Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Vol 4 Chapter 2351: Wang Zhang is in chaos

"My lord, take a look at the memorial of the next official."

Wang Zhang was very annoyed. He felt that the'inverted Fang Tide' should cease, but the memorial in his hand was still used to impeach Fang Xing, and the content was not new. Fang Xing had long held Jubao Mountain Guards and had a heart of disobedience. .

And this memorial has something more weird.

Wang Zhang raised his head and asked, "You said Fang Xing had invented the new style of firecrackers with bad intentions?"

His eyes were indifferent, and he couldn't see the joy or anger.

The Yushi who wrote this memorial said with a stern face: "My lord, that's right. Originally, the Ming army was millions, and they could check and balance each other everywhere, but as soon as the new firearms were released, the Ming army was destroyed by 80 to 90%. , Your Majesty is in danger, Daming is in danger."

Wang Zhang felt cold in his heart, and asked pretendingly: "Then what do you think should be?"

The Yushi blinked his small eyes and said excitedly: "My lord, it's time to cancel and melt those firearms. From now on, whoever wants to seek rebellion, without firearms, can he beat a million troops?"

After speaking, he looked at Wang Zhang, Wang Zhang was still indifferent.

Is this agree?

Yu Shi was overjoyed in his heart, and continued: "Daming now has no foreign enemies, so what is he still keeping those firearms for? My lord, the subordinates thought it was better to melt them, and then he admonished his majesty and collected all the scientific books and burned them. Yes, it's all burned!"

When he said this, his little eyes were eager to breathe fire, as if firearms and science were his unshakable enemies.

"Those fallacies and heresies should be banned, and those who have studied science should be exiled overseas. Forever, no, children and grandchildren must not come back!"

He involuntarily started hysteria, and then felt a little presumptuous, so he handed over to plead guilty, only to see Wang Zhang's face reddening.

"My lord, you are the body..."


Wang Zhang suddenly pointed outside the door and shouted loudly.

Yu Shi's body shuddered, then his cheeks trembled slightly, and he smiled strongly, "My lord, this is..."

Wang Zhang only felt something surging in his chest and his head was a little dizzy.

He pointed outside the door, his voice was lower, and he said helplessly: "Get out! Get out!"

The people outside were attracted by Wang Zhang's voice. When he saw that Yushi stumbled out of Wang Zhang's room, someone went over and asked, "Master Li, at this time, you are still going to provoke Master Wang. What is your intention? "

Yu Shi remembered Wang Zhang's desire to eat others, and could not help but argued: "It's just to impeach Fang Xing's memorial."


A group of people were about to tear up inside, but Wang Zhang inside became impatient and shouted to go away.

"It's not that I'm silly studying, or it's ill-intentioned, and the party is the same. The procuratorate...what's the matter? What should the officer do?"

Wang Zhang felt a little sad, and even more wary.

He went out and went directly to see Jian Yi.

The person who knows you best must be your opponent.

Jian Yi is at least half of Fang Xing's opponent, and the person who knows Fang Xing better is probably the bachelor of auxiliary politics, but Wang Zhang doesn't want to make things known to everyone.

After entering the staff and seeing Jian Yi who looked indifferently, Wang Zhang said his intention.

"Sir Jian, the next official took the liberty to visit, just want to ask for advice, how will Fang Xing respond."

"The Metropolitan Procuratorate?"

Jian Yi asked, and seeing Wang Zhang nodded, he said: "The Metropolitan Procuratorate has the responsibility to correct the ethos. Impeachment is its own job, but this time you have made a lot of trouble, but it is in line with the general public opinion outside, Lord Wang, The Metropolitan Procuratorate has good eyesight."

The emperor and Fang Xing jointly raided the south, and completed the clean-up of contributions when the gentry caught them off guard. From a tactical point of view, they were almost perfect from planning to action.

Before going to sea, Fang Xing cleaned up the generals who had colluded with the gentry merchants in the south. He seemed unintentional. When he did his hands later, he appeared to be extraordinarily farsighted.

"If Fang Xing had not cleaned up the southern garrison generals, how big the scale of the southern rebellion would be? Can you just say hundreds of them lightly? Together is enough to shake people's hearts!"

Jian Yi talked about the joint plan between the emperor and Fang Xing, but Wang Zhang quickly explained: "Master Jian, there is no collusion between the court and the outside."

