Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Vol 4 Chapter 2540: Law intolerance

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"There is a woman. She has two elder brothers. Both of them are studying. The woman started working when she was young..."

Hu Su was telling a story, and Fang Xing was listening to it.

The people who tell the story are serious, and the people who listen to the story are also serious.

"After the death of her parents, the woman was still working to support her two elder brothers. At the age of eighteen, she looked like an old woman. The two elders held each other up and down, and the woman was overjoyed, but the next year she was promised by her brother to a woodcutter..."

Hu Ye looked at Fang Xing and said, "Xing He Bo, what about these things?"

Fang Xing asked curiously: "Are you one of those two brothers?"

Hu Ye shook his head and said, "No."

"That's horrible, it's not a pity to kill it."

"Love and righteousness can't stand the hardships of consultation."

Fang Xing didn't like Hu Ye's vague way, and he didn't like his obscure performance. It's just that he compared himself to that woman, which was a confession.

Hu Su said in confusion: "I have been running outside all those years, everywhere, in the mountains, on the water..."

"Master Hu, dare to ask where that person is now?"

Fang Xing is more interested in that person than any bachelor of political affairs. If possible, he even wants to meet him and ask him how he played a good hand like this.

Hu Sui said with a beard, "That one is not bad, now he has been able to take care of him."

Fang Xing said, "If that person is still in his fifties, and there is no threat, is he a monk in Wudang Mountain?"

Hu Yi looked at Fang Xing in amazement, and said, "Didn't Xinghe Bomo think that Emperor Wen overhauled Wudang Mountain for that person?"

"Is not it?"

Fang Xing said: "No matter how powerful Zhang Junjun is, he can't control the secular government. Jing Nan used the real war **** to boost his morale. It would be enough to build a few Taoist halls at most, but at that time he regarded Wudang Mountain as the imperial city of Peking. How much manpower and material resources have been spent to fix it!"

Hu Su shook his head and said, "Uncle Xinghe, that's Shenxian Zhang."

Fang Xing sneered and said, "Even if he is a god, he can't bring any benefit to Daming. Whether it is Buddha or Tao, their gods have never protected the general public, so...no, when Fang went to see Wudang Mountain. Look, otherwise those problems will make you feel uncomfortable."

Hu Yi said displeased: "Uncle Xinghe, don't blaspheme the gods."

Fang Xing said: "I've seen the most devout believer. I wish I could give all of her wealth to the gods, but she had a miserable life... Do you know what the monks say?"

Hu Su shook his head, and Fang Xing said: "Those people say that the suffering in this life is the next life, and her family will be blessed in the next life, and the wealth is boundless."

Hu Su said: "If you did evil in the past life, you will be rewarded in this life. Suffering in this life will be rewarded in the next life. That's right."

Fang Xing got up and said: "Don't talk speculatively, see off the guests!"

Until he left Fang's house, Hu Ye didn't know why he had been involved in the immortal with Fang Xing.

After returning to the Ministry of Rites, Hu Ye found out that he had been fooled by Fang Xing.

That person didn't want to get close to him, and he didn't want to intervene in the decision-making of the bachelor's degree candidate.

"It's ridiculous that the official is a little bit more profitable."

Hu Ye was very open-minded and took this as a joke.

But Yan Dajian was very serious.

Yang Shiqi has left home, watching the threshold of the official memorial, Yan Dajian is as nervous as it was during the palace examinations of the year.

As long as Hu Sui flew up to the political affairs hall, then nine out of ten of the rites were written, no, ten out of ten were his Yan Dajian's pockets.

Shang Shu!

This is the pinnacle of the minister, and the next step is the bachelor of auxiliary politics, that is, Zaifu.

Yan Dajian suppressed the excitement in his heart and calmly said outside the door: "My lord, please see you from the next official."

"Come in."

After entering, Yan Dajian saw Hu Sui writing, with a calm expression, he couldn't help but praise: "Adults are like the King of Ming, it is really hard for ordinary people to reach."

