Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Chapter 842: Distress, anger, arrest

"Go away!"

Fang Xing kicked Zhu Zhanji, taking advantage of the opportunity of the monk and soldier's defeat, he slashed across.


The monk's skill was so good that the light of the sword blocked Fang Xing's attack, and then he kicked him and staggered.

"Fuck Nima!"

Fang Xing saw that the monk slashed Zhu Zhanji's knife into the air with a single stab. His eyes were red, and there was no taboo, so he drew out the pistol.


But before Fang Xing could shoot, the monk settled in place, and then slowly turned around, a long arrow trembling slightly in his back.

Behind him, the group of monks and soldiers who were not afraid of death was hit by the musket, and only a dozen people were left, and the free hand of Xin Laoqi held a long bow in his left hand, and his right hand was about to hang down.

The monk soldier fingered Xin Laoqi, gurgled in his throat, and then crashed down.

"Can't you run so badly?"

Fang Xing walked to Zhu Zhanji in fear and scolded furiously.

The mouth of Zhu Zhanji's hands were cracked, and he smiled happily: "Brother Dehua, we can be considered as escaped!"

Jia Quanlian rushed over, looking at Zhu Zhanji's body, looking at it like a scanner, and finally settled on his tiger's mouth.

"Your Highness!"

Zhu Zhanji smiled and said, "It's okay, Brother Dehua has good medicine."


Fang Xing shook his head, only feeling a little soft.

Just now, if Xin Lao took one step at the end of the night, he could only shoot in front of Zhu Zhanji.

Disinfecting, applying medicine, and finally bandaging, the knife skillfully helped Zhu Zhanji handle the wound, and then saw a footprint on Fang Xing's lower abdomen, and quickly asked Fang Xing's feeling.

"It's okay, no internal injuries, I knew I should take more people up the mountain today."

Speaking of this, Zhu Zhanji looked at the mountain and ordered: "Go, seal the temple on the mountain, and all the rebels will be put to death! The rest... all go mining!"

Zhu Zhanji finally held back his anger. If he kills all the monks in the temple today, the temples of the Wa Kingdom will resist the Ming at all costs.

Fang Xing couldn't bear it. He said, "Find the insider and ask where they came out. Follow the old rules!"

Fang Xing glanced at the mountain and said, "If the assassination of His Royal Highness the Great Sun of Daming had been lightly let go, what is the majesty of Daming after this? If the monks want to rebel, then come, are we still afraid of it?"

"This matter is even in my head. Since people are called the Demon God, how can you be worthy of the name if you don't kill?"

Thinking of Fang Xing kicking himself out just now, and then being almost killed by the monk soldier, Zhu Zhanji felt warm and nodded and said: "No matter, I didn't want to kill evil, just do it according to Xing He's intention!"

"Let's go back first."

Fang Xing and Zhu Zhanji descended down the mountain surrounded by the guards at home. When they left, he winked at the knife left behind.

It didn't take long for a fire to ignite on the mountain. 【】

In the blazing fire, the original magnificent temple was reduced to ashes!


On the way back to the city, Yang Rong who came after learning about the incident was so scared that his feet were almost weak, and he continued to say: "It's time to kill! It's time to kill!"

"His Royal Highness, Daming and the Japanese country cannot be treated equally. The minister agrees with Xing Hebo's approach and cannot be too soft on the Japanese people."

Yang Rong covered his chest and gasped, "If your Majesty learns about this, I'm afraid that more people will die."

According to Zhu Di's temperament, if he were present today, the monks in Kyoto would not be able to escape.

"Master, Sipo Yoshizun ran away just now!"

Fang Wu, who had rode back to the city first, came back again, bringing news that moved the hearts of Fang Xing's three people.

Fang Xing asked, "Who else?"

Fang Wu said: "Sibo Yichun and a group of officials and nobles were locked up next to the royal family. Just a quarter of an hour ago, a group of people rushed in with knives and rescued Sibo Yichun."

Yang Rong blurted out: "Where are those people? Uh! This official has failed to speak."

Even if he succeeded in the raid, he was lucky. Since Spo Yoshizun can escape, someone must be cut off. When the Ming army was dispatched after hearing the news, the people after the severance would have no way of making a living.

Fang Xing asked, "Is anyone chasing it?"

"I chased it, but someone covered it and lost it, but he should be in the city."

Zhu Zhanji was a little annoyed: "What's the use of that? Kyoto City is full of holes, how can I watch them all?"

The city of Kyoto is ventilated from all sides, and if you want to blockade it, you will have to use too much force.

"Spo Yoshizun is not worth it."

Yang Rong felt that there was no need to fantasize, "When I go back, I will arrange for someone to check it out and see who this Sipo Yichun is in collusion with."

Back in Kyoto City, there were many sergeants on duty outside, and many more on the street.


A row of corpses was lying on the ground with weapons in front.

"How does this dress look similar to the assassin's?"

Xin Laoqi saw the problem at a glance.

Zhu Zhanji took a closer look and said angrily: "The Sibo family's rebellion, the sin is not forgiven! Come!"

"Your Highness!"

Jia Quan hurried over.

A dangerous light flashed in Zhu Zhanji's eyes: "I went to ask the people of the Spoel family to interrogate, and ask about the origins of those people."

Jia Quan second understood: "His Royal Highness, the little one knows."

Seeing Jia full of evil spirits, Fang Xing could only silently mourn for the Sibo family~www.wuxiaspot.com~ There were more horseshoes in the city of Kyoto, and those Japanese who had just started normal order all walked close to the roadside, bowed their heads and dared not chaos. Look.

In the detention area, as Jia Quan led in angrily, screams were heard soon.

After more than an hour, Jia Quan, who was dressed in blood, came out again, and he was immediately sent to report, and he himself was going to pursue it.

Zhu Zhanji's assassination was a great insult and irony for Jia Quan.

And the best way to wash off insults is to catch those people.

"Go! Catch up with those two bastards, I'm going to get him skinned!"


Fang Xing cleaned Zhu Zhanji's wound again, looking at the gap and frowning, "Don't use your hands in the near future, otherwise the wound will collapse."

A guard came outside, and Jia Quan was not there, Fang Xing asked, "But it's found out?"


The guard said dejectedly: "His Royal Highness, uncle, those who rescued Spo Yoshijun are...Keyama's secret guards, and they also asked for news that there is a little boy in Guishan who is unknown, so he used it to take a walk. The chance of getting caught up with Spo Yoshitsune, let him rescue the child."


Yang Rong smiled and said, "Do you know where they fled?"

"Yoshino. Kameyama's son, Kokura Palace Houtatsu is there, and he has been reluctant to submit to the shogunate."

Fang Xing smiled: "It's very funny, it's a rare excuse!"

As a prince who refused to surrender to Ashikaga Yoshimochi and Emperor Komatsu, Tsutomu Kokura had a tall image in the eyes of the middle and lower classes of the Wa country.

Zhu Zhanji raised his eyebrows and said: "The order, Kokura Palace Hengdun will assassinate, the sin is unforgivable, immediately take Yoshino and capture it!"

With an order, Suzakuwei immediately left three thousand households to go to Yoshino.

Yoshino is not very far from Kyoto, and Fang Xing estimated that news would come in at most ten days. .


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