Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Chapter 880: Before the storm

Chapter 880


As soon as he returned to the station, Yang Rong was about to write the memorial, but his thoughts were disrupted by a shock.

Fang Xing kicked over the case, and said angrily: "What's the matter! Is this the peace of the Five Army Capital Governor's Mansion and the Ministry of War? Is this the prosperous chant of the Manchu? Let those **** come and see! Come and see these A soldier like a walking dead!"

Yang Rong sighed and said, "Xing He Bo, Jinling is far away from me, it is inevitable that the whip is beyond reach!"

Fang Xing sneered: "I don't believe that no one will file a complaint. Someone must have filed a complaint in those escaped pawns, but they were just lost! This big Ming is all a bunch of crows, black!"

"Corruption has long been a rope, and the corrupt officials on this rope are all working together. Even if the Northern Guard Station is cleaned up this time, how long will it take? One year? Or two years? People's greed is endless. Don't restrain him with any morality! Supervision! What Daming needs is supervision! Strict supervision!"

Seeing Fang Xing’s eyes turn red, Yang Rong remembered the soldiers who killed the red eyes during the Northern Expedition, so he whispered: “Uncle Xing He, this matter is not an overnight effort. Let’s decide Tianjin first, and then one by one. Clean up the health post in the north, and you can naturally speak to your majesty afterwards."

At this time, Zhu Gaoxu came in and saw Fang Xing's murderous appearance, so he asked the reason.

Yang Rong smiled bitterly and told him the result of the visit just now.

"All caught, kill those who deserve to be killed, and exile those who deserve to be exiled, isn't this over? Why are you angry?"

Zhu Gaoxu's words made Fang couldn't help but shook his head, and then said: "Master, does Daming want to learn pre-Song too?"

"What's the matter? The former Song is soft, how can you compare with Daming?!" Zhu Gaoxu felt that Fang Xing was a little frustrated.

"Fine, let's not talk about these things."

Fang Xing felt that talking about these things with Zhu Gaoxu was in vain, this one was heartless.

Yang Rongfen wrote quickly, then looked at the memorial, sighed and lit the fire.


"The prince, the garrison of the canal, except for the left guard, the other two guards are beginning to clamor!"

"Why clamor?"

Zhu Gaoxu asked murderously.

The scout who rushed back to report said: "It is said that the weather is too hot, and the people below are complaining, and they are not willing to rush."

"It's ridiculous!"

Yang Rong said angrily: "Master, or let's do it first!"

Fang Xing also couldn't bear to say: "We can summon Zhu Xian and others for the reason of having nowhere to do with the army, and then take it down in one fell swoop!"


Zhu Gaoxu shouted: "Come on, go, I have ordered the three of Zhu Xian to come right away."

Someone went there in response, but soon came back and brought back a person.

The visitor saluted: "The prince, Zhu Xian and others have already gone to the army. I don't know what they are doing, but the atmosphere in the army is not right, just like before the war."

"Master, Wang Duwei's people are here."

Wang Duwei sent a soldier.

"My lord, Zhu Xian and the others are making trouble, saying that the weather is hot, the army is sick, and they want medicinal materials and doctors."

Fang Xing asked, "Can Li Yuanzhi's subordinates do the same?"

"Yes, but the troublemaker is not allowed to undress, saying it is too harsh."

Yang Rong said angrily: "This is unscrupulous! It is really bold!"

This is to make Fang Xing and the others cast a rat avoidance device, otherwise the entire Tianjin city will be killed or injured by a mess in the army.

Zhu Gaoxu, who is well versed in the army, was furious: "I wish Li Yuan to be bold!"

Yang Rong followed Zhu Di for several northern expeditions, and he pondered: "Master, if the fish die and the net breaks, this matter will be troublesome, and the army in the north must not be done!"

In the event of a tragedy in Tianjin, Zhu Gaoxu and Fang Xing would have to go back to plead guilty, not to mention the reorganization of the army.

Zhu Gaoxu looked at Fang Xing angrily, and asked: "Fang Xing, this king wants to take people directly, what do you think?"

Fang Xing had been meditating all the time, and upon hearing this, he said, "Master, the canal garrison is clamoring, whose handwriting is this?"

"It must be Zhu Xian and others!" Zhu Gaoxu asked the other side to question his IQ and was very dissatisfied. If Yang Rong were not here, he would definitely go crazy.

Yang Rong's expression moved slightly: "Xing He Bo meant...to do everything?"


Fang Xing flipped through the account book and said with deep eyes: "Then why don't we fulfill their wish, and then... Zhu Xian and others must run! Before running, he must make Tianjin City mess up, and the best The way is... directly kill me or Master Yang, and then they can take advantage of the opportunity of Jubaoshan Guardian to flee."

Yang Rong added: "The prince can pretend to be angry and go to the canal to squeeze, while Jubaoshanwei takes advantage of the situation to take over the city defense. Zhu Xian and others are imminent and will definitely do it. But can Xing and Bo be sure?"

Zhu Gaoxu also thought of some things, he stroked his beard and said: "Let's not talk about Wang Duwei's men and horses. If Zhu Xian wants to raid here, he must be his confidant."

"If you are prepared, that's not a big deal!"

Fang Xing said confidently: "Even if he is holding his commander, as long as Master Yang and I shout loudly, those sergeants will not rebel with them even if they don't falter!"


Zhu Gaoxu clapped his hands and said: "That's it! This king takes people out, and then spies around. If there is a change in the city, you will wake up, and you will send a signal that this king will personally suppress these insurgents and thieves!"


After a while, Zhu Gaoxu rushed out of the city gate with his guards in a rage.

Immediately, Lin Qun'an ordered Wu Yue to replace the city defense.

"Uncle will order your ministry to return to camp on its own, and Tianjin city defense will be taken over by our ministry!"

Wu Yue held Fang Xing's token on the top of the city.

The thousands of officials on the top of the city are Li Yuanzhi’s people. He laughed and said: "Master Wu, your ministry is far away, and you have to go to the city before resting. Isn't that appropriate?"

Wu Yue said coldly: "There is nothing wrong with this, will you be here, do you dare not listen?"

"Dare not dare!"

Thousand household officials saw the upright sergeants behind Wu Yue, with an agitated spirit in their heart, and said, "Since this is the case, this official is happy."

Seeing the sergeants on the city’s head wearing new clothes with different eyes, Wu Yue knew that most of these people were their confidants~www.wuxiaspot.com~ What should I do? "

Zhu Xian is like an ant on a hot pot, turning around in the lobby.

"My lord, Li Yuan is here straight."

Zhu Xian's footsteps stopped: "Invite him in."

Li Yuan walked in slowly, his expression calm, and compared with the restless Zhu Xian, he appeared to be more of a city.

"Master Li is here."

Zhu Xian worked hard to suppress the anxiety in his heart, and smiled and asked Li Yuan to sit down straight.

Li Yuan looked straight at the few people at the door, "Is it reliable?"

Zhu Xian nodded and said: "They are all fed, people on a rope."

Li Yuanzhi said in a low voice: "The King of Han was out of the city, Fang Xing made people take over the city defense, I wish you sir, this is to beware of you and me!"

Zhu Xian’s complexion flushed, the cheeks on his face couldn’t help trembling, and he said bitterly: “The canal can’t stand the investigation. Shang Yang Rong came together, this is the meaning of a thorough investigation!"

Li Yuan straightened his gaze and condensed: "My Lord, Han Wang is not terribly vulgar, Civilian Yang Rong, we also have a way to fool around, that is, Fang wakes up..."

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