Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Vol 4 Chapter 2267: Catch the enemy

After going out of the strait, there is a vast sea of ​​water all around, and the insecurity of not seeing the land gradually increases.

Lin was standing at the bow of the ship, even if there was a lookout post on the mast watching with a telescope, he was still looking around.

"My lord, do you want to separate?"

Someone asked behind him, and Lin Zheng shook his head slightly: "No, if the Taissi really got out, then they would only dare to walk against the shore, so the fleet must be able to see the shore."

The fleet immediately began to lean to the right, and when the shore could be seen, the fleet began to correct its course.

"My lord, are you going to Siam to fix it?"

The deputy came over and asked.

Lin Zheng put down his binoculars and shook his head: "No, the Myanmar side has already suppressed Siam, they panic. If we go again, maybe they will collapse or go crazy, so let's go to the Myanmar side."

"My lord, last time I said that the road over there has been repaired, and the pier should be ready."

Lin Zheng looked forward to: "Yes! There are a lot of places for farming over there. When the time comes, there are more kinds of land, and the fleet will be able to come here for supplies in the future."

Shang Qi looks at the seaside every day. Since coming here, he feels that his future belongs to the sea.

But Fang Zheng’s order to him was to monitor and supervise those natives constructing docks and building a series of buildings.

This place will become a stronghold of Daming in the future, making Siam a restless stronghold.

The wharf has begun to appear in scale, and there are wooden houses on the shore, as well as campsites and other buildings.

Those natives work very hard because the food is good.

"What are you eating today?"

Shang Qi turned around and asked.

A hundred officials are probably also a foodie, and said with a sad expression: "My lord, I am still a fan today."

Shang Qi cursed: "What's the grass special! Fans every day, fans every day, what kind of taste is today? If you dare to make the soup clear, the officer killed the cook to sacrifice to the sky!"

Baihuguan hurriedly asked someone to inquire, and then the group of people wandered around the beach.

"The Siamese ship hasn't come again?"

"No, sir, their people were terrified last time and dared to come, then let's send a letter to Master Fang. They are afraid they will be unstable."

"Yeah! Master Fang stationed troops on the border, once Siam has a domineering move, don't even think about pretending to be a grandson!"

After a round, the people who went to inquire came back.

Seeing the joy on his face, everyone who has eaten potato fans and wants to vomit is overjoyed.

"My lord, what kind of hot and sour fan is it."


"Okay! My lord, the cook deserves a great reward!"

"Yes, it is said that in order to make new tricks, the hair of those cooks has become a lot whiter."


Shang Qi said with emotion: "Okay! I'll take credit when I look back, it's so amazing! Eating well is also morale!"

Shang Qi in a good mood just returned to the camp, but someone behind him was shouting.

"My lord, there is a boat!"


Shang Qi was furious, turned around and ran to the beach.

Clang clang clang!

Mingjin's voice came from the camp, and then the Bullhorn also came.

The lookout on the watch tower raised its binoculars to look at the sea and shouted: "Three ships, tell the adults...No, that ship is wrong, I haven't seen it, I haven't seen it!"

The cavalry rushed out immediately, and after catching up with Shang Qi, they relayed the words of the lookout post.

Shang Qi's footsteps stagnated, and then he mounted his horse and shouted, "Watch those boats, it's a great work to recognize them!"

He knew that things were going to be complicated, so he gave a reward.

The cavalry rushed to the beach and began to observe.

"My lord, they slowed down."

Shang Qi dismounted, raised his larger telescope, and looked into the distance.

Within the sight of the telescope, three unfamiliar ships were slowing down, and the people on the ships were pointing at the shore.

"Who is that? A man from heaven?"

"The costumes are not the same, adults, the costumes are different, they are not celestial people!"

"Except for the people in the sky, who else looks like this?"

"Alert! On alert!"

Shang Qi put down his binoculars and shouted, but the three ships stopped and no longer approached.

"What do they mean?"

