Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Chapter 823: Casting the view of Beijing, burning the palace on fire

I had a bad cold, dizzy, and those who had coded forgot the time, and kept writing until now. After looking at it, there are three thousand words. In that case, let's post a big chapter!

Feeling tired, so I don't ask for support!

Try your best to write until the day you want to end! That's it!

Li Fangyuan never felt so weak, that he no longer maintained a majestic sitting posture, and almost fell softly on the chair.

Li San saw that the civil and military officials looked dull, like the clay Buddha in the temple, so he cheered up and said, "Father..."

"Da Ming Wan Sheng!"

At this moment, the sound of a tsunami-like sound from the mountains outside made Li Pan agitated. He looked back at the outside and said in disbelief, "Is this victory?"

The officials below all looked at each other, and one of them hesitated and said, "Will they still be fighting?"

Hit Nima!

Others looked at him like they were idiots, and some people said with disdain: "The war has started long ago. At this time, if you call out the great victory, you must have won a big victory, and the enemy has been destroyed!"

Li Fangyuan said with a pale face: "Da Ming has won. It can be seen that the Japanese pirates are vulnerable, lonely..."

Daming wins, what will happen to North Korea?

Li Fangyuan gritted his teeth and said: "The King of Daming is brave and brave, North Korea should be respectful and diligent, go! Get some good rice and meat to prepare the army!"

The officials below are only ‘waking up like a dream’.

"His Royal Highness, the minister will go right away!"

"Hey! This matter is within the scope of the official, you are..."

"On this occasion, what are you and me..."

Li Fangyuan coldly watched these people scrambling to **** this work that no one cares about, and he knew in his heart.

This was just being frightened by Daming's record, and worried that Daming would use his army's might to clean up people, so he hurried to get a close.

Maybe I still want to surrender!

Li San's heart was sad, and he secretly wrote down the names of these people.

Several officials pushed me out of the hall, others watched indifferently, and then saw them turning back, like a ghost.

"Enemy attack..."


Li Fangyuan abruptly got up, his body turned to the back, and eagerly asked, "Who is it?"

If it is a Japanese pirate, then needless to say, Daming must be defeated, and no one wants to run.

The official who fled in first exclaimed with an inhuman face, "Your Highness, it's a gangster!"

Li Fangyuan felt peaceful, turned around again, and said lightly: "Then encircle and suppress!"

There are at least three hundred guards outside, which is not a big problem.

"What's the smell?"

An official's nose twitched, and then he searched left and right.

"His Royal Highness, it is from the Zheng family! It is the rebellion of the Zheng family!"

After a scream outside, the sound disappeared.

Zheng Mengzhou?

Li Fangyuan's face changed drastically, and he shouted, "Kill him!"

Zheng Mengzhou, a great scholar of North Korea and a great minister of the former Goryeo dynasty, was assassinated by Li Fangyuan during Li Chenggui's rebellion, and his family confiscated.

But after all, there is a fish that slips through the net, this is not here for revenge!

"Kill the false king!"

The sound of shouting and killing is endless, and the sound of knives and guns makes people feel numb.

Li Fangyuan's eyes were cold, and he said coldly: "Sure enough, we must get rid of the roots! But since it's here today, don't even think about going back! Pass the order! Kill all of them!"

Leader Li Fengang gave orders. Just after walking a few steps, someone behind him shouted: "I remember, it smells like kerosene!"

The two gangs who were fighting outside were shocked, and the guards were the first to react.

"His Royal Highness and the prince are inside, get out quickly!"

"Kill all the male Li family who usurped the throne!"

On the battlefield, those Japanese soldiers who were still murderous and aggressive before knelt on the ground. The Ming army did not tie them up with ropes, but drove them to dig pits.

"More than 20,000 corpses, all of them were beheaded to cast Jingguan, and their bodies were all buried!"

Fang Xing calmly ordered.

"Uncle, where is Jingguan cast?"

Fang Xing glanced around, "Go out, find an open place."

Immediately the cavalry drove the captives to collect the corpses.

"Yes, just let them chop off the heads of their fellow robe!"

Fang Xing was very satisfied, "These captives give some gruel every day, but don't take it too much. Anyway, we need labor."

According to the plan, the first thing North Korea has to do is to build roads. The road is repaired, and once something changes, the Ming cavalry can quickly rush to suppress it.

Beheading is not worth mentioning for professional sergeants, but it is daunting for those farmers.

Zhu Zhanji and Yang Rong went into the city, and Zhang Fu was arranging a follow-up pursuit.

"Hurry up!"

There are still major events in the city, and Fang Xing can't wait.

As he said, he shouted: "Those cheap bones, you won't be able to work if you don't beat them, hurry up!"

So the sergeants beat the captives with rifles and sticks, urging them to behead their heads.

There were a lot of prisoners, some beheaded, some went to pick up soil.

It didn't take long for Jingguan to rise gradually at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"Xing He Bo, who will write Jing Guanshi?"

Song Jianran asked, he was a little eager to try.

Zhu Zhanji wrote once in Nuer Gandusi. As the grandson of the emperor, one time is enough, and more will be criticized by civil officials.

"Ben Bo came to write!"

Fang Xing picked up the pen, thought for a moment, and swiped it down without hesitation.

Song Jianran watched enviously from the side, this is to be remembered by Qing History!

"Emperor Ming mixed in one domain, over three generations, but in the Han and Tang Dynasties, the world is in the extreme, and he has no concubines."


Song Jianran only felt hot all over, holding his hands tightly, but couldn't find a place to vent.

