Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Chapter 811: 2 million per year 2

When he saw the silver ores, Zhu Zhanji's breath tightened, as if he was stroking gently with the Sun family, and said obsessively: "After entering the country of Japan, mine immediately!"

Fang Xing didn't like Zhu Zhanji's look, but he waited patiently for the discussion to end.

"His Royal Highness, the minister thought that the envoy of North Korea for help should have been on the road, should we prepare first?"

Yang Rong couldn't help himself when he saw the silver ore, thinking that the battle was too worthwhile.

Zhu Zhanji nodded, and let go of his hand reluctantly, "I'm already ready, just wait for the messenger to arrive, and we will go in immediately."

"Fu Xian's fleet will set off later, monitoring the landing of the Japanese people all the way, and when my army arrives, immediately cut off the Japanese route to sea!"

Zhu Zhanji's self-confidence is a lot more than last time, pointing to the map with a high spirit.

"Li Fangyuan will definitely think about it, but he doesn't dare to waste time, otherwise once the Seoul Mansion is lost, whether the Li family can continue to be the King of Joseon, this is a question! So everyone goes back and prepares separately. There will be news within a few days."

Zhang Fu stood up and said: "His Royal Highness's analysis, the ministers retired."

A young grandson, who was able to analyze the situation of the battle and the hearts of the people so far, to be honest, even Yang Rong felt that Fang Xing had done a lot.

After everyone was gone, Zhu Zhanji asked someone to take out a piece of paper.

"This is a masterpiece of potatoes. Brother Dehua can taste it carefully."

Fang Xing took the paper and looked at the suddenly sharp and dense ink ball, and couldn't help coughing: "This is an abstract painting. I think it's good."

What abstraction? ! Zhu Zhanji smiled.

Fang Xing collected the masterpiece of potatoes, and said sternly: "Although the wealth is useful, it is just a number for the prince, understand? Don't be obsessed with it."

Zhu Zhanji said blankly: "The little brother is just a momentary distraction, and he won't be the next time."

Fang Xing nodded and said, "Silver is only rare and precious. It is not practical enough at present. You have studied science. When you know that silver will become an industrial raw material in the future, is it enough to see silver?"

Zhu Zhanji solemnly said: "Not enough."

"So we have to work hard. It is said that on the other side of the ocean, there is a lot of silver reserves, and the Inca Empire. At this time, it was when they were expanding their forces. You can guarantee to conquer that place!"

Fang Xing dipped tea on the table and drew the appearance of the earth, pointing to the opposite side of Daming, and said: "There is a lot of silver over there, we can only hide it when we mine it, otherwise..."

"Otherwise, one stone will get a hundred taels of silver."

Zhu Zhanji smiled, "Inflation, Daming's currency distribution must be orderly, disorder will only lead to market chaos."

Fang Xing frowned and said: "The people of Daming are a bit of a headache. They prefer to store their goods. This will lead to a shortage of money on the market. Therefore, in the future, they have to prepare for the official establishment of a bank to absorb the idle money. , And then provide loans to activate the market."

Zhu Zhanji dragged his chin with one hand, "Yes, I remember that when the salt merchants were robbed, the family had a lot of money."

Fang Xing said: "So after the income of the people of Daming increases, it is time to encourage spending money, and all of this needs to be guaranteed by Daming's martial arts and the development of industry. With more resources, there is more room for choice. , The people's hearts are safe, otherwise, who would dare to spend money indiscriminately?"

Zhu Zhanji said depressed: "It seems that I still have to learn a lot!"

Fang Xing smiled and said, "This requires systematic study. When you have plenty of time, I will sort out some teaching materials."

Thinking of the previous life that he had money and did not dare to spend it, Fang Xing felt that it was not easy for the people to see that the money was devalued by inflation.

The common people don't have stable investment channels. What else can he do if he saves and collects the money?


Huazhou City was newly built, and Daming paid a lot of food for this, and those Koreans who stayed... Oh no, they should be called Daming people now. They have had a pretty good life in the past two years.

However, with the arrival of Ming immigrants, many North Koreans were diverted to Jiaozhi and Nuergandusi.