"Do you think we are unfriendly?"

Shang Qi cautiously said: "I won't be a friend, be careful, and immediately report to Master Fang."

The three boats finally turned around while the Ming army was on guard on the shore.

Shang Qi immediately sent a messenger to report to Fang Zheng, and then had a comfortable meal of hot and sour fans.

When he slapped his belly and hiccup like the soldiers, the lookout screamed again.

"A fleet is coming!"

Shang Qi was so satisfied that he wanted to find a place to doze off when he had just eaten.

He was bizarrely angry!

"Go to sea! Go to sea!"

There are boats here. Although it is a bit smaller, morale is at a peak. Shang Qi wants to try the other side's quality, even if it is worth the sacrifice.

So the sergeants rushed to the dock frantically, but there were only two ships on the dock, which were still new, and could hold up to 34 people.

After a looting, a flag officer successfully boarded the ship with his subordinates, and then ordered the shipmen to start.

"It's our ship! Your lord, I saw the treasure ship."

"Disembarkation, it's our people!"

After a while, the shore finally stopped.

A small boat came over there first, and the officer on the boat shouted: "Who is here?"

"The official Shang Qi!"

Shang Qi felt that he was a tragedy. After being ‘exiled’ here, potato fans felt like vomiting when they saw it, and they were shocked three times a day.

You can't live this day!

So he said: "More than an hour ago, there were three boats that had never been seen peeping nearby. The officer looked like a man from Tianfang, but how dare the man from Tianfang spy on Daming? And their costumes are fundamentally different from those from Tianfang. . Then they went to the right!"

The boat went back immediately, and the flag continued, and the fleet in the distance began to accelerate.

"Is this going to find their bad luck? Good!"

Shang Qi couldn't help but yelled hello, his subordinates followed one after another, and there was a noise on the dock.

"My lord, the people here said that an hour ago they found three ships that they hadn't seen before. Those people look like the people from the sky, but the costumes are completely different."

Lin Zheng's eyes flashed sharply, and he shouted, "Turn around, find them!"

The fleet began to turn, and then went to the right.

One night later, Lin Zheng stood on the bow of the ship with a cold face and cursed.

"The sentry hit the rocks. UU reading www.uukānshu.com is so stupid! What about that stupid? Tell him to repair the boat by himself, and then go back by himself!"

On the right, an old warship has docked, and a group of sergeants are looking sadly at several craftsmen trying to repair it.

"It's been a delay of almost two hours, don't let them run away!"

The fleet set off with full sails, and began to unfold the formation, expanding the scope of the search.

Lin Zheng was a little anxious. He knew what his task was, but he finally grabbed the opponent's tail, but he was delayed by a hit on the rocks.

When it was afternoon, the warship of the front sentry brought back a merchant ship of the Celestial Man.

The familiar costume disappointed Lin Zhengda. He believed in the judgment of the Mingjun at the dock, because there was more than an hour to remember. If there is still a mistake, no matter who it is, even Fang Zheng will be taken back to the capital by a decree to accept impeachment. .

When the businessman bowed and saluted him, the familiar smell made Lin Zheng completely desperate.

"Ask him about the three ships!"

Lin Zheng drew out a long knife and actually used it to cut his nails.

The businessman was startled, worried that Lin Zheng would accidentally cut his finger.

The translator asked: "Is there three ships visible?"

The businessman stunned: "I didn't see..."

The long knife paused, then lay on the deck diagonally.

Lin Zheng squinted at the merchant and said, "There are a lot of fish in this sea area, but there is less food."

After the businessman listened to the interpreter, Dui smiled and said, "My lord, really..."


The long knife bounced from the ground without any warning, and the merchant hadn't responded before, and the long knife was resting on his shoulder.

Lin Zheng's eyes widened suddenly, and he shouted, "Dare you deceive the officer?!"

The translator also yelled at the translation, and added a sentence: "Want to go into the sea to feed the fish?"

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