"Today, there are Japanese slaves jumping off the beam, and the king's master is rushing to help. In the first battle, it can be a ring for future generations!"

"Because of Jingguan, if there is chaos among the four barbarians, kill them!"

"This stone testifies, if you peep into China, destroy it!"

"Da Mingxing and Bo Fang Xing, cut the Japanese pirates to the top, and cast the capital to watch here. Tell all parties, don't say it is unpredictable!"

Song Jianran's body trembled slightly, and there was a rush of heat in his chest, but he couldn't find an exit. After Fang Xing threw the pen on the ground, turned and strode away, he couldn't help it anymore.


The long howling drew the attention of those soldiers, and many people swarmed over.

"Who is literate, come out and tell everyone."

Some people are itching.

"I, I, I!"

A young sergeant showed off his face, and then began to read the inscription. After reading the inscription, someone couldn't understand it and asked him to explain.

"Ahem! What do you mean by this uncle..."

The young sergeant turned his eyes randomly and said, "This is saying that we Daming is going to conquer that... the place we see, that is to say, the place we see is Daming's territory."

"This is good! It should be our Daming territory!"

Seeing that someone recognized that even Song Jianran, who had finished Chang Xiao, was watching with a smile, this sergeant was even more proud.

"We Daming is now better than Han and Tang Dynasties, so all the foreign races in the world should be our concubines. If they are not convinced, we will fight until they admit it."

Song Jianran wanted to correct one or two things, but when he saw the faces of the soldiers flushed and excited, he held back thoughtfully.

"Uncle Xing and Uncle told those alien races that you should take a good look at this Jingguan. If anyone dares to make trouble and take advantage of our Daming in the future, don’t blame us for not telling you in advance. Then we will wait for the King of Daming. Come to annihilate the race!"

The gun smoke gradually dissipated, and these soldiers stood silently in front of Jingguan, looking at the stone monument.

"This world belongs to our Daming!"

With a loud shout, the situation aroused immediately.

"This world belongs to our Daming!"

The shouts shook the sky, and the faces of the prisoners who were working were earthy.

In the city gate, Zhu Zhanji and Yang Rong are comforting the wounded who are treating their wounds here.

"Have the people sent to find the mine come back?"

Fang Xing had already taken off his armor, but didn't have time to take a bath.

Yang Rong shook his head, "Xing He Bo is sure that there are iron ore and copper ore there?"

"Of course there is. The North Koreans have discovered something on their own, but they don't have the ability to develop it."

There is not only the Maoshan iron mine, but also the Anshan and Benxi iron mines in the past, which is completely a large group of mines.

"The iron ore in this area is enough for Da Ming to use for hundreds of years! Even longer!"

After Ming Dynasty, the mineral resources will inevitably expand, and local minerals can only be surveyed, not developed.

And North Korea's copper and iron ore reserves are even more amazing.

"There is a lot of coal here, self-sufficiency in steel is not a problem, and..."

There are also uranium mines!

There are so many minerals in this small place, and it will be connected to the north in the future. The scale of that industry can scare people to death.

"I will make a memorial later, let the DPRK and China get more immigrants, and the daughter-in-law will give it away for free!"

Yang Rong was a little worried: "Will it become a robbery? That reputation is not good!"

Fang Xing disdainfully said: "Master Yang is too worried. The North Koreans are poor enough. It is their blessing to marry the people of Daming. Besides, there are also Japanese women!"

"Going to the country! Do you know? Daming is going to the country!"

What is going to the country?

"North Korean women should scramble to marry the people of Daming, and the civilians of Daming can marry the noble women of North Korea. The Koreans are proud to settle in Daming, and they are proud to speak and write the Chinese characters. This is the way to go to the country. !"

Yang Rong felt hot after hearing this. Isn't this what he has been pursuing?

But when he saw the corners of Fang Xing's mouth slightly tilted, as if he was laughing and laughing at himself, he rubbed his eyes. When he looked again, Fang Xing had returned to normal.

"There is a fire in the city!"

At this moment someone yelled, Fang Xing and Yang Rong turned around and saw that there was indeed a few thick smoke in the city.

Yang Rong coughed dryly: "Uncle Xinghe, your Highness is not here, nor is the British Grandpa, you have an idea!"

Fang Xing glanced at Zhu Zhanji with a bewildered look and smiled without saying a word. Instead, he picked up the binoculars and looked at the North Korean sergeant who was patrolling in the distance. After the North Koreans disappeared in a panic, he shouted: " There is chaos in the city, people come, UU Reading www.uukanshu.com followed Ben Bo into the city!"

Yang Rong immediately changed his face and said, "Hurry up! Remember to protect King Joseon!"

When Fang Xing rushed to the palace with a thousand households, the inside was shrouded in flames, and he couldn't get in at all.

"what happened?!"

Fang Xing’s arrival made the North Koreans fighting the fire outside find the backbone. An official cried out: “Uncle Xinghe, the remnants of the Zheng family took advantage of the opportunity of the outside war to rush into the palace and then murdered and set fire. It's gone! Except for the next official, it's gone!"

Fang Xing approached, enduring the burning heat of the big collapsed wood, and asked with a cold face, "Where are the guards? What about the guards who even dared to roll their eyes? Huh?"

The official looked at the guards who carried the buckets and only dared to water the outside and said: "It's useless, uncle, they are all people who have been spoiled and spoiled since childhood!"

Ying Yangwei is all composed of noble children, wine and rice bags are not enough, but spoiled is indispensable.

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