Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Chapter 885: Still cold, angry memorial

Xuan Palace was a hostile place for Fang Xing.

The first time I participated in the Northern Expedition to explore the road, I was almost pitted by Zheng Heng.

After arriving in Xuanfu Town, Guo Yi and Jin Yu were very enthusiastic and confident.

Zhu Gaoxu and the two are also close friends, so after entering the city, he said carelessly: "Do you have free pay for your subordinates? Can any generals occupy the fields? Tell them if you have them, and this king will take care of them."

Guo Yi smiled and said: "Lord, the Xuan Mansion faces the grassland directly, no matter how brave the official is, he will not dare to eat empty salary!"

"How many are running away?"

Although Guo Yi was in Anyang, Fang Xing asked directly.

Guo Yi pondered: "About ten thousand."

"Not too much!"

Zhu Gaoxu praised: "There are more than 100,000 horses in the Xuan Mansion, but only more than 10,000 have escaped. It can be seen that you are leading the army well."

Yang Rong was speechless, according to the mind of the civil servants, it would be wrong for you to escape by one person.

But after seeing the terrible situation of the soldiers of Tianjin Sanwei, Yang Rong couldn't be more demanding.

The Xuan Mansion controls a side wall of more than a thousand miles. The affairs are complicated and the logistics are huge. Except for Daming, there is no second country with this strength.

After entering the city, Guo Yi couldn't help but ask three people to drink.

"Are there any warnings on the grassland?"

Yang Rong was always worried, especially Alutai.

Guo Yi smiled and said, "Master Yang, Alutai was defeated last year, and the army is now being reorganized. It will probably fight Wara to the death next year, so there is no worries about the recent border wall."

"That's good!"

After learning that the side wall is worry-free, Yang Rong would not say anything like no drinking.

So after some rectification, a large pot of braised mutton was brought up.

Drinking certainly cannot be in the lobby, this is the backyard where Guo Yi lives.

"In the past, we ate lamb cooked and roasted. Someone had a fresh meal of braised lamb at Jinling No.1, so they went to the shopkeeper and asked for a recipe. This is how it works."

Guo Yi pointed at Fang Xing and said, "You have to thank Xing and Bo. The shopkeeper was not happy at first, and then he went to the village to ask, and when he came back, he said that Xing and Bo had said it. Since he is a fellow in the army, Give it if you want it, and get the money for that meal, hahaha!"

Fang Xing smiled: "Fang used to not talk about fine clothes and jade food at home, but he was unwilling to wrong him when it came to food. Until he went to war in many places and was tossed by the cooks in the army for a few times, he didn't know that. There is no food in the army."

"That's the reason!"

Jin Yu agreed: "Those cooks are used to making big pots, so they should add water to stir fry a meat dish. It's a stir-fry dish. You can't bite it."

Zhu Gaoxu ate a piece of mutton and recalled: "At the time of Jing Nan, it was hard to eat a good meal. Some cooks put too much salt, and the soldiers who ate it were furious, but he was plausible. Salt, don't eat more salt, how can you win the Southern Army, in the end even the father did not blame him."

Guo Yi and Jin Yu both intend to narrow the distance between them, and Fang Xing can be regarded as cooperation. For a while, they laughed and said that the previous contradiction seemed to have disappeared.

After dinner, Zhu Gaoxu and Yang Rong went to rest, but Fang Xing was invited to drink tea by Guo Yi.

In the study, Guo Yigan’s thin face was full of guilt: "Back when Zheng Heng was in the Xuan Mansion, Guo was helpless! Fortunately, Xing He Bo Yu has a good plan, otherwise Guo will die unforgivable."

Fang Xing said indifferently, "Fang has no more than two thousand soldiers under his command. Anyanghou does not need to be so cautious. As for the past, it will be passed by, and no need to care."

On the way from Beiping to Xinghe, Jubaoshan Thousand Households was really struggling with life. If Fang Xing hadn't taken out a lot of supplies, no more than three hundred people would be able to hold on to Xinghe.

However, Guo Yi's expression was just because Fang Xing's identity was very different from that of the past, and he was worried that he would be blackmailed by him in the future.

