Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Chapter 909: The means of the future emperor


As soon as Zhu Zhanji came in, Zhu Zhanyong immediately turned into a quail, blankly speaking.

"Brother Dehua, Ding Guo Gong just entered the palace to plead guilty, but his head was smashed by the emperor's grandfather."

Fang Xing was startled, then shook his head and said: "Duke Dingguo is just knowing the opportunity."

Although Xu Jingchang's head was smashed, he still believed in his favor.

If you can exchange the favor of the king, let alone smash your head, I believe it will not be a problem for the honoraries.

Zhu Zhanji frowned and said: "The younger brother thinks that Wu Xun should win the merits on the battlefield, and the relatives should live honestly. Don't think that generations of generations can lie on Daming's body to **** blood!"

Fang Xing nodded and said: "The value of Wuxun's existence should be in the battlefield, Zhanji, are you worried that you will not be able to control the political affairs in the future?"

"Do not!"

Zhu Zhanji knew that Fang Xing was intimidating Zhu Zhanyong, so he said coldly: "Civil and martial arts have their own ways and do their own things. If you are not reconciled, then thunder will not be far away!"

Fang Xing squinted and said, "What if the generals are unfaithful?"

Zhu Zhanji smiled and said: "If you use a corner to fight against Daming, you can defeat it with a single division. If necessary, what's the matter if you ask yourself for it?

Zhu Zhanyong listened blankly, feeling that his careful thoughts had been seen through, he got up and said, "Teacher, brother, I'm going back."

"Go ahead."

Fang Xing said with a smile: "Study hard. I heard that Yue Baoguo is making rapid progress. If you don't hurry up, be careful of being laughed at."

Zhu Zhan Yongji bowed his head in response, and then went back a little alone.

Zhu Zhanji looked at his back and suddenly asked: "Brother Dehua, are there really those plans in the academy?"

Fang Xing used the academy's future plans to stimulate Zhu Di, and only then did he get a small team.


Fang Xing said affirmatively: "And there are many, but the students are not knowledgeable enough, so take your time."

In fact, Fang Xing could figure out the so-called plans, but the consequences were too sour, so he planned to put them in the academy.

You have a literary and a military, and you are so enchanting, you make a scary treasure for a while. Who believes it is not an enchanting?

Zhu Zhanji pondered: "Brother Dehua, are you jealous?"

"Good boy!"

Fang Xing slapped Zhu Zhanji's shoulder and praised: "You have seen through my trick!"

Zhu Zhanji said helplessly: "Brother Dehua, I don't need such false compliments, can we say business is alright?"

Fang Xingxiang said without changing his face: "One is afraid of the current situation, and the other is that the current Daming business is not well-received. What is the use of those things? If nothing else, just a business tax has been tossed for a few years, but Still crushed to death, Li Maofang talked about losing money all day long, let alone paying taxes, and couldn't support those people."

"Do you believe?"

Fang Xing asked.

Zhu Zhanji shook his head: "Although the business in Caiji Market is not as good as Sihai Bazaar, it is still impressive. This can be judged from the number of people entering and leaving. Li Maofang is just crying for poverty."

"He relied on being his majesty's grandson, and thought that as long as he didn't commit a crime, he would naturally have no taboos."

Fang Xing disdainfully said: "This is a typical parasite. It doesn't benefit the country or the people at all. It only knows that it is the evil that accumulates wealth. The more such honors, the faster Daming will lose."

And those princes!

Fang Xing felt that his eyebrows were beating, the old Zhu family was too capable of giving birth, and they were not allowed to make a living on their own. They were all raised in captivity like pigs.

In the future, these captive princes will become a huge financial burden.

Zhu Zhanji stood up and said, "My little brother will enter the palace now."

Fang Xing said listlessly, "It's useless. Your Majesty is also a rat-injury device. If you tighten Xun Qi too tightly, I'm afraid of rebounding!"

Zhu Zhanji sneered and said: "They dare not!"

Fang Xing didn't persuade him, so he watched Zhu Zhanji walk away proudly.


Zhu Di's mood improved again, and Yang Rong and others were relieved.