Jian Yi said nonchalantly: "Is there any officials who don’t know and don’t want to intervene. I just warned that the public procuratorate belongs to the world, and it should take the supervision of Daming as its own responsibility, instead of rushing to impeach it at the instigation of others, let alone impeachment. If you hate anyone, if you find an opportunity, you will attack it in groups. Such a procuratorate is just a tool, and sooner or later it will be spurned by the emperor!"

Look at the historians in the history books, whether they are in the Han, Tang, or Song dynasties, they have been manipulated many times. In the conflict of mood, the party has more frequent conflicts.

Seeing Wang Zhang's entanglement, Jian Yi suddenly felt that the Metropolitan Procuratorate was just a waste office and could only waste food.

Compared with the Duchayuan, the emperor obviously trusted Dongchang and Jinyiwei more, and the performance of these two yamen in recent years was indeed aspirational.

No matter how slandered the literati officials, the reputations of Dongchang and Jinyiwei are gradually picking up in the eyes of those who care.

Wang Zhang said unwillingly: "The Metropolitan Procuratorate cannot move, otherwise it will destroy the Great Wall if it loses its prestige."

Jian Yi said coldly: "Fang Xing is not a charitable person. Whether you gang up to attack or instigate others, once he gets away, Lord Wang, tell those people to avoid the night and be careful of breaking their legs. "

Wang Zhang was frightened for a moment, and said in disbelief, "He didn't dare?" His Majesty looked at it, would he dare to risk the world's disgrace?"

Jian Yi was planning a career, but the emperor just didn't allow him, saying that he was a veteran of the country and he still needs to rely heavily on him. Moreover, the emperor gave him a salary and a silver medal engraved with ‘loyalty and generosity’.

This seal reminded him of Fang Xing's magnanimous name, but the emperor had to accept it with a wry smile.

Thinking of this, he lost the patience to deal with Wang Zhang, and said: "You wait for the first year of junior high school. If Fang Dehua has done the fifteenth, who can put his beak?"

Wang Zhang arched his hands bitterly, and then retired.

Due to the cleanup of the North and the South, the Ministry of officials has not reported to the emperor the specific list of officials from various places this year, so there are many officials who come to the Ministry of officials, and the officials below are clearly reporting their'thoughts', but in fact they are. There have also been a lot of documents calling for grievances.

People come and go, the staff is extremely lively.

Wang Zhang could almost fight against Liu Guan in the Metropolitan Procuratorate, but he could not attract attention in the staff.

He walked alone in the middle, and the officials from both sides greeted each other from time to time.

"Master Ma! Master Ma!"

An official on the left front suddenly rushed over and brushed shoulders with Wang Zhang~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and didn't even notice the Yushi Yushi of the Metropolitan Procuratorate.

Wang Zhang turned around, and then saw Ma Su.

Ma Su frowned and looked at the official, and said: "The next official is just the chief of the official and clear officials, but this adult has found the wrong person."

Kao Gong Qing officials had no principals before, so Zhu Zhanji took up this new position. The first one was Ma Su, so it was eye-catching.

Wang Zhang also saw Yao Mu farther away.

As a doctor who tested meritorious service, Yao Mu did not have the pleasure of being in power.

He indifferently watched his immediate subordinate Ma Su coldly rejecting the official's request, and then saw Wang Zhang.

He opened his mouth slightly, squeezed a smile, then arched his hands at Wang Zhang and walked slowly over.

"Master Wang is here to do things? Can it be done? If it's tricky, the next official can help."

Yao Mu was very polite, but Wang Zhang found that he couldn't even squeeze a smirk, he just wanted to go home and have a good night's sleep.

Feeling exhausted, Wang Zhang said, "It's okay, Master Yao is polite."

"Master Wang, don't be polite."

Yao Mu made a few polite words with him, and Ma Su over there also solved the official who wanted to be close, and came to salute.

"I have seen Master Yao and Master Wang."

Although Wang Zhang's official rank is higher, Ma Su still greeted Yao Mu first according to the rules, very smooth.

Yao Mu said coldly: "This year's exam will be as fast as possible, and the adults will have to prepare."

Ma Su agreed, and then he was ready to go back.

Today, Wang Zhang is hitting a wall everywhere, encountering troubles everywhere, and is in a bad mood.

He suddenly stopped Ma Su, and then said: "Impeachment is only impeachment after all. After all, I have to distinguish carefully and wait for your majesty to be judged."

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