Guo Yi smiled bitterly when he heard the words: "Don't hide from Xing He Bo, Guo was indeed sitting on the sidelines and did not stretch out his hands, but this is the case in the military. The hierarchy is strict. If you leapfrog interference, you will get revenge afterwards..."

Guo Yi's calmness was beyond Fang Xing's expectation. He said indifferently: "It is human nature to seek advantages and avoid disadvantages, Fang Mou naturally understands, but this can't be done!"

Is this uncle Xinghe still a man of noble character? Otherwise, how could he be so simple that he thought it could change people's hearts!

Fang Xing said solemnly: "Fang is not afraid of overstepping. It's a strict hierarchy. This is a must in the army, but Daming's army is not private. It is a bad habit to report private revenge in public! Fight if you should show up!"

Seeing Guo Yi's disapproval, Fang Xing said: "In Tianjin, do you know where the soldiers who dared to report the lawlessness to the guards went?"

Guo Yisan is silent, so do you still have to talk about it!

"The whole family is dead, no one will survive!"

Fang Xing’s voice was angrily: "Those beasts, I have already informed your Majesty that all the principal offenders will be late, and all the family members will send to Yingzhou. Three generations are not allowed to return to their hometown!"

Guo Yi smiled bitterly: "Don't hide from Xing and Uncle, we have already checked the sanitary station below, and five people have been arrested for thousands of officials and above, just waiting for the prince to decide."

Fang Xing sneered: "The prince is also furious, none of these people can be good!"

"There are also those who have invaded the land. Wang's memorial to the crime has already gone to Beijing. It is hard to blame!"

Guo Yi's look of guilt didn't move Fang Xing at all. He knew that this person was just trying to get rid of the blame, and as for the guilt, it was purely unnecessary.

After some conversation, the relationship between the two parties remained the same.


Many places in Daming were developed by military towns, and Xuanfu was one of them.

There are more than 100,000 horses, people eat horses and chew, and the soldiers accompanying the army are scattered everywhere. This is a business opportunity.

After the abolition of the original Kaizhong method, the South-to-North Transfer of Food became the lifeline of the Xuan Mansion.

Walking on the street, Fang Xing thought about the prospect of expanding potato planting in the north, and felt that it should not be bad.

"Master, there is an old man in front."

The knife reminded Fang to wake up.

The old man is naturally not surprising, but this old man is wearing a ragged military uniform with one arm and one ear missing.

The old man's complexion was red, sitting on the edge of a cloth store's steps, holding a broken bowl in his hand, and taking a sip from time to time.

This is the military household, father and son continue, unless they flee, otherwise this is fate.

"I can't go on like this!"

Fang Xing returned to his residence and began to write memorials.

"...When the officials heard that the people were brave enough to apply during the Han and Tang Dynasties, why? Geyin was rewarded for his military merits, and the people were not bloody..."

Yang Rong walked in, but Fang Xing did not stop him, and continued to write ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Since the beginning of the Song Dynasty, everything has been inferior, but the only way to study is high, how about? A good man is not a soldier! "

Yang Rong saw the content beside Fang Xing and couldn't help but shook his head slightly.

"...The ministers all the way, seeing the misery of the soldiers, the stone heart can also be moved, this is equivalent to the low duty, how can we raise strong men!"

Yang Rong felt a little headache, and Fang Xing's memorial was up, and the Northern Guardian had a lot of bad luck.

"...Chen Sizhi, one is that the dynasty raises too much troops and costs a lot of money. However, the method of farming fields has been corrupted by the lieutenant generals colluding with the local authorities. Even if it is updated for a short time, it will repeat the same mistakes. This person is greedy! "

"...Whether the rewards and punishments in the army are clear, the sergeants may have hope, if not, then they will slacken. The officials lied that if the military households are not as good as the farmers, they must..."

"Xing He Bo!"

Yang Rong grabbed Fang Xing's wrist holding the pen, and said with a solemn expression: "This matter needs to be brainstormed, it's not for me to talk about it."

Fang Xing shook his head and continued to write.

"...Peasant households can study, why do military households serve for generations? Father heroes, children are not heroes. The minister suggested recruiting soldiers, with hundreds of officials as the backbone, and the rest can be recruited..."

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