Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Vol 4 Chapter 2341: Bitten

The navy defeated the Thai-Western coalition forces, and Harleh and the meat fans were still getting in touch with each other. For a time, the surrounding environment of Daming had never been better.

Some people say that Fang Xing's victory in the naval battle completely established his position as the top general of Ming. What's more, some people pulled out the famous generals in the early Ming Dynasty and compared them with Fang Xing.

"I'm not qualified!"

Fang Zheng was also called back to Beijing, so he came to visit Fang Xing.

Fang Zheng said what he heard along the way, but Fang Xing just shook his head with a very firm attitude.

Fang Zheng was still dark when he was awake, his beard almost covered half of his face. He smiled and said: "You can be regarded as having experienced many battles, and most of them are defeated by the weak. Every battle will be won. Who is the enemy?"

Fang Xing shook his head and said: "Since King Sun Yat-sen, they went from weak to strong and fought against those forces and the Mengyuan people. Just like this, they established Daming and saved the people from the water and fire. Just look for a case of war. , I can only be convinced."

This is Fang Xing's truthfulness. When it comes to the use of soldiers, he felt that in the early Ming Dynasty, any captain would be able to throw himself a few blocks away.

Speaking of this Fang Zheng, he was also a little sighed: "Now that firearms strike the world, most of the original methods of warfare can no longer be used. Those generals and martial arts are annoyed, but who has the face to go to martial arts to learn again?"

When the topic changed, he continued: "How did I hear that we two became rebels?"

Fang Xing said helplessly: "This time the gentry hurt their vitality, there is nowhere to vent their anger!"

Fang Zheng said disdainfully: "When I came here this morning, I met a stranger who said something strange. I punched him out of his mouth full of teeth."

Fang Xing said in amazement, "Would you not play a black hand?"

Fang Zheng scolded, "I can't help the horrible scolding, and most of it will be impeached."

"Impeach a fart!"

Fang Xing's eyes grew sharper, and he said, "If the generals are humiliated and can still swallow, I would like to ask, is this the city or what? If it weren't the city, such self-employed generals might fight for the Ming Dynasty. Could it be Daming's border?"

Fang Zheng thought about it, and hurried back.

Then came news of the impeachment of Fang Zheng who was seriously injured in the street assault, and it is said that the person who was beaten by Fang Zheng with a punch was actually...

"Become stupid?"

"Yes, I'm stupid, but Xinghe Bo, what do you mean by this? Happy?"

Fang Xing felt that the person who was beaten deserved the crime, but Zhang Ben was already blowing his beard and staring, so he changed his view.

"Fang Zheng is a general who has been in Burma for Daming for many years. Can such people be humiliated by them?"

Zhang Ben's expression was a bit stunned, and he said: "Your Majesty called the official in the morning and let the official handle the matter. But Dali Temple didn't take over, and the bullets from the Duchayuan flew all the way into the palace, Xing. He Bo, those censors have been staring at you and Fang Zheng during this period, why are they still being irritated!"

Fang Xing said lightly: "They impeached them, we beat us, who knows who has a guilty conscience."

Zhang Ben said helplessly: "You, you! You don't want to come up with a bitter trick, so that your Majesty will step down?"

Zhang Ben made a turning point, and Fang Xing just smiled, a little hideous.

Zhang Ben felt tight and said: "Your Majesty doesn't care, you also shrink at home and wait for the New Year, my official... it's up to you."

Fang Xing sent him outside the gate, before leaving Zhang Ben persuaded: "Xing He Bo, the best thing is to pass this matter silently, everyone is happy."

Fang Xing smiled and said, "Yes, it means that everyone is happy, silent and silent."

The order of these words was wrong, Zhang Ben thought he was playing himself, and didn't care.

The emperor is ready to fool around, do you want to shake the sky when you wake up?

The key is that everyone in the DPRK and China agrees that the matter will be dealt with coldly, so that their military exploits will gradually be wiped out. After the emperor suddenly remembered this farce of impeachment, he will certainly remember his achievements and forbearance.

In this wave of impeachment, the most eye-catching is Lin Zhan, an ‘Old Yushi’ of the Duchayuan.

Lin Zhan has been in the hospital for many years, and his qualifications are older than Liu Guan.

