Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Chapter 865: Arresting Yingzhou students


Fang Xingzheng spoke to Zhu Di alone. Starting oh dear

Zhu Di's mood changed, but he still didn't decide who would replace Hu Guang.

"Your Majesty, Daming can accept those foreign students, but the scope of study can only be in Confucianism. No contact with practical studies is allowed, otherwise you will not leave Daming for the rest of your life!"

Zhu Di was a little angry. Although he knew the nature of Confucianism, in Fang Xing's mouth, Confucianism was actually inferior to those miscellaneous studies, which was really hurtful.

"I have my own opinion on this matter!" Zhu Di resolutely rejected Fang Xing's proposal.

Fang Xing stopped doing it as soon as he heard it, and said with a stubborn neck: "Your Majesty, think about the Tang Dynasty."

Zhu Di was happy when he heard it, and your baby dared to argue with me, and asked: "What happened to the Tang Dynasty? Let me talk about it. I forgive you for your innocence, and you made a mistake... you go to check it out. The health post to the north."

Northern Health Center?

That's a big pit!

The north is an important town, and most of Daming's most elite health centers are there.

The north is also a place where important officials gather.

There is a master in the south, but in the north, you might not even be a general soldier.

Fang Xing calmed down, and said: "Your Majesty, in the former Tang Dynasty, the Wa Kingdom sent Tang envoys, and then the former Tang Dynasty opened up for them to learn. There were even people who risked their lives to cross to the Wa Kingdom. It was these people who pulled the Wa Kingdom out of ignorance. The battle of Baijiangkou immediately followed, and the Japanese wolfish ambitions are evident!"

Zhu Di was in a daze. The education he had received since he was a child told him: We are a celestial country, and we must have demeanor. The shelf must be picked up, it is okay to suffer a loss, and face must be preserved!

"Your Majesty, the Tang Dynasty brought the practical techniques of the Central Plains to Tubo and the country of Japan. It can be said that foreigners are digging their hearts out, but what about the end?"

Fang Xing frowned and said: "Your Majesty, for foreign races, you can assimilate it. This is the most useful point of Confucianism, and you will die. I implore your majesty to strictly prohibit the teaching of practical sciences to foreign races. Craftsmen are not allowed to leave the Ming Dynasty!"

Zhu Di looked down and said nothing. The great **** felt that Fang Xing had made a big fuss. This reception of foreign students was just a way to show the great atmosphere of the Ming Dynasty.

On the other hand, Huang Yan pouted his lips in disdain. Miscellaneous learning was just a pastime in Daming, and only those who had no hope of fame would study it.

The slut's learning!


After the Imperial College had experienced students besieging the bookstore and then being banned, it became as weird as a bitter woman who kept her empty girl alone.

The ban on foot is gone, and the holidays have returned to normal, but the teachers and students always feel uncomfortable.

Lin Yan hurriedly walked through the path holding the book, and was about to go back to his residence to drink water, but he heard someone muttering.

"Jin Yiwei has come to the door, Master Liao is going crazy, blocking them from coming in, saying that they are instructive!"

"Hey! Jijiu and Si Ye are pretending to be stupid, just waiting for Master Liao to rush into the battle!"

"Go and see!"

"Okay, let's also help Master Liao!"

When Lin Yan heard this, he turned around and went to the gate.


At the gate, Shenyang Zhengyi said righteously: "The country is gone, why are those students left in the Imperial College? This is what Master Yang said. We are here to ask Master Liao not to stop it."

Liao Bin said with a stern face: "This official only knows that this is the Imperial College. You can't take people without your majesty's will!"

"Yes! Vicious dogs are not allowed to enter the Imperial College without your majesty's will!"

A student sternly said, and immediately aroused widespread approval.

"Ji Gang is dead, does Jin Yiwei dare to be domineering?"

"The people here are the pillars of the imperial court in the future, wait and be careful!"

