Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Chapter 844: Jinling in early spring

Some ‘whiteboard’ readers in the book review area are picking things up, and their posts will be deleted, so you don’t care about it.

What is a "white board"? It is that this person's account has not spent a penny at the starting point and has not voted for a single vote. It's like a starting account just registered, ha ha!

Another: On the QQ and Chuangshi side, the chapter at 8:30 in the morning seems to be blocked, and the starting point is updated normally.


Fu Xian felt that among Daming's navy, there was no one who was happier.

Above the sea, the distant islands are looming. Standing on the bow of the ship, Fu Xian said proudly: "Grandpa Zheng is just going to declare Weiwei. We have achieved real combat exploits. When the fleet expands in the future, it is just like what Xing Hebo said. That way, let's go outside and find the New World."

The lieutenant at the side put down his binoculars, and said in anticipation: "Xing He Bo said that in the future we can be divided into several fleets, and we can also stay overseas for long periods of time. It's so comfortable to be shocked!"

"Send a boat to take a look, and everyone will be driven out."

Fu Xian is carrying out Fang Xing's plan: to empty the Japanese people from the coastal islands of the Japanese kingdom.

"Uncle said that in the future these islands can only have Da Ming people, so as not to be able to wrestle with you."

Several small boats docked hard, and then the sergeant landed.

Fu Xian waited boringly, remembering what happened recently to the chief envoy of Yingzhou, and he sighed: "Those monks are too courageous. They dare to assassinate His Royal Highness and Uncle Xinghe. They think that Daming and the Shogunate are of the same virtue. , Isn't this looking for death?"

The lieutenant said with disdain: "The monks near Kyoto are gone. We have to pull people when we go back this time. The mines on the other side of North Korea will not be bad people. []"

Zhu Di changed the country of the country to Ying Zhoucheng to announce the minister of political envoy, and the first chief envoy was Chen Jie.

Some time ago Fang Xing ignored Zhu Zhanji's obstruction and ordered the Ming army to dispatch directly to clean up the temples around Kyoto and captured a large number of monks. The weapons and property were countless.

Fu Xian groaned: "It's one thing to arrest people, but the key is to take back a large amount of land this time. Xing He Bo is a drunkard, not drinking! Blessed are the people of Yingzhou."

The lieutenant smiled and said: "What blessings are there? Yingzhou's tax is so high, so if you are a citizen of Daming, you must be unwilling to farm."

"Commercial tax is not low!"

Fu Xian saw that someone had been brought out of the island, and he was determined, so he said: "Yingzhou is now building a road, Xing Hebo said, this road was built by the government with money and no business tax. , Then just wait to drink northwest wind."

The lieutenant also saw the people who were being driven aboard the island, and felt that the trip was a complete success.

"Yingzhou's attack is now much faster. If those big names don't take the initiative to surrender, they will be sent to the mine with the whole family if they are caught. The rest are scared!"

"That's because my Ming army is invincible. The first few battles were so easy to destroy, and the others were scared."

Fu Xian nodded and said of course: "Xing He Bo said that in the future, Daming will have to win at least half of his surroundings. He also said that this is the basic disk, and then he will start to look at the world."

After all the widows on the island were rushed to the boat, the fleet continued to set off and cleared all the way to the coast of Daming.


Jinling already has some breath of spring, but the hall is still cold in winter. 【】

Recently, the memorial to impeach Fang Xing flew into the palace like snow flakes. Zhu Di was so annoyed by it that he didn't look at it later, which directly caused people to "float" this kind of memorial.

Hu Guang's health is not getting better, and Zhu Di has been spared his affairs and allowed him to recuperate at home.

Yang Rong is not there, and Yang Shiqi currently holds the post of Hu Guang temporarily.

"Your Majesty, the cleanup and killings on Yingzhou are too great, and the officials think it is not conducive to long-term stability."

Jin Youzi has been a little smug recently. He is eager for Yang Rong to stay in Yingzhou for a lifetime, and then he naturally has a way to compete with Yang Shiqi for that seat.

Zhu Di said tiredly: "What did Xing He Bo say?"

