Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Chapter 882: Easily defeated, the future of military households

I wanted to add a chapter, but I can write it in less than four thousand words so far, so Jazz just sent a big chapter. I hope everyone will support it.

Today is almost a whole day without moving the nest, my eyes are bleed, just out of these, I hope everyone likes it!

It's almost the end of the month, so hurry up to vote for monthly tickets or anything!

It is also almost the end of the month, and Jazz is working hard to codewords and looking forward to your support!


When the city gate was opened, Zhu Xian and Li Yuan gave each other a high-five, and then shouted: "Both are faster, slower ones fend for themselves!"

The pre-prepared ship is downstream, more than three miles away.

In order to be concealed, only dozens of carriages were brought out this time. There were too many monks and porridge, and only a few official family members were able to get on.

Jiang Xin glanced at the carriages, and there were all floating wealth inside. Without these things, how could they exchange supplies with those merchants.

Gasping, screaming, crying of children, comforting of women...

With these voices, the group finally reached the ground in the dark.

The long ship was still eye-catching in the dark, especially the big ship, Zhu Xian's proud work, seized from the canal.

"My lord, there are no chasing soldiers behind!"

The scout who stayed behind to check came back, bringing good news for everyone's peace of mind.

"Ha ha ha ha!"

Zhu Xian couldn't help laughing, the laughter spread far and wide in the dark night.

"Zhu Xian, shut up!"

At this time, all official titles are nonsense! Li Yuan shouted: "Where are the people on the boat?"

Zhu Xian's eyes shrank, and he shouted: "Come here, go and see!"

The people and horses here are noisy, and there should be a reaction on the boats, but those boats are still quiet, reminiscent of ghost boats.


The torch was lit, and the wind blew the newly lit torch and hunted.


The light from the torch shone around, and a man standing on the cowl suddenly shouted in front of his finger.

The shout was sharp, as if seeing something extremely terrifying.

Zhu Xian and Li Yuan were horrified and shocked, and turned back together.

Right by the river, Zhu Xian saw a team of steel arrays with the gleam of the torch.

These arrays seem to have existed here long ago, not moving, only the musket in hand told Zhu Xian that this is...

"It's Jubao Mountain Guard!"

Zhu Xian's scream resounded across the night sky.


The roar of Xin Laoqi came from the other side, and dozens of torches were lit, scouts hundreds of households holding the torches, and the horse slowly turned to the two wings.

At this time, a gap opened in the middle of the musket array, Fang Xing walked out from the middle, behind him were a knife and Fang Wu.

"Fang Xing...you! Aren't you in the city?"

Zhu Xian's reaction was quick, and he immediately dodged behind Jiang Xin, brushing and drawing his knife.

Fang Xing's gaze patrolled among the fleeing crowd, and slowly said: "There are a lot of people. The entire Tianjin Sanwei, together with more than 40,000 family members, have fattened more than 1,000 people. No wonder some people like to support their families. Ding."

Li Chengliang is best known for the family supporter. With the help of those who feed the family, he is superb at playing with the self-respect of the family supporter.

"Zhu Xian, Li Yuanzhi, still want to escape?"

Fang Xing folded his arms and looked at Zhu Xian and Li Yuanzhi who were backing away with cold eyes.

"Kneel down and don't kill!"

Xin Laoqi's roar broke the silence, and the sound of drawing a knife was endless.

Li Yuan looked directly at the cavalry on the left and right, and then at the musketeers holding their guns. His eyes rolled and said: "Uncle Xinghe, there are family members here. If there is a fight, it will inevitably be severely injured and the precedent of the founding of the country."

"so what?"

Fang Xing was unmoved. After many battles, life was not the only issue he considered.

Moreover, this group of people is moisturized so that they can live by drinking the blood of soldiers. It is not a pity to die!

Li Yuan stared at the left and right, looking for a gap.

"Uncle Xinghe, why don't you let go of the road and leave most of the property here, so that you will have an explanation when you return to the court?"

The distance between the two sides was less than 50 meters. Xin Laoqi had been staring at the opposite side, suddenly raised the flintlock pistol made by Zhu Fang himself, took aim slightly, and pulled the trigger.


The gun rang, and a man who had just raised his bow fell to the ground.

"first row!"


In the chaos, there was a sound of horseshoes.