Shenyang's expression remained unchanged, but he just smiled and said, "It's not clear who the pillars and subordinate officials are, but today those Yingzhou students have to follow the subordinate officials. You don't need to say more, just remember one sentence, everything in the world can be done by all people in the world. If you say yes, it means that the sanitary clerk can't say it!"

These words made the people of the Imperial College feel bored, and reminded them of the last time.

Liao Bin scowled his face and stretched out his hand: "If you bring your will, this official will let you in."

Shen Yang also sullen his face and said in a low voice, "Is Lord Liao sure about his will? Although the lower official is in a humble position, I am afraid that the following will be overwhelmed by the Imperial College!"

Liao Bin's cheeks trembled, his cheeks bulged and went down, and asked, "Does your majesty mean it?"

Shen Yang's eyes were deep, and he smiled without saying a word.

Jin Yiwei has become a mouse on the street since Ji Gang's death. Although not everyone shouts and beats, he has his tail caught.

But Shenyang is not among them!

Liao Bin understood, he said sullenly, "Why is this? Isn't it the prosperity of Ming Dynasty when the nations came to Korea?"

Shenyang smiled: "Xing He Bo said that if the prosperous age is not prosperous, then the people have the final say!"

Liao Bin waved his hand and stepped aside, and there was an uproar immediately behind him.

"Liao Jiancheng actually let it go?"

Liao Bin's image in the hearts of the students is tall and upright. He would rather bend than bend, but he actually bends!

Shenyang arched his hands and said, "Thank you, Lord Liao." Then turned around and said, "All go in with the official!"

More than 30 Jinyiwei followed Shenyang and went to the school building familiarly.

Lin Yan was far away from the group of students, standing alone under a big tree, watching quietly.

Why take away those students from Yingzhou?

Lin Yan was thinking.

Liao Bin was also thinking.

"Those Japanese...Yingzhou students are rich, but those who are often treated as guests will feel distressed!"

Liao Bin's body shook, and Lin Yan also suddenly realized.

Yes, those foreign students who can study in the Imperial College have no background in their homes?

But Liao Bin thought more. He thought of rumors that the middle and upper classes of the Wa country were almost completely cleared by Fang Xing, and the families of these students must be among them.

"That Fang Xing is really cruel, and even these students won't let it go!"

"He killed too many people in the country of Japan, so he is probably worried about being assassinated!"

"If he was assassinated, it would be retribution, the law of heaven revolves, and the retribution is unhappy!"

"shut up!"

The few students who were talking about Fang Xing in a weird manner were all stunned.

Liao Bin glanced at Lin Yan, who was almost yelling with him just now, with a sullen expression, then turned around and shouted: "All go back! Don't talk about this today!"

Lin Yan followed the students silently, listening to those strange words, without joy or sadness in his heart, as if he was just a bystander.

"Look, those Yingzhou students have been brought out!"

Lin Yan looked up, just in time to see Shenyang in front, and the Jinyi guards under his hand surrounded more than a dozen Yingzhou students with pale faces and trembling legs.

Under the clear sky, there seems to be a group of evil spirits~www.wuxiaspot.com~ to make people cold all over the body.

No student dared to go up! As if the righteous indignation just now was just an illusion.

Liao Bin has found Ma Xing, the priest of the Imperial College.

Ma Xing was covering his forehead with a towel. After hearing the sound of footsteps, he uncovered the towel and groaned/groaned, "Are you gone?"

Liao Bin said with a stern face: "My lord, this matter is not simple. The families of those Japanese students are no longer there. They stay in the Imperial College, and their hearts are unstable."

Ma Xing hummed: "Yes! If that's the case, let's send it away."

Liao Bin said indifferently: "I have been taken away by Jin Yiwei's people!"


Ma Xing threw the towel away, pointed the halberd towards the door, and said angrily: "Too much bullying! Too much bullying! It is a pity that the old man is unwell, otherwise..."

Liao Bin stared blankly at Ma Xing squirting wildly, speaking righteously...

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