Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Chapter 398: People seek profit, exorbitant taxes and taxes

"Uncle, the food is ready, are you going to serve it now?"

At this time someone came out outside, Fang Xing smiled and said, "Get some more. Let's eat together today."

At this time, the status of the family members is not as high as in the late Ming Dynasty. At that time, the family members and the Lord will eat together, and they will eat whatever the Lord will eat.

Only on the battlefield, these generous treatments need to be guaranteed with life.

After setting the meal, Fang Xing pointed to the dried fish of various practices and said, "Come on, everyone will try it and see if there is a future in getting it inland."

Braised octopus, fried jumping fish...

Seeing everyone eating heartily, Fang Xing didn’t care about the unspoken rules and said: “If you want people to believe in you, a tough approach is not sustainable, so today I propose to let them do it by themselves, and then buy them together. But then you all saw it."

The knife swallowed a piece of hairtail, "Master, you set a trap for them!"


Fang Xing said bluntly: "This kind of canned food has relatively high requirements. If it is scattered in each household for processing, the final product will be uneven, not large, and not well done."

Fang Wu's eyes lit up and said: "Master, then you are to lure them with profit first, and then use Mr. Xu to appear on the stage to finish, just to convince the people."

Fang Xing nodded slightly and said: "If you are unfavorable, the people will not be tempted. Without layout, no one will pay attention to you. This is popular support."

Xu Fangda said ignorantly: "But teacher, how does the disciple feel that the baskets of copper coins are the most important thing?"

"That's the case." Fang Xing nodded: "Seeing is believing, hearing is not, it's no good who will listen to you fooling around!"

Seeing a few people thinking, Fang Xing was thinking about another question.

After eating, Fang Xing went back to the study to write a letter, not only to his home, but also to Zhu Zhanji and others.

In the letter, Fang Xing described the origins of the Japanese pirates and the situation of the people along the coast. The last sentence was: If the bottom officials are not ruled out, there will be no end to the Japanese pirates!

At the back, Fang Xing attached the contents of the local levied fish lesson.

Fish classes in coastal areas are divided into natural colors and zigzag colors. In recent years, due to wars, there are more natural colors, that is, fish bladder and the like.

But in addition to levying true colors, the local government also requires other miscellaneous taxes.

Unwinding, water feet, consumption...

When these miscellaneous taxes add up, the fishermen are really miserable, and there are many abandoned businesses. There are even those who take risks, go directly to the sea to hunt for Japanese pirates, and become pirates after being transformed from a fisherman.

"Uncle, fortunately, taxation has been true for the past few years, otherwise it will be even more bitter!"

Daming’s taxation is divided into natural color and zigzag color. Natural color is your own output, zigzag color means that you have to pay for money or buy things required by the government to pay taxes.

The discounted taxation has given the local government more miscellaneous tax items, making it even more difficult for the people.

Huang Zhong sighed: "In the next few days, I have traveled a lot and found that local officials are like wolves and tigers, cleverly setting up a name to search for people's wealth.

Fang Xing took Huang Zhong’s record book and looked at the miscellaneous taxes collected by various titles and various extra-staff chores...

"Money for cars, money for food, money for bamboo baskets, money for gods and Buddhas along the river..."


Fang Xing raised his head, exhaled depressed, and shook his head: "Human heart is greedy, how many corrupt officials did Emperor Taizu kill? How many did your majesty kill now? You can't kill, you will continue to succeed!"

Thinking of the long ‘going forward and succeeding’, Fang Xing smiled bitterly: “This is a chronic disease, and it can’t disappear in any era. At best, it’s just a lot of work on supervision.”

In fact, Fang Xing's heart is: Not only must supervision, but also the formation of a state of supervision by the whole people, so as to delay the spread of grassroots decay.

Huang Zhong thought of Zhu Yuanzhang's fierceness in killing corrupt officials, and couldn't help shaking his head speechlessly.

Fang Xing wrote a new letter, sealed it, and handed it to Xin Laoqi, then said, "Hurry up and send it."

The military has its own channels, and according to Fang Xing's level, it can naturally require speeding up delivery.

The two were sighing, and the knife came in and said, "Master, someone will follow Mr. Huang when he comes back."

Huang Zhong was startled, and said in amazement: "I'm just lonely underneath, why do they follow?"

"Go, follow the man and see whose handwriting is."

Fang Xing confessed. After the knife left, he sneered, "It seems that Fang's coming here has touched the interests of some people! They are scared!"

Huang Zhong thought about it for a while and also understood the cause of the matter.

Fang Xing's handling of the Japanese pirates and the Tongwas was shocking, and he hadn't left Taizhou for the time being. Those people were probably worried that the grandson's teacher came down with a certain purpose.

Fang Xing got up, looked at the golden yellow sprinkled on the courtyard outside, and said with his hand: "The heart is selfless and there is no ghost in my heart. Why should I do this sneaky thing? I want to see what these people are afraid of!"

The next day, Xiaodao brought news of stalking people.

"Master, that man finally joined the tax department."

"A tax department would never dare to do this in private!"

Fang Xing remembered Daming’s wonderful tax policy. Zhu Yuanzhang’s business tax was set at thirty one tax. The reason for this was to restore the business that was hit hard by the war at the end of the Yuan Dynasty.

But in the Yongle period, Zhu Di did not dare to change his Lao Tzu's policy ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ is still very low tax rate.

"We all rely on farmers to support this huge country. If there is a natural disaster, what about Daming?"

Fang Xing sighed: "The same is true for the Shibosi Department. Non-governmental trade is forbidden and only tribute trade is allowed. The key is that no tax is collected. God! Look at the commercial tax of the former Song Dynasty!"

Huang Zhongjiu was in Suzhou Mansion and naturally knew these drawbacks. He persuaded: "Uncle, all of these have to be solved slowly. After all... Your Royal Highness is still young!"

Fang Xing glanced at Huang Zhong in surprise, then nodded and said, "Yes, we are all young, but I can't leave it alone!"

After being silent for a while, Huang Zhong bowed and said, "Uncle, don't worry, I also have a big heart!"

Just now Huang Zhong suddenly expressed his thoughts, Fang Xing only responded vaguely.

After looking at Huang Zhong for a moment, Fang Xing slowly said, "This road is not a small risk. You must be persevering. You can't be a person without a heart. Can you think about it clearly?"

Huang Zhong solemnly arched his hands: "Uncle, I won't regret it!"

Fang Xing's eyes suddenly became sharp, and he stabbed Huang Zhong like a knife: "Boly, do you know the consequences of this? Once you have a change, Fang has a thousand ways to make you die silently. interest!"

Huang Zhong said calmly: "If this is the case, let the uncle dispose of it!"

Fang Xing nodded, and then said: "Okay, you can come to my study from now on."

Fang Xing's study is a forbidden place in Fang's family. Unless he tells you to go, anyone who approaches will be regarded as spies by the family.

During Huang Zhong's time in Fang's house, he had seen Fang Xing's actions. From Zhu Zhanji’s waking attitude to the content of the professor in the hall, they all show a meaning...

We are not Confucian!

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