A group of cavalry rushed in the dark, saber leaned to his side, and Zhu Gaoxu was the leader.

The grinning Zhu Gaoxu came in completely with a slaughter posture. The knife Fang Xing sent was slashed continuously, and the blood surged in the darkness.

"Kneel down and don't kill!"

Scouting Hundred Husbands from the side, beheading all the cavalry who fled.

The rest were driven by the cavalry to flee, and gradually, more and more people were kneeling on the ground.

Zhu Gaoxu felt that it was not very enjoyable, but this was not a grassland, and he could not continue to hack and kill the people who were kneeling on the ground.

Fang Xing felt a little boring, and such a battle couldn't bring him a trace of excitement.

"Master, I caught Zhu Xian and Li Yuanzhi."

Zhu Xian was very embarrassed. In this short period of time, he had completed the necessary escape measures to change his clothes and cut off his beard.

But Li Yuanzhi was very calm and knelt on the ground and said: "When I saw your uncle, the next official knew that he couldn't run today."

Zhu Gaoxu strode forward, kicked Zhu Xian with one kick, and cursed: "What a damn! The king was bitten by a mosquito in the wild!"

Zhu Xian gritted his teeth and didn't dare to shout, but Zhu Gaoxu's anger was unabated, and he cursed against the face of a mosquito bitten by Bao Bao: "Gou Ri! You know that setting fire in the city, you just wait to die!"

The women and children who were kneeling on the ground were crying, and most of their futures were exile. Waguo's recent needs are relatively large.

Fang Xing looked at all this coldly, without the slightest sympathy in his heart.

In this era, linking up is necessary and reasonable, otherwise the cost of crime will be too low.

In the city, the rebels who had attacked the barracks had ignited the periphery, and Yang Rong's iron face was illuminated by the blazing fire.

Wu Yue sneered, watching the rebels successfully pull out the fence, and then swarmed in.

Countless rockets were flying in the air. Suddenly a rocket shot towards Yang Rong super level. Wu Yue pulled a hand, and the rocket brushed off the well-maintained beard of Yang Rong's chin.

Grease is on fire and must burn!


Yang Rong, who has always shown elegance, was panicked facing the burning beard, and hurriedly patted.

But the oil fire is not so easy to put out, and finally Wu Yue, who has learned relevant knowledge, took out his gloves and pressed it out.

The hideous faces of those rebels were full of murderous intent. Before they set off, someone said that if you can't control Tianjin tonight, everyone will die together tomorrow.

"Kill Fang wake up! Kill Yang Rong!"

Yang Rong washed his chin with water from a water sac, and said angrily: "Sure enough, he didn't repent, Wu Yue, is it time to do it?!"

Seeing Yang Rong's image, Wu Yue smiled and shouted, "Go!"

To deal with these rebels, Wu Yue believes that there is no need for defense.

Jubaoshan Guards are not allowed to defend in front of the same number of enemies!


"Boom boom boom boom!"

The firecracker-like gunfire stopped those shouts, and the rebels in front seemed to hit a wall, falling to the ground in various shapes, and then the horrible howling spread throughout Tianjin.


The second round of volleys was picked up at a very fast speed, and the queue behind was moving forward neatly, with amazing power!

Jubao Mountain Guards, who had experienced the sea of ​​blood in the corpse mountain, showed their combat effectiveness at this moment. The sergeants looked cold and could not see a trace of tension. They only knew to follow the rhythm and follow the orders to shoot.


Wang Duwei also heard the gunshots, and Fang Xing's order to him was to maintain order in the city and to prevent incidents of insurgents hurting the people.

But after hearing the gunshots, Wang Duwei couldn't help but worry.

"Will it be broken?"

Wang Duwei believes that as a guest soldier, once Jubaoshan Guard is breached, then don't think about turning over again.

Seeing the fire in the direction of the barracks, Wang Duwei gritted his teeth and said, "Five hundred people will follow me!"

When Wang Duwei led his subordinates, panting before running to the barracks, he heard a shout, and then the intensive footsteps came towards this side.


At this moment, hundreds of people rushed out of the darkness and shocked Wang Duwei. After seeing the familiar plate armor, he hurriedly shouted: "My official Wang Duwei, come to support."

