When Liu Ming and Zhongchuanya returned together, Fang Xing was a little surprised.

"Aren't you going back to Spoel's house?"

Fang Xing asked.

Nakagawa Ya knelt down and said, "Uncle Xia just wants to avenge the lord, if uncle can let Xia fulfill this wish, Xia is willing to be loyal to you."


A touch of sadness appeared on Fang Xing's face, "Yoshimoto's enmity, Ben, must be reported, but you still have a promising future, so let's wait at Sibo's house."

There seemed to be promises in these words, but it seemed that there was nothing, very empty.

But Nakagawa Ya had a ferocious face, he kowtowed and said: "Okay, please wait and see, uncle."

"Uncle, that Muhua is here again."

On the dock, Muhua stared blankly at Fang Wake the ship. Her feet were scratched in many places, scars were densely covered, her face was dusty, and her clothes were even more dirty.

Huang Jinlu came over and said, "Uncle, Mu Hua's mother is a prostitute, and she ran away with someone a few days ago. Mu Hua has been lingering in the town for the past few days and can't find anything to eat."

Under Nakagawaya's gaze, Fang Xing frowned and said, "Such a mother is incompetent, go and bring her up."

"Farewell next."

Nakagawa was gone, and when he was crossing with Muhua, the smell made him a little nauseous.

When he turned around again, he saw an unforgettable scene.

"You can follow me from now on, um, also called Muhua."

Fang Xing touched Muhua's face, her sluggish eyes instantly moved, and tears rushed out of her face.

Nine-year-old Mu Hua has lived with her mother in this small town since she was a child. Every day she listened to those gasps and screams until she was nine years old. She rarely spoke, so she was called a fool by the people in the town.


"what does she say?"

Fang Xing asked back.

Huang Jinlu smiled and said: "She said to be a slave to your uncle."

Fang Xing shook his head and stood up and said, "Go to the town to find a woman to bathe her, and then buy some clothes and shoes for her. We are about to set off."


go ahead!

On the outer sea of ​​Wakasa Bay, large and small ships puffed up their sails, and under the urging of flags and horns, they rushed to the landing place desperately.

On the bow of the largest warship, Zhang Neng looked at the unsuspecting Wakasa Bay, and laughed: "Let the ship move closer, we will use the fastest speed to penetrate Wakasa country, and then the soldiers will come to Kyoto to give Ashikaga. Yi Chi has a surprise! Hahahaha!"

Someone asked: "My lord, can I enter the lake?"

Wakasa Bay has a passage to enter the inner lake that is connected to the sea.

Zhang Neng shook his head and said, "No, if the enemy is raided, the fleet will be caught off guard and will not be able to escape."

"Rush up, as long as you get on the shore, don't want to do anything else, just rush to Kyoto!"

"My lord, where's the grain and grass?" The subordinates were a little worried that the supplies on the road could not keep up.

Zhang Neng said coldly: "Just eaten by the enemy!"

What kind of benevolence and morality are in the war between nations? Victory is the only goal. For this goal, what does it matter even if it is to kill the wild!

That's why the horrific story of Bai Qi's killing Zhao Jun, and the subsequent killing of prisoners is endless in history.

Several fishing boats dodge left and right in a panic, but the speed of the fleet is not what they can avoid.

"Squeeze over!"

As soon as the ship passed by, there were more planks on the sea, as well as the Waguo fishermen holding the planks and shouting for help.

The fleet ignored these, the big ship began to anchor, and countless sergeants and a few horses were transferred to the smaller ships.

When the first sergeant set foot on land, Zhang Neng also boarded a small boat.

Wakasa Bay is mountainous, but there are several roads that lead directly out.

With the fifty thousand army, the forward has run out of sight, and the main force has just begun to leave.


Zhang Neng left five thousand people to guard the back road, but Zheng Xu felt it was unnecessary, so he was bored with his subordinates fishing.

"My lord, shouldn't you defeat Wakasa country's army?"

Zheng Xu saw that several sergeants had obtained a big fish and were vying for ownership. He could not help cursing, "Mad! When the adults defeated Ashikaga Yoshimochi, what did we get into Kyoto? What a shame?!"

But the Zhang Neng he was talking about turned pale at this time.

This is a valley with roads on three sides, but at this time, apart from the road they just came, the other two are constantly pouring out of troops.

"This is a trap! This is a trap!"

The forward can no longer see, Zhang Neng knows that the five thousand people must be wiped out.

"Retreat! Retreat now!"

If you don’t retreat and wait for the enemy to return to the back, you will be caught in the urn, and you will be suffocated!

Ashikaga Yoshihide on the mountain said coldly: "Don't block it, otherwise it will be a trapped animal fighting, and it will only make the thieves in the country cheaper!"


Shouting and killing, looking down from the mountain, Zhang Neng's rear team changed to the front team and ran backwards, and the enemy army behind him was chasing him...


"There is a big ship!"

Zheng Xu is taking a lunch break, not because he is not vigilant, but because there is absolutely nothing in the way of the army, and there is no threat.

Hearing the shout, Zheng Xu rushed out of the cabin and looked up.

To the left of Wakasa Bay, a fleet of three large ships and more than thirty various ships is slowly coming.

Seeing the familiar ship type, Zheng Xu's eyes shrank, and he shouted: "Alert, it makes people go to negotiate, just say that the North Korean navy is here, ask them what they are coming from, and remember to ask clearly which adult is on it. ."

A small boat rushed over immediately.

When they reached the side of the treasure ship, the people on the boat looked up at it, and there was a sense of depression that made people unable to speak.


At this moment, the fleet began to anchor.

"Hey! This is the North Korean navy, dare to ask the army's purpose?"

On the ship's side, the knife shouted: "This is Daming Marine, Daming and Bo are here. Please stay away, don't cause misunderstanding!"

The North Koreans below looked at each other, and finally shouted: "My lord, dare to ask what you are coming for?"

The knife pierced his ears and said: "Watch the battle! We are here to watch the battle, no one will help!"


"No one will help?"

Zheng Xu, who received the news, couldn't help but feel a little suspicious.

Zheng Xu said dejectedly: "Yes, and Fang Xing is on the boat. If the Demon God annoys him, we probably won't be able to keep the fleet. When the time comes, the adults' retreat will be cut off."

"My lord, someone..."

When Zheng Xu saw the defeated army who had fled back after losing their helmets and armor, his heart was cold.

Lost! Lost!


Standing on the bow of the ship, Fang Xing saw that the defeated army was running towards the beach, and couldn't help but shook his head and said: "It must have been ambushed~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Unfortunately, the will is not firm enough, Ashikaga Yoshitsuji is going to rise in prestige!"

Fu Xian, who rushed to meet Fang Xing with Jubao Shanwei, said, "But Ashikaga Yoshitoshi didn't expect that we would be taken aback here."

Sure enough, when the pursuers rushed out of the valley and saw the three treasure ships, their speed immediately slowed down.

Zhang Neng's helmet fell off. He turned around and saw the situation immediately, he couldn't help but exclaimed: "Hurry up and get on the boat!"

"It's Mingren's big ship! Go and report to Lord Lord!"

The Japanese were a little panicked, they were worried about being ambushed by Da Ming.

"Kill it!"

But the general of the team was blushing. He cut off the head of the caller with a stab, and pointed at the North Korean soldiers and shouted: "Kill them all!"

So this road was full of the corpses of North Koreans, and by the sea, the remaining 20,000 defeated soldiers were desperately robbing the opportunity to board the ship. For a while, it was a scene of cannibalism. .

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