Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Chapter 873: Orbit, killing

Chapter 873

Li Maofang was very proud. He looked at the Caizheng City in front of him and smiled: "Tao Yuanming's poems are known to me, but unfortunately there are no characters like Su Dongpo. Otherwise, please come and write a poem, and the business will break the threshold!"

The entourage on the side laughed and said, "Master Hou, this is about to open soon, who do you think will be invited?"

Li Maofang touched his chin and said, "All those who pay the money are invited, as well as those who are honored, all post. If we don't do it, we will make a blockbuster!"

As a result, the invitations for the opening of Caiji City were scattered all over Jinling, and the people who received them responded differently.

Someone agreed to go, wanting to wait and see the reaction in the palace.

Some people refused directly and did not give face.

"My master is busy with official duties, so I don't have time!"

The name of Li Maofang's **** has been spread throughout Jinling for a long time, and those who cherish feathers will not get close to this Hou Ye.

Fang Xing was not in a hurry, he was waiting.

And Li Maofang’s invitation was immediately rejected by Fang Jay Lun, and he scolded the people to be shameless.

"Master, Fuyang Hou learned our family's methods to make money, don't you really care about it?"

Fang Jay Lun felt too bad.

Fang Xing smiled and said, "Money can't be earned, and it depends on your majesty's meaning."

If Zhu Di didn't care, Fang Xing would know what to do.

Before going out, Fang Jay Lun remembered one thing and said, "Master, a man came to see you today. I asked him what he didn't say. Later, he left without waiting for Mr. Huang to come over."

"forget about it."

Fang Xing's recent relationship with Confucianism was at a stalemate. Under Zhu Di's high pressure, the two sides kept a safe distance and watched each other coldly.

Then Fang Xing went to Zhu Fang and paid special attention to the trial production of various steel formulas.

When he arrived at the Jubaoshan military camp, Wang He's drake voice was particularly harsh.

"His Majesty praised our family for being here at the time, and said to work hard, hey! It's a pity that our family was frightened at the time, otherwise..."

"Otherwise what?"

When Fang Xing saw Wang Hekoumo flying horizontally, he couldn't help feeling that it was a pity that he couldn't tell the story.

"I have seen my uncle."

After seeing the ceremony, Fang Xing chatted with everyone, and then warned Lin Qun not to slacken off, after all, there are still two great enemies on the grassland.

"I heard that Alutai won."

Lin Qunan just got the news.

"Destroyed the Walla Ministry."

Fang Xing said disapprovingly: "Alu Tau is just so good at this point, and life is not going to be better."

Lin Qun'an smiled and said: "But there is an interesting thing. Then Li Mengling wanted to go back, but the Ministry of War said that they would stay and arrange to go to the north in the future. Then Li Mengling was not convinced and was fighting with the Ministry of War! I heard that even Lord Jin has a headache."

"Wolf soldier! It's a headache."

Fang Xing entered the craftsmanship field through the fence and saw several cows dragging the converter with difficulty. Then the molten steel was poured out and sparks splashed everywhere.

After the molten steel was poured into the ladle, Zhu Fang, who had been observing and recording, discovered Fang Xing.

"Master, this furnace steel is good, the kind of track you mentioned should work."

The molten steel in the ladle flows out from the bottom and then enters the mold.

Fang Xing felt a little hot, and he couldn't help but feel ashamed when he saw those craftsmen who were so absorbed in that they were closer to the molten steel.

"The horse-drawn cart can only be used in mines and docks. In this way, you can get some tracks of that specification, make a section of the road nearby, and then make a carriage, use the horse, and tell me when it's done."

Zhu Fang, who received the new task, was not worried but happy, and eager to greet Fang Xing, so he quickly asked someone to prepare a model.

Li Mengling's mood is very bad, very bad!

Most of the royal families of the Wa Kingdom have just started on the road, ready to go to Cochin.

Most of the remaining more than 300 people are directly related to the royal family and their relatives, so they need to be guarded strictly and wait for follow-up disposal.

And the task of guarding was handed over to the wolf soldier who had caused everyone's headaches recently.

So Li Mengling is in a bad mood.

There are males and females in this group, and they are detained according to gender.

The detention place is just a few large yards connected, and Zhu Di can't put these people in a big prison no matter what.

Li Mengling watched his subordinates standing outside the room bored in all sorts of ways, and an anger came out in his heart.

These people are the best hunters in the mountains and forests, and at the same time the best fighters, but now they are actually sent to guard the prisoners, which makes people feel like they are killing chickens with a sledgehammer.

It was time for dinner, and with the sound of walking footsteps, the Japanese people in each house were clawing at the door, their noses twitching, sniffing the scent of the food.

Li Mengling said in disgust: "Open the door and bring food in."

The doors of each room were opened one by one, food was delivered in, and then closed again.

Li Mengling, who had never lacked meat since he was a child, took over his meal, and when he saw that it was a big fat stew again, his anger grew even stronger.

"Someone died!"

A cry from the inner courtyard made Li Mengling throw away the food, and angrily led people in.

In the wing room of the inner courtyard, a young girl was lying on the ground, in a mess.

Li Mengling looked at those staring eyes and the panic and pain remaining on his face, and said angrily: "Who did it?"

Several wolf soldiers were also a little confused, these guys were illiterate.

Li Mengling found a small official from the Criminal Ministry and asked him to bring out a roster to find someone.

According to the list, the little official quickly found the room where the woman was originally located, and then began to inquire.

"How did they bring this woman over?"

Li Mengling was furious, although only a young girl had died, but this was dereliction of duty to her.

The few women were frightened, so they told the bizarre story of this young girl.

"The room was too smelly yesterday, so let them come out to breathe. At that time, this woman was coaxed by some relatives."

The little official glanced at the wild and beautiful woman next to her, thinking that it was not your people who were negligent and drove them in without nodding their heads.

Li Mengling didn't think about it. She looked at the six Japanese men who were kneeling in front of her in anger, drew their swords and strode forward!

The little official was shocked, UU reading www.uukanshu.com hurriedly shouted: "Lord Li, stop!"

The women in the mountains and forests have long developed a happy and enmity style.

Li Menglingquan didn't hear it before, walked up to the six people, and shouted, "Bastard!"

The blade flashed, and the little official sat down on the ground, desperately saying: "These people are counted! You killed them, how can your majesty explain?!"

Li Mengling wiped the blood from the knife, put the knife in its sheath, turned around and said sharply: "They are all of the same race of the Japanese nation, these people are not as good as beasts! What are you doing if you don't kill?!"

The little official got up and smiled bitterly: "Lord Li, don't say anything, just wait for your majesty's disposal."

Li Mengling stared, "I killed a lot of them when I was in the country. What should I do?"

The little official consciously felt that a catastrophe was imminent, and did not tell her, and ran out if he stumbled.

As soon as Li Mengling's mind turned, he ordered people to look after the prisoners, and then followed out.

The captives were driven into the house by the wolf soldiers, knowing that something was going to happen, and they were silent.

The sun is shining in these yards, but no one feels the warmth, and some are just freezing cold...

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