Jin Youzi was overjoyed when he heard this. Zhu Di didn't even mention Zhu Zhanji. This is because he didn't want him to be dragged into these troubles. Isn't that...

"Your Majesty, I just received a memorial from Xing He Bo, please watch it."

Yang Shiqi handed the memorial to the eunuch.

Zhu Di took a look and his expression became complicated. He raised his eyebrows for a while, then frowned...

After a long time, Zhu Di put down the memorial and slowly said: "The Yingzhou monk assassinated Taisun, Fang Xing was furious, and it has already begun."

The student was assassinated, the teacher's rage to kill, no one dares to say that this is wrong.

Has it started?

Yang Shiqi smiled bitterly, he knew that Yingzhou must be **** at this moment.

"Your Majesty, do you want to announce the capture of Yingzhou?"

Jin Youzi felt that Zhu Di was a little strange. In the past, such great victories should have spread throughout Daming, but this time Zhu Di was suppressed.

"No hurries?"

Zhu Di slowly said, "Let's wait until the dust settles on the North Korean side."

Yang Shiqi raised his eyebrows, remembering the big trembling hands when the victory was delivered to Zhu Di's hands.


And Fang Jiazhuang has been very quiet since Fang Xing left.

Zhang Shuhui brought potatoes at home every day to deal with the affairs of the inner courtyard, and left the affairs outside to Huang Zhong.

And now she has one more person to take care of.

"Where's Xiao Bai?"

Just as soon as she had started to learn to speak, she likes to sleep with the noisy potatoes, when Zhang Shuhui turned around, she found that two people were missing.

Mother Qin smiled and said, "I just went out with Bell, but Madam, don't worry, Mother Deng followed."

Zhang Shuhui said helplessly: "The belly is so big and still tossing like this, which woman is like this?"

Mother Qin covered her mouth and smiled: "Isn't that right, but there are still some children's dispositions."

"This looks like the child's mother, but still refuses to stop, and only the husband can take care of her."

Speaking of Fang Xing, Zhang Shuhui's eyes were a little hazy.

Mother Qin persuaded: "Didn't the informant say that the master was in the country...Ying Zhou was afraid of killing all those rebels? I want to return to the teacher soon."

"How is the house next door?"

Suddenly Zhang Shuhui asked about the Hua family next door. Mother Qin thought for a while: "Reignwood was interrupted~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and married a terrific daughter-in-law to take care of it. There is often noisy time."

"It's not a curse!"


Xiaobai's belly is only a little bulge, which is invisible under the wide dress.

But Zhang Shuhui looked closely, so she didn't have much time to play.

In the front yard, staying in the pavilion to teach the female students, with a charcoal basin in the middle, the atmosphere was very warm.

Daida was teaching them to write, and suddenly she turned to look sideways.

Xiaobai smiled brilliantly at her, then waved her hand, and went around in the front yard with Grandma Deng.

Looking at her back blankly, he suddenly thought of Fang Wu.

There was already some green on the ground. After the little grasses had been dormant in the cold winter, they felt the breath of spring, so they quietly poked their heads out and looked at the world outside.

Feeling stupidly at the pillar, thinking of the offspring that Fang Wu's mother had said many times in secret, she was a little silly.


In Taisun's mansion, the Hu family dealt with internal affairs every day. She was fair and generous, but she won the favor of the eunuchs and court ladies.

"The Concubine Taisun is a good person."

"Well, she is indeed a good person, but don't fool her, otherwise your Highness will come back and find out, no one is good."

"His Royal Highness is one thing. I heard that Concubine Taisun met with Xinghebo before the wedding. Xinghebo strongly agreed, saying that Concubine Taisun was quiet and a good helper."

"Doesn’t the grandson concubine have strong support in the foreign dynasty? Xinghe Uncle is very powerful! That grandson is probably disappointed."

"Sun Bi and His Royal Highness's childhood sweethearts are protected by His Royal Highness. It's not known who will kill you!"

"Ke Hing and Uncle taught His Royal Highness, and he has a bad temper. If Sun Bing bullied Concubine Taisun, His Highness might be embarrassed!"


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