When Zhu Zhanji arrived, Zhu Di was drinking tea and chatting with Yang Rong. After seeing him, Zhu Di asked, "Aren't you going to hunt today?"

Zhu Zhanji said: "Grandpa Emperor, my grandson came back when he remembered."

"What's the matter?"

When Zhu Di saw Zhu Zhanji's appearance, he knew that he had a knot in his heart.

"Grandpa Emperor, Fuyanghou hasn't paid taxes in the Caijie City opened in Jinling so far!"

Zhu Di stroked his beard and said calmly: "You don't need to worry about this matter, go!"

Zhu Zhanji was stunned: "Grandpa Emperor..."

Zhu Di waved his hand: "Let's go! Don't bother me!"


"Ha ha ha ha!"

Fang Xing didn't move in place, and couldn't help laughing after seeing Zhu Zhanji's return.

Zhu Zhanji said sternly, "Since Brother Dehua knows this is wrong, why don't you say it?"

Fang Xing stopped his laughter, and said faintly: "You will be the prince of Daming, the emperor of Daming, and by that time someone will wake you up? It's the truth to explore by yourself."

"You should not go directly to your Majesty about this matter, at least you should not be in front of others, and there are many ways to deal with this matter, but you are the future emperor, and the means are naturally different. You need to think about it yourself."

Zhu Zhanji understood, "Brother Dehua, what will happen if you do it?"


Fang Xing put back a delicate balance scale, and thought for a moment: "Then make a big fuss. I am a courtier. Of course, there is no need to taboo. The bigger the trouble, the better. Your Majesty can naturally take advantage of the situation."

"Remember, taxes are Daming's. Whoever doesn't pay taxes is stealing Daming's things, and it's Daming's rebellion!"

Fang Xing raised the tax to this level, just to remind Zhu Zhanji: Just take a moment, and the royal family will give preferential treatment. You have to see if Daming's foundation can withstand the toss.


I don't know what kind of method Zhu Zhanji used. The next day, Li Maofang went to the Husband, and behind him was the housekeeper who was carrying the treasure.

"Hou Fuyang paid taxes?"

Zhu Gaosui felt that the concubine must have tossed herself too much last night, so auditory hallucinations occurred.

"Yes, the prince, the household where Fuyang Hou just went, and he went down in full view."

"He's crazy?"

Zhu Gaosui's eyes widened, and Xie Chen smiled bitterly: "Fuyanghou looked gloomy, surely he was not crazy."

"Then someone is persecuting him!"

Zhu Gaosui still has this judgment: "Who is it?"

Xie Chen judged: "It is impossible for Xing He Bo, and Fuyang Hou will not be afraid of him, but this matter must be related to him!"


Zhu Gaosui suddenly leaned back, and there was a look of horror in his eyes.

"Think about it, think about it!"

Zhu Gaosui's appearance scared Xie Chen~www.wuxiaspot.com~ He was about to say a few words indiscriminately, but Zhu Gaosui said in that dreamlike tone:

"First Zhu Yong opened a house, and Fang Xing turned a blind eye. When his business was booming, Fang Xing suddenly paid taxes and caught Zhu Yong by surprise!"

Xie Chen nodded and said, "Fang Xing was forbearing at first. When Cheng Guogong was most proud of it, he suddenly came to draw a salary. This matter has become a case of teaching his children in the homes of the great honours, and there is something in his hand to restrain the enemy. , But you have to endure the moment when your opponent is most proud of it. That time is the best time to shoot."

Zhu Gaosui shook his head and said: "You only see this, and Fang Xing has been pursuing commercial tax but didn't pay attention to it. This king has determined that the ultimate goal of Fang Xing doing these things is commercial tax!"

Xie Chen's eyes lit up, and he couldn't wait to say: "He first makes some money to make a living. If you want to follow suit, you must pay taxes as well."

Zhu Gaosui's face was cold, and his body trembled slightly: "Xunqi has paid taxes, but those wealthy merchants don't pay? Huh?"

Xie Chen's body was so exciting that he couldn't help but admire: "Take a move and move the whole body, Xinghe Bo has a good layout!"

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