiu Jie's cloudy eyes and smiled: "Gong Qin Zhai, the north is already cleaning up."


Qiu Frame leaned on the crutches, tapped the ground lightly, panting, and said, "The north is poor and cold, and the south is the foundation of Ming. Without the south, where do taxes come from?"

A gust of wind came in, and it was a bit cold.

Leaves began to appear in the yard.

Qiu Jian looked at the fallen leaves, and there was more sorrow in his eyes.

"But the old man knows that since the north is moved, there is no reason for the south to be spared, otherwise the north will make trouble, hey! Why is this so troublesome! Why is it so troublesome!"

Fang Xing was startled, somewhat surprised by Qiu Jia's keenness.

"Gong Qin Zhai knows better than those gentry who are thinking of luck~www.wuxiaspot.com~How old is Qiu Jie, such compliments simply don't come into his eyes. He suddenly got up, then he folded his hands and asked. : "Dare to ask Xing He Bo, how long? "

Fang Xing was silent. This was a state matter and also a secret. Even Zhang Fulai asked him to be silent.

"The old man understands."

Qiu Jia left lonely, but Fang Xing did not send him off.

"Master, we brought Jubaoshan Guard this time, this is not meant to be hands-on, why does he still ask?"

Xin Laoqi feels that Qiu Jian is a little reliant on the old and sells the old, which is not worthy of respect.

Fang Xing played with the teacup and said, "People like him generally refuse to come out and sell their old faces. They must be driven by interest behind them when they come out twice. There is a gap between the South and Daming!"

He sneered and said, "While cleaning up the fields and inspiring science, these are all fighting against those barriers. If the barriers are not eliminated, Daming will not be able to take off!"

He remembered the night before Lu Chen, Shenzhou, was everywhere fishy. When the king was martyred and the news of the fall of the capital spread to the south, the south...

"They will revel! Excited! The human heart under the control of interest is even more terrifying than the devil."

"And this estrangement is not only the gentry, but also the common people."

Wang He quickly found a pen and paper to record, and the family members were listening.

"The gentry thinks that the central control is too strict and does not give them much benefit, no..."

Fang Xing thought for a while, and said, "It's that little benefit can't satisfy their growing appetite, so they will look forward to a change of dynasty..."

Wang He paused for a while, and then wrote the words as usual.

"As for the people..."

Fang Xing smiled bitterly: "What the people want is also good, but the people in the south always feel that the north is a drag on their homes. Even if they have potatoes, this concept is still deeply rooted. They feel that the south is richer than the north..."

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