He was a stunned young man when he entered the capital investigation court. He once impeached five Beijing officials in a row, overthrew three of them, and became famous in the first battle.

But later he was involved in a fraud case. Although there was no evidence, Zhu Di was not the emperor who spoke the evidence.

But when Zhu Di made a big pen, he felt a little familiar with the name Lin Zhan, so he asked the **** casually.

Individuals will pretend to be stupid for such things, so as not to be judged to be involved in politics later. But the **** also remembered the Yushi who became famous in World War I, and told him about his deeds back then.

As soon as Zhu Di heard this, he felt that this person could be used.

At that time, someone went to mention Lin Zhan, Lin Zhan was overjoyed, and then waited for Zhu Di's favor.

But until Zhu Di died on the grassland, he did not think of Lin Zhan.

I am a tragedy!

Lin Zhan's temperament has long changed since he spent many years in Duchayuan.

"Master Lin, are you planning to impeach five people again in January? They are all powerful."

Lin Zhan's duty room is not big, but after years of rectification, it is still elegant.

He was looking at the information, and when he heard this, the middle of his lips slowly turned upwards while squinting.

After the whole movement, it was as if a face was squeezed together, unspeakably weird and gloomy.

Yu Shi, who came in outside, was not afraid to see him as soon as he came in, and said: "You are still agile to scare the newcomer. If you have the ability to kill a few, or who will be afraid of you."

Lin Zhan stared straight at him, and said in a voice without emotion or tone fluctuations: "I know you, wait and see. When the official is promoted, he will naturally look good on you."

Na Yushi sneered: "This time you made the most ruthless move. You almost described Xing Hebo as the number one treacherous minister in the ages, plus the number one forbearance, Master Lin, do you still want to be promoted? Be careful of losing your office and go home. And you also mentioned When it comes to Mrs. Xing Hebo and his eldest son, the words are shocking. The officer really doesn't know where you have such a great hatred."

Lin Zhan said coldly: "The official memorial has entered the palace again."

The Yushi said, "You are really looking for death! You should be careful to lose your official position, and when you return home miserably, you have to be careful of Xinghe's revenge."

"busy body!"

Lin Zhan's words made Yu Shi's face uncontrollable, so he left some words such as ignorance of good people. .

The door was left open when he left, and the cold wind from outside blew in.

Lin Zhan shivered, looking outside the door, his left lip slightly tilted, and his left eye slightly narrowed ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ whispered: "Your Majesty is the emperor after all. Now that Taiping is a foregone conclusion today, the martial artist is useless. , Is it possible to keep those heroes as thorns in the flesh?"

He slowly got up and walked to the door, grabbed the door with both hands, and glanced outside.

"This official has been dormant for many years. When you turn over, you will die without a place to bury you. This official will definitely send you overseas to farm, and the whole family will go!"

At this moment, a small official came to the left, and when he saw Lin Zhan looking outside, he shouted, "Master Lin has worked hard..."

Lin Zhan glanced at him, then slowly closed the door blankly.

The little official was taken aback by him. After the door was closed, he couldn't help taking a sip and cursing in a low voice: "I don't know who is climbing, but I dare to attack Xinghe Bo. I really don't know how to die."

And Lin Zhan in the room wrote the memorial again.

His expression was solemn, and his body was sitting upright, as if he was writing about Spring and Autumn.

——Jiaozhi, North Korea, Japan, Tatar, Oala, Harleh...

Under these **** names are Fang Xing's deeds and Daming's sorrow.

——The Western nations fear him like a demon.

The powerful Allied Forces of the Three Kingdoms of Thailand and the West were also wiped out. The blessings of this country...

Lin Zhan thought for a while and wrote again.

——The greater Xing Hebo's military exploits, the higher his prestige in the army.

Isn't the Manchurian general unmatched?

At the moment, Chen was thinking of Chen Qiao, and Huangpao added to his body.

Lin Zhan held the pen tightly, and finally wrote a paragraph.

——The so-called yellow robe adding body, but Song Taizu has accumulated power in the army for many years, and once planned, people were caught off guard.

Chen Wan died, and I beg your Majesty to let Xing He Bo be like a Wu Xun, return home to recuperate.

There are no major enemies in the north and south of the country. There are many salaries paid every year. There are many princes and princes. As long as they are old generals, they are horribly prosperous...

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