Hu Ye continued to write and said faintly: "The official's compassion is mostly given to his family, and it's just a messenger for the official."

The two said something like a code word, and Yan Dajian said the business.

"My lord, Yang Shiqi's memorial has entered the palace."

Hu Ye raised his head and said, "Calm down! Why are you panicking?"

He lowered his head and continued to write.

"The house is in the human environment, and there are no chariots and horses. Ask the Lord He Neng'er, with a far-sighted mind. Under the chrysanthemum and east fence, you can see Nanshan leisurely. The mountains are beautiful day by day, and the birds will return. There is a true meaning in this, I have forgotten to distinguish."

"Good word!"

Yan Dajian praised.

Hu Su put down his pen and asked, "Dajian also likes Mr. Jingjie's poems?"

Yan Dajian nodded and said: "When I was studying, I felt that Mr. Jing Jie's poems were a little bit depressed. After the difficulties in his career, I knew how to taste Mr.'s poems."

"Yun Wuxin came out of Xiu, but the bird is tired and knows..."

Yan Dajian chanted softly, and then looked at Hu Yi, a smug mood filled his chest.


Zhu Zhanji glanced at the memorial, and said: "Xueshi Yang has worked hard for many years and made great achievements in the country. Yang Ji is Yang Ji, so he can rest assured."

Yang Shiqi immediately entered the second memorial after he had said this, saying only that the goddess had no way and no face to stand above the court.

"I can't live without a bachelor's degree."

The emperor rejected his tribute for the second time and gave the highest evaluation.

The civil and military of the Manchu dynasty were watching the procedures between the monarchs and the ministers.

As far as Zhu Zhanji is concerned, he certainly does not want Yang Shiqi to step down. But there is no room for reversal at this point, he can only show his uncompromising, in order to increase the prestige of the king.

After the third memorial entered the palace, the memorials of Yang Rong and others also entered the palace simultaneously.

There are no more than three things.

And Yang Rong and others' pleading memorials are more like a formality.

"Thousands of treasures are rewarded."

The emperor's tone was cold, as if he wanted to use money to settle the friendship between the monarch and his subjects.

Yang Rong hoped to save Yang Ji's life with his official duties, but the emperor disappointed him.

The treasure rewarded by the emperor is still in hand~www.wuxiaspot.com~ There is news coming from outside.

"Your Majesty sent the East Factory..."

Yang Shiqi was desperate.

If it was Jin Yiwei, then Yang Ji could probably save his life.

East Factory...

"Yang Ji's sin is not forgiven. Your Majesty meant to stagger."

An Lun seemed to be in a very good mood, smiling.

"The best way for Yang Shiqi to pay his official duties is to return to Taihe. After he catches Yang Ji, he must stagger the way Yang Shiqi returned to his hometown."

Chen Shi said: "Father-in-law, it would be better to solve Yang Ji on the road, and say that he died halfway, so that the monarchs and the ministers are in peace."

An Lun shook his head and said, "Yang Ji is the son of an important minister. Your Majesty will use his head to warn those high-ranking officials not to touch the law, otherwise they will kill them."

After returning to his room, the smile on An Lun's face disappeared.

"Hu Ye wants to take the position, who is the Shangshu of the Ministry of Rites?"

When the **** who gave the money came out of Yang Shiqi's house, the atmosphere in the capital became tense.

Jin Youzi was already sick and couldn't get up.

"It's very lively outside."

Jin Youzi breathed with phlegm, and his face was reddish.

"Father, it is the right thing for you to raise your body now, just leave it alone."

The eldest son, Uncle Kim Zhao, served decoction at home and was very filial.

The other sons are all at home, guarding by the bed in rotation.

Jin Youzi took a hard breath and said, "It was no problem to go there for his father, but Yang Shiqi also came down. The two positions are fat, so..."

He looked at the roof and gasped: "Let's go to the memorial."


Jin Zhaobo was surprised and said: "Father, you can get better with this disease."

Jin Youzi moved his body with difficulty, and said, "Go get a pen and paper."

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