The deputy Qianhu who led the team looked at Wang Duwei indifferently: "According to the uncle's general order, your ministry should be on the street, back!"

Wang Duwei felt aggrieved in his heart: "Isn't this official worried that you can't stop it!"

Vice Qianhu still said coldly: "Stay back! This is the second warning. For the third time, no matter who you are, you will face the attack of Jubao Mountain Guards, the all-embracing attack!"

Wang Duwei only felt chest tightness and wanted to vomit blood, but seeing those arrays that looked like **** gods in the dark night, he had to raise his hand and said: "Don't get me wrong, I will go back right away!"

When he turned around and walked out more than a hundred steps, Wang Duwei heard crying from the barracks, and then the voice of the deputy Qianhu was roaring just now.

"Kneel down and don't kill!"

"Kneel down and don't kill!"

The neat shouts made people know that the rebels were beginning to be defeated.

"The first row... salvo!"

"Boom boom boom boom!"


When Fang Xing and Zhu Gaoxu returned to the city, Wu Yue had already taken the rebels and took control of the city.

Yang Rong's beard looked a little weird, and he smiled bitterly: "I was accidentally scorched by the fire."

"Dehua, blood is flowing into a river!"

Yang Rong, who had never experienced urban warfare before, was almost vomited by the smell of blood. At this time, seeing Fang Xing, he gave his opinion.

"While the rebels yelled for their willingness to come down, Wu Yue's department was still firing, and at least more than a hundred people died."

Fang Xing squinted his eyes and asked, "Can those people kneel down?"

Yang Rong thought for a while: "No."

Fang Xing said lightly: "That's right, according to Jubaoshanwei's rules, enemies who don't kneel on the ground can be regarded as rebels and must be killed! The killing is meritorious and innocent!"

Yang Rong said nonchalantly: "This official thought these were all Daming people, so if you don't kill it, you can't kill it."

"Since they raised their knives and guns and started attacking the barracks, they were no longer Daming people!"

"They are rebels!"

Fang Xing walked towards Wu Yue, and Yang Rong stood there blankly, muttering: "Rebels..."

When Zhu Gaoxu saw Yang Rong in a daze, he shouted: "Quickly check and lock up all the rebellious family members and wait to be dealt with."

What will happen?

Yang Rong shook his head and took people to count the number of people, preparing for questioning.


The inventory went on overnight, Fang Xing did not participate, but went to the woman's house.

The General Banner Department was still carrying out Fang Xing's orders and was waiting in this alley.

The door was closed tightly, and Xin Laoqi stepped forward and knocked on the door: "Sister-in-law, my master is here."

I go!

A picture appeared in Fang Xing's mind: It was quiet at night, he came here with a few doglegs, and then sneaked up...

There was a moment of silence inside, and then the woman asked, "Who is your master?"

Fang Xing stepped forward and said, "I am awake, my sister-in-law will open the door."

When the door opened, Fang Xing saw a man kneeling behind the woman at first glance.

"Uncle, the little one is guilty."

The woman also knelt down and said, "Uncle, the woman is guilty."

"Escaped back?"

Fang Xing didn't care about it, he sat on a low stool and asked, "Where is your family?"

The man bowed his head and said: "The little one lives in Xiangyang."

The South and the North!

"Here, what do you feel the most tormented?"

There are no candles in the room~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and no oil lamps, it's vague.

The man said uneasyly: "Uncle, the most difficult thing for the young man is...not enough to eat, and...being so muddled, I don't know what to do every day, it's like..."

"It's like messing around."

Fang Xing cut off his words, frowning and said, "But you don't have much hope in this life?"

The man hummed: "The little one just wants to raise the child, but when he thinks about it, he will be the same as the little one, sometimes he can’t..."

What can't you hate?

Fang Xing was very clear. He got up and said, "The guards will not be like this in the future. Practice well and raise your children well. Maybe you will be able to come and go in the future!"

Seeing Fang Xing go out, the man stood up and said blankly: "Uncle, will there really be such a day? But the younger one is military!"

Daming's military status is hereditary, and he can't run away. Lao Tzu is a soldier, and his children and grandchildren are also soldiers. The professional soldiers of descendants and grandchildren then eroded.

Fang Xing stopped at the door and looked up at the night sky, "Da Ming will slowly change, don't lose hope, well, at least your son won't become what you are today!"

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