Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Chapter 906: The ruler and his ministers were ruthless


The emperor’s age has an advantage, especially when the emperor is the hero, this advantage is magnified. `Le`wen` novels ``lwxiaoshuo`


Xia Yuanji couldn't help laughing when he saw the chief **** drove away those who came to register.

But Fang Xing calmly said: "It can't be done at this time, but they can still take some time to deal with it slowly, the treasure in their hands is still spent!"

Xia Yuanji said helplessly: "You sell me to buy it. This is a matter of both parties' willingness. I can't stop it!"

"But this wind cannot grow!"

Fang Xing said: "If this head is opened, these people will not keep the treasure in their hands in the future. This is a bad head!"

Xia Yuanji sighed, "But what can I do, isn't it allowed to buy or sell? Then your Majesty can't say it."

Fang Xing smiled and said, "I will go to court tomorrow, I have my own idea."

Xia Yuanji said with a bitter face: "Dehua, you don't want to come again, let's clean up North Korea and Yingzhou smoothly, and then come slowly."


In the early morning of the next day, when Fang Xing arrived uninvited, everyone glanced at Zhu Di, thinking that there must be a fight today.

The early dynasty was nothing more than doing things and discussing solutions.

Jin Zhong glanced at Fang Xing, who was looking down and calming down, and whispered: "Your Majesty is already protecting you, don't toss."

Fang Xing nodded slightly. Of course he knew that Zhu Di was protecting himself, otherwise he would have agreed to exchange the treasure yesterday, and all the changes that followed could be pushed to Fang Xing's head.

You will wake up when you succeed, and you will wake up when you lose!

However, as the emperor Zhu Di can sit firmly on the top and take advantage of it calmly.

The emperor who protects his servants in this way has long been grateful to others, and obeyed.

But Fang Xing went out of the class as if he was beaten up: "Your Majesty, the minister has something to play."

Zhu Di nodded slightly, and Fang Xing said: "Your Majesty, the minister met a merchant who was crying yesterday and asked the reason. The man said that all the shops in Beiping City were bought. He carried a large amount of goods so far. There is nowhere to go. Let it go, there is nowhere to sell it, and I'm going to sit and eat when I look at it."


When did Fang Dehua care so much about businessmen?

Jin Zhong's old face twitched, and he wanted to cover his face, indicating that he didn't know this shameless guy.

Jin Youzi's cheeks trembled, and his fists clenched, wishing to go up and slap him twice.


Lu Zhen felt that Fang Xing was more shameless than himself!

Who used to say that wealthy businessmen have no country? Who said to control Shu Hao Shang?

Fang Xing said loudly: "The minister was shocked when he heard this, because this person was willing to spend 20% of the extra money to buy a shop, but he was still rejected. Why is this?"

This guy is going to make trouble!

All the civil and military officials all cheered up, wanting to see who Fang Xing would aim at today.

"Your Majesty, the minister later asked his family to inquire about it, and it turned out that... the shops in Peiping City were bought by some people."

"Your Majesty, what do these people intend to buy so many shops?"

Lu Zhen saw Fang Xing's look worrying about the country and the people, and couldn't help it anymore, so he went out of class and said, "Uncle Xinghe, that's letting rent."

Among the hundred officials in the hall, who doesn't have a few shops for operation and renting!

Is it possible for you Fang Dehua to stop it?

Fang Xing nodded, smiled at Lu Zhen, and horrified his smile. Then he said: "Your Majesty, the minister is worried that the shops are concentrated in the hands of a few people. If prices are raised at the same time, the market in Beijing will probably be messed up. , That's not a trivial matter!"


At this time, you can't hear Fang Xing's meaning anymore, and everyone present can go home to seek medical treatment for Alzheimer's.

However, most of those Wuxuns served as general soldiers in various places. Meng Ying said that he was innocent because he did not interfere with this big acquisition.

Fang Xing said: "Your Majesty, for the sake of the stability of the capital, the minister suggested that any store with more than five stores in the capital must be heavily taxed for repurchase!"

The whole hall fell silent, and the eunuchs held their breath, thinking about how they would develop in the future.

——Those women and Taoists acted so quickly that they could wipe out 50% to 60% of the shops in the capital, and they had to be admired.

Your Majesty will definitely not agree, right?

Lu Zhen felt that Zhu Di would never agree. Those honorable officials had recently swept a lot of shops. If he was levied heavy taxes, he probably had the thoughts of the family members crying and dizzying.

And Yang Rong also felt that Zhu Di would not agree. After all, those honors were Daming's "foundation" and could not be shaken.

Zhu Di's eyes were deep, joy and anger difficult to distinguish, wherever he went, the officials bowed their heads.

In an instant, Yang Rong understood.

This is the hero, similar to the hero of Emperor Wu of Han!

Will the hero compromise?


But that depends on when.

These honourable officials turned away the treasures they had in hand to dig out the foundation of Daming. Will Zhu Di ignore it?

of course not.

Then the **** went yesterday just to ring the alarm bell, today...

Is it a tacit understanding between the emperor and his subjects? still……

Yang Rong was horrified but shocked.

"Only when the capital is moved, some people will act recklessly, I..."

Yang Rong has been dumbfounded, why didn't you tell me about this?

"...Xing Hebo's remarks hit the spot, and I got it right, and then I have the will to go on..."

If it were the usual, Yang Rong was already thinking about how to write this will at this time.

But now he fell into self-doubt.

Does your majesty distrust me?

"Well, it's all gone."

Zhu Di's complexion was condensed, and no one dared to object at this time, otherwise at least he would be imprisoned.

Yang Rong stood there in despair, waiting until Yang Shiqi coughed, and then he returned to normal.

Zhu Di glanced at him, and he could roughly know what he was thinking.

But does the emperor need to explain?

Of course not, it's best to let the minister go down and suspicion.

Otherwise, where's the awe? !

Today, Yang Rong's plan is somewhat out of standard, but Zhu Di did not modify it after reading it, but let someone use the seal.

It was not until after dealing with the political affairs that Yang Rong went back to dinner with a calm face.

"What do you think?"

Yang Shiqi asked.

Yang Rong shook his head: "Your Majesty, don't you believe us?"

Yang Shiqi was stunned ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and then smiled: "You are thinking of something wrong! Don't you think your Majesty and Xinghe Bo have passed through the gap beforehand?"

Yang Rong had just been promoted, it was when he was very ambitious, so when he was hit, he became a little frustrated.

Yang Shiqi smiled and said: "This official's judgment should be that Xing He has guessed his majesty's mind, so he took the opportunity to act."

Jin Youzi also felt that Yang Rong had lost his usual dexterity, so he sneered and said: "Conjecture about your majesty's holy will, this is not the strength of the official, but it is just a conscientious work, everything naturally has your majesty to call the shots."

Yang Rong was stunned by power. After being awakened by Yang Shiqi, he nodded gratefully, and then said blankly: "Sitting in our seat, everything is waiting for your majesty's instructions. That and the mud tires in the temple. What's the difference?"

Jin Youzi was dumb, and then smiled: "Master Yang is naturally a seven-orifice exquisite heart, and Xing He Bo is not bad, everyone has his own way!"

Power is like a pool of deep water, seemingly calm, but the undercurrent below never stops.

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