Fang Xing and Zhang Fu are basking on the beach. It is a rare sunny day. It is also good to have a barbecue on the beach.

Just when the beef was about to be roasted, Yang Rong also came.

"Yo! This is eating alone with your Highness on your back!"

Yang Rong smiled and occupied Fang Xing's recliner, and then quickly poured himself a glass of good wine.

Fang Xing was busy living in front of the fire, and asked without looking back, "Master Yang, where's your Royal Highness?"

Yang Rong squinted his eyes and felt the fragrance of the wine: "Alutai's messenger came and asked why Daming had wiped out Duoyan Sanwei. His Highness is reprimanding."

Zhang Fu felt that he was not bad in terms of men's functions, but the offspring was difficult. Later, Fang Xing said that there was insufficient activity and he should eat less celery and more of the recipes he provided.

So even if Zhang Fu was disgusting with the oysters, he still bit his scalp to eat.

"Master Yang, what did your Highness say?"

Zhang Fu asked with difficulty swallowing a roasted oyster.

Yang Rong put down the wine glass and raised his eyebrows: "His Royal Highness said that this is Daming's housework and has nothing to do with others. If Alutai has the courage, he can let him go and hunt him in the town of slavery with Daming!"


Zhang Fu patted the armrest, drank his glass, and said with satisfaction: "I, Daming, have this crown prince, which can guarantee a hundred years of prosperity!"

Yang Rong was also upset in his heart: "It depends on Xing Hebo's methods. If he can clean up North Korea without blood, and then mine from the Japanese Kingdom to Yinshan, then the position of His Highness will be unbreakable! If it can't..."

"All right!"

Fang Xing came over with dozens of skewers of roast beef. Chi Guo’s upper body was sweaty. He squeezed Yang Rong to the side and distributed the skewers before saying, "Believe me, there is so much silver that makes people crazy. !"

Yang Rong ate a piece of beef, without any sense of crime, instead he asked indifferently: "Xing He Bo, how much do you estimate in a year?"

Fang Xing took a sip of wine and bit two pieces of beef along the sign in one sip. The gravy burst in his mouth instantly. He said happily: "There are more people, we have another method of blowing it, and the annual output should be 1 million. Two or so, plus the other silver mountains in the country, it is easy to get back two million taels of silver from here a year..."

Fang Xing didn't notice that Yang Rong and Zhang Fu were staring at him blankly, and said triumphantly: "At that time, get some Japanese men to mine and smelt, and only eat food. The low-cost scary ones, hahahaha!"

Yang Rong snatched the meat skewers from Fang Xing's hand and said viciously: "Xing He Bo, you can't talk nonsense about national affairs! If you are not allowed, the old man will definitely impeach you!"

Fang Xing was stunned. When he turned around, he saw that Zhang Fu was also fierce. He laughed and said, "How dare I make a joke about such a major event, otherwise your majesty will definitely exile me to the Slaughter Gandu Division to join the savages."

Yang Rong threw the lamb skewers away and asked, "Why does the Japanese country have so much silver?"

How would I know?

Fang Xing said with a serious face: "Wai Guo~www.wuxiaspot.com~ You have never seen a volcanic eruption. That scene is really broken, and then there will be countless lavas gushing out of the ground, and finally it becomes a Japanese widow. These islands, as for silver, are also things that came out with lava."

Yang Rong looked confused: "Do you mean that the islands of the Wa country didn't exist before?"

Fang Xing took it for granted: "I calculated according to the map, and I think there is another possibility, that is, the Waguo Archipelago was originally close to Daming, but afterwards the bottom shell under our feet moved a bit, so we moved it. It's cut open."

Yang Rong said suspiciously, "Does Uncle Xinghe still understand these things?"

Fang Xing said haha, "I guess, but it's true that a volcano erupted. Don't believe me, after you get to the country of Japan, you can go to the highest Mount Fuji to see the crater."

Brother doesn't understand this, but fooling you guys should be enough.

Fang Xing is full of superiority when he can regard earthquakes as the era of earth dragon turning over.

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