Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Chapter 805: 1 way, don’t look back

Chapter 805

I wish the book friends of the college entrance examination: if there is a **** in the writing, everything will come true, and everything will go well!

Fu Xian felt that he was born to belong to the sea, and he had better die in the sea.

In the endless sea, the fleet is like a group of monsters chopping through the waves.

Feeling the ups and downs of the ship, Fu Xian satisfactorily admired the vomiting team lying on the side of the ship, feeling magnificent.

Fang Xing didn't vomit, but his complexion was not very good.

After Lin Qunan came back from vomiting, he gasped and said: "Uncle, Te Niang's evil nature, and I haven't vomited so much. The brothers can't stand it. The official suspected that Master Fu was doing bad things, and wanted to see us making a fool of myself..."


This world is always very evil. Whenever you say bad things about others, there is a high chance that the person concerned will hear it.

Lin Qun'an turned around without changing his face and said, "Master Fu, I didn't vomit this time!"

Fu Xian stared at him helplessly: "Master Lin, this seasickness doesn't mean you are not dizzy or dizzy, let alone you, people like me who spend most of the time in the sea sometimes get dizzy."

Fang Xing waved his hand and resisted the surge in his stomach: "This boat is swaying evilly, this is bad sea conditions, and it's none of other people's business."

Fu Xian said with a smile: "My uncle is still knowledgeable. No one can tell about the nautical affairs, but it will be much better after the straits between North Korea and Waguo."


At Izumo's simple wharf, the fleet at Golden Foot has been parked for a long time, and the bottom of the boat has been cleaned up by the water well. It even took advantage of the good weather to have a major overhaul, but many minor problems have been repaired.

Huang Jinlu was prying oysters to eat on the deck. His eating method was very rough, and he was also very abnormal. He added chili directly.

Throw the shell out, Huang Jinlu is ready to return to the cabin.

In this kind of weather, the temperature in the cabin is uncomfortable, and it is better to be windy outside.

"Old Huang! I can't live this life anymore!"

Chen Mo came out angrily, naked and dark, even that guy.

The sailors on the ship knew that they had to wear some clothes to protect themselves from the sun, but Chen Mo was so hot that he simply performed a full fruit show, and only his teeth were white.

Huang Jinlu was startled, and then frowned, "You wear a piece of clothes at any rate, you are so ugly!"

Chen Mo raised his eyebrows wryly and said, "Those Japanese wives didn't say ugly, they were called Huan!"

"Lao Huang, our goods are all sold out, what are you waiting for?"

Huang Jinlu walked into his cabin, lay on the hot bed, and said comfortably, "Wait, wait for them to come back."

After the goods were traded, the ship was missing more than ten people, all of whom were the most able to fight and kill people without blinking.

Chen Mo said dejectedly: "Old Huang, what are they doing? Aren't they going to investigate the military situation of the Japanese nation? Then we have to be prepared, see that something is wrong, and retreat as soon as possible."

Huang Jinlu didn't answer, and gradually breathed smoothly.

"Sleep, sleep, sleep all day long!"

Chen Mo got out of the cabin boringly, just in time to see Sanfan preparing for the ship ashore, with more than a dozen women behind him.

"Sanfan, there are new ones again?"

Three times beckoned: "Yes, she's still a very tender woman."

Liu Ming, who was watching his body search, frowned and said, "Third times, all the original women are brought back."

There are too many women in the boat, but no one can blame it, only the women of the country are too cheap.

Sanfan quickly agreed. These women had been in close contact with men from the Ming Dynasty, and some men were willing to take over when they returned.

The body-searching sailor felt nothing when he touched the women, and was numb.

"Go ahead."

After getting out of the boat, Chen Mo naturally picked two women and ran away, and Sanfan went straight to find Huang Jinlu.

"My lord, the news from Kyoto is that the shogunate is recruiting farmers to train soldiers, and the ship is almost built."

Sanfan's expression was a little nervous and a little excited.

Once the war begins, the situation in the country will definitely change drastically, and he will be able to rise above and beyond by relying on his relationship with Xinghebo.

There is no unreasonable surrender in this world, and all kinds of arrogance are all tricked into playing with children and fools.

If you want others to surrender, then you must at least let people see the benefits. Whether it's promotion or wealth, you have to account for the same, otherwise you don't have a shock, be careful to shake yourself apart.

Cao Cao occupies the righteousness and status of the emperor, while Liu Bei has gathered a group of talents who are dissatisfied with Cao Cao's holding the emperor to make the princes act, but he has to get married with the royal family, otherwise no one will care about him.

As for the misery of Soochow, the status was lost, and they could not fight with the Royal Baguan. In the end, they had to stick to the defense line of the Yangtze River and linger.

Huang Jinlu asked, "How about the Sibo family?"

"very quiet."

Three times inquired very hard: "It seems that I have accepted the punishment of Ashikaga Yoshimochi and have been nestled at home to give birth to a child."


If the Sibo family changes, Jinlu prepares to set sail, and then rushes back to Jinling to report.

He licked his lips three times and said, "My lord, will Daming have a kick?"

Plug in your sister!

Huang Jinlu said displeased: "Is it something I can talk about in the military affairs? Hurry up! Send someone to inquire about it, and the benefits are indispensable for you."

Sanfan hurriedly bowed and said, "Yes, but my lord, we are also a Da Ming person anyway, and we are not greedy for that benefit."

Huang Jinlu wanted to sneer, but finally turned into an encouraging smile: "Go hard, and as an uncle, it couldn't be easier to give you a placement."

Excited three times: "The little one is willing to die for Daming! I don't hesitate to put my liver on my head."

Yo! Nima will be tugged? !

Huang Jinlu encouraged: "Go, come again next time, it is estimated that war has already started."

I was grateful for Dade to go out three times, and Liu Ming said coldly outside the cabin door: "Don't look back, don't look back all the way, otherwise it will be death, understand?"

Sanfan's body shuddered, and Dui smiled and said, "I dare not dare, and the little one dare not look back."

Listening to Liu Ming's tone, the boat behind must be engaged in shameful deeds, and the fool turned his head.

Liu Ming winked at the two gangsters, then watched in place for three times, and disappeared from sight without daring to look back all the way. Then he said to the cabin, "Boss Huang, a boat is coming."

Huang Jinlu stood up and rushed out without asking.

In the sight of the telescope ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ two warships are slowly approaching.

"It's Daming's warship. Let them be on guard, and no one is allowed to approach the dock, otherwise they will be killed."

Putting down the binoculars, Huang Jinlu said in confusion: "How come there are Da Ming ships at this time?"

Liu Ming thought: "I wonder if Daming knew that the two countries are about to go to war, so he sent someone...it's not right. If you want to come, you shouldn't come to Izumo!"

Huang Jinlu raised the telescope again, gradually revealing joy.

Liu Ming didn't know what he saw, and he didn't have a telescope in his hand, so he was too anxious.

"Go, take all the wives of the country well, don't let them go out of the warehouse, and tell Chen Mo not to die in bed, get out quickly, I'll castrate him when it's too late!"

Liu Ming asked urgently: "Boss Huang, you have to tell me who it is, right?"

Huang Jinlu put down the binoculars, his expression excited: "It should be the uncle here!"

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