Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Chapter 830: Sign in! Sign in! Sign in!

"Look, who is that?!"

Fang Xing and Zhu Zhanji walked to the bow of the ship, raised their binoculars, and saw two warships, one large and one small, rushing towards the distance with full sails.

"Sure enough, brave!"

Fang Xing saw Fu Xian coming, and said, "Master Fu, you can train more brave men like this. Only when Daming's fleet expands, will there be someone."

Such a single boat to test the enemy is brave, but also very dangerous.

Fu appeared to say: "Lin Zheng, this kid looks gentle, but he never retreats in naval battles, he is very courageous."


"Hurry up! Hurry up!"

Lin Zheng drew his sword and pestle on the deck, squinted at the constantly clear scenery ahead, and urged in a low voice.

Someone could already be seen running frantically on the shore, and when he got closer, Lin Zheng saw a camp.

"Let Ma Ran go back to report, the enemy is prepared, the number..."

Lin Zheng's eyesight is very good. He looked at it and shouted: "There are three thousand people, no cavalry! You can come at full speed!"

The sergeant next to him asked: "My lord, let's go back!"

Others who couldn't help but didn't worry, and rushed forward for a while. It might be hard to turn around, and finally had to wash the beach.

Lin Zheng shook his head and said, "Slow down, let's tease these dwarfs!"

The speed of the ship slowed down, but it was still rushing towards the beach. The three thousand Japanese soldiers who had assembled on the shore were on guard, and Lin Zheng even saw the rocket.

"Hahahaha! Little dwarf, come and eat Grandpa's ass!"

Lin Zheng ordered the warship to approach the coast, but the distance was far from the bow and arrow, making the Japanese soldiers on the shore uncomfortable and yelling at them with anger.

Some time ago, Fu Xian's fleet often appeared on the seashore. Once they saw a ship, they immediately rushed over, either burned or towed away.

So much so that these Japanese people thought that Lin Zheng was here to check, so they were just shouting and cursing.

Lin Zheng suddenly shouted, "Go to the right!"

The warship quickly moved to the right, and the Japanese army immediately followed the ship, worried about Lin Zheng's sudden landing.

Lin Zheng kept urging the warship to go sideways. After a certain distance, it looked like it was about to land, and then he moved a little farther away.

Those Japanese soldiers were panting, but they didn't dare to give up, otherwise it would be a serious crime.

After North Korea attacked Wakasa Bay, it has become a key area of ​​defense.

"Iron Cannon... Give those dwarfs a shot!"

There are many weapons on the warship, iron artillery is one of them, but the range is not far, but it is more than enough to bombard the infantry.


Two shots went out, but unfortunately only one shot was hit and only one enemy was killed.

"Catch up!"

Someone in the Japanese army yelled in shame, but then there was a scream that could make people have nightmares.

"There is a fleet..."

The heart-piercing sound made everyone turn their heads, and then stared at the sea blankly.

There were many sails on the sea, and countless transport ships carried the sergeants desperately to the shore.

The large ships behind calmly anchored, and there were ships on both sides receiving personnel weapons.

Fang Xing was the first to board the ship. He turned around and said to Zhu Zhanji: "You stay here and wait for the Japanese army to disperse before going ashore."

Zhu Zhanji was a little itchy, but he knew what was at stake, so he asked: "Brother Dehua, be careful!"

Fang Xing nodded, turned around and shouted, "Boat!"




Accompanied by a loud shout, countless large and small ships are sailing to the shore, and the sea is covered with mist, looking like...

"The Devil..."

The Japanese soldiers who rushed back saw the Musketeers on the ship ahead, and they couldn't help but think of domestic legends.

The demon god's commanders are all firearms, and there are iron pots for protection!

Although these people don't have iron cans to protect themselves, the all firearms in their hands are just in line with the rumored conditions.

How to do?

Everyone looked at the man in the beautiful armor.

Horse ship, war ship, transport ship...

"There are at least more than 20,000 people. No, go back, let's go back and let someone report a letter, saying that the 100,000 Ming army has come ashore!"

Just three miles behind this camp, there is a place where more than 10,000 people are stationed.


As soon as the boat reached the shore, Fang Xing was the first to jump down. After shaking his body a few times, he shouted: "Jubao Mountain Guards preempted the camp and covered the landing!"

The soldiers who had just disembarked were all unsteady, but they were still swaying forward. From time to time, someone fell to the ground, and then they were pulled up by their fellow robes and continued to run.

"Cannon! Get the cannon up!"

As soon as Lin Qun'an got ashore, he hurriedly directed the delivery of artillery until Shen Yao took over the job.

"Uncle, do you want to attack now?"

Lin Qun'an knew that the fighter plane was fleeting, so he couldn't stand it anymore.

Fang Xing shook his head and said, "It's useless early, and I guess the enemy will definitely counterattack. When the time comes, the brethren will still be swaying because of insufficient troops, so what are you going to fight?"

After the time of a stick of incense and a stick of incense, all the guards of the treasure-gathering mountain were in place, and they all rushed to the camp ahead to guard.

Song Jianran was a little depressed. He drove his subordinates with punches and kicks. When Zhu Zhanji got on the shore, the remaining one-third of Zhuquewei was on board.

Fang Xing saw that the cavalry had also begun to go ashore, but looked very tired, and said to Zhu Zhanji: "The cavalry obviously needs to rest. In this way, we change our plan and wait for the enemy to counterattack on the spot!"

"Yes, otherwise, even if the cavalry can't keep up, even if you fight all the way, it will be useless."

Zhu Zhanji's body stopped shaking, and the guards behind him turned pale and looked extremely uncomfortable.

Fang Wu took some people to the outpost. It didn't take long before he beat his horse back and shouted: "Your Highness, the enemy is here, at least seven or eight thousand!"

If it is on the grassland, then Fang Xing must enforce the military law.

Seven thousand or eight thousand, or more!

If the sentinel is not accurate, then you, a scout, will not be qualified.

But here is on the island, there are tens of thousands of people, boundless, under the mountainous landforms, you can see that there are five or six thousand people even qualified.

Fang woke up in front of the camp, and Zhuquewei's people also followed and followed Song Jianran's cry.

From a distance, you can see the crowd approaching under pressure. The dozens of cavalry in the front shouted and watched the martial arts, but they turned back 300 meters away.

"Uncle, at least ten thousand people!"

Lin Qun'an is a veteran corps, and he can see the approximate number after a glance.

Those Japanese men who were simply dressed, even without armor, were holding swords and guns, and gradually slowed and approached.

But when they looked towards the beach, everyone's hearts were cold.

"The army of Ming people is here!"

The 30,000 cavalrymen have not yet finished their deployment at this time, and the first ones are already adapting.

Attack or retreat?

Suddenly ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ the leading general gritted his teeth and said: "Kill the enemy while they are not standing still, and drive them to the sea!"

The order was issued, and the underwhelmed crowd immediately rushed towards the camp frantically.

"The artillery! Go out! The artillery is coming!"

Shen Yao couldn't wait, and led the people to push the nine artillery in place.

The battlefield is narrow, and the large-scale impact seems to have a lot of deterrence.


"Boom boom boom boom!"

What is the concept of a volley of a thousand people?

Fang Xing only felt his ears buzzing, and then he heard Shen Yao's peculiar scream.


"Boom boom boom boom boom!"

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