Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Chapter 916: Night, beauty

Thanks: The most beautiful but the reward of reunion and landscape (take the warehouse to Daming Chapter 916).

All the way home, Zhu Gaoxu urged Fang Jay-lun to go to the kitchen to explain to Hua Niang to prepare the hot pot, and then asked Fang Xing: "You didn't take advantage of the chase today. It's not like you Fang Xing is a person!"

Fang Xing said helplessly: "Those people today... don't know who threaded the needle in the middle. Between light and dark, they are all inciting your Majesty to expand the scale of the firearms guard station. At this time, I go to fight Song Jianran, it will only be cheaper. Kill those guys! It's better to be personal."

Zhu Gaoxu touched his beard and said, "Most of those people are from the Capital Governor's Mansion of the Five Armies. Those guys looked at the Jubao Mountain Guards many times, and they were jealous long ago. They just couldn't pull the bottom. Now the enemies in the south are gone. They won't fight anymore. One hand, the whole family will wait to drink northwest wind from now on."

Fang Xing took him to the dining room, and said as he walked: "The firearms guards are not so good at being an army. First of all, from the small banner officer to the commander, even the princes of the Bohou country, they must learn and understand the characteristics of firearms. , And then you can command your subordinates to fight."

"The second is the training of sergeants. Those who have no experience will take a lot of wrongdoing. Otherwise, today is not such agitation, but a memorial and fanfare."

After the two sat down, Fang Xing continued to analyze: "In the final analysis, they are guilty of conscience, worrying that they will not be able to play with the full firearms army, and then they will lose the army and insult the country. Qiu Fu is a role model!"

Qiu Fu didn't listen to advice during the Northern Expedition, and pursued it in his own way. The result was a fall, which caused countless soldiers to sacrifice.

After Qiu Fu's defeat, Daming could no longer withstand a defeat of this magnitude. Zhu Di had to conquer himself as an emperor, and since then he did not trust his generals to be able to expedition to the grassland alone, and finally dragged the sick body, and finally passed away on the way back to the teacher. He was dead on the journey to defend Daming.

Today’s hot pot is a seafood soup base with a lot of side dishes. Zhu Gaoxu ate heartily. He also took a large dried fish when he came home, saying that he was going home to drink.

The expansion of the firearm equipment seemed like a gust of wind, and it was gone after it was blown.

Those frustrated Wuxun were all staring at Zhu Di, feeling that the boss's mind became more and more difficult to guess.

"The old man feels that your majesty is dissatisfied with the martial arts."

Xie Jin has been a little restless recently, and has come to find Fang Xing more often.

Fang Xing nodded and said: "The root of the problem lies in the erosion of the guards. Even the Xuan Mansion and other places have found so much corruption, and there are even people smuggling the grassland. How do you let your Majesty dare to equip them with firearms? If you equip it today, you will reach the grassland tomorrow."

Xie Jin asked, "How about those instructors? If they are sent more, they might be able to monitor this trend?"


The first batch of instructors has already gone, but the news that came back shows that they need time to get familiar with the guards where they are, and then they can slowly enter the role.

"If the people below are careful, it is not difficult to hide from the instructor, so it will take time."

However, the instructor is still welcome, and the people below feel that it is better than the **** supervising the army.


Meng Ying was very depressed, and she rarely left her work, and then went to find Zhang Fu.

"The British Lord, your majesty's attitude is unclear, but can the soldiers on the side wall only watch that they have firearms but can't use them?"

Zhang Fu was holding a book, just listening.

Meng Ying and Zhang Fu are not in the same trench, so it's refreshing to complain.

"I admit that Jubao Mountain Guard is very powerful, Fang Xing is very powerful, but they can't always fight the world, right?"

It is difficult to expand the scale of Jubao Mountain Guards. Everyone knows this truth, and they are even staring at Fang Xing. If one day he wants to expand the Jubaoshan Guard, it is his death date.

Zhang Fu put the book down and said lightly: "How about Xuanfu?"

Meng Ying was frustrated when he heard this, "Your Majesty has made an order, and Guo Yi is going to return to Beijing. Xue Lu will take over the position of Chief Soldier of the Xuan Mansion."

"What else can you say about the Five-Army Capital Governor's Mansion?"

Zhang Fu's lack of mixing does not mean that Zhu Di's thoughts have not been pondered.

"With their hands on the grassland, how can your Majesty rest assured with such an army?"

Meng Ying still wanted to argue, but Zhang Fu didn't want to get too deep. He frowned and said: "There is no need to say more about Baoding. Alutai still hasn't attacked Wala. This is the issue that the Five Army Capital Governor should be concerned about."


After dinner, Fang Xing played with Tudou for a while, then teased with Ping An, and said, "I will sleep in the study tonight."

Xiaobai flatly said: "Master..."

He should have slept with her when he woke up tonight, but now he missed it again.

Zhang Shuhui didn't ask the reason, but shouted at Xiaobai: "Tomorrow night will also be yours!"

Fang Xing smiled, and then went to the study.

It was cold in the study, Fang Xing asked people to set up a charcoal stove and then some mutton to roast.

The marinated lamb sizzled on the grill, the green smoke was faint, and the smell of books disappeared.

Xin Laoqi came in and asked, "Master, can you send more people tonight?"

Fang Xing shook his head: "No need, let go of the middle, and someone will let in."

The fat and thin mutton gradually changed color, and Fang Xing turned it over, leaving nothing.

"If the mutton does not have the fishy smell, it is not as good as pork, so it can be marinated properly. Of course, the last cumin is the key."

Fang Xing raised his head, looked at the woman standing by the door, and said admiringly: "You seem to be able to confuse men more than before, like... fat but not greasy meat."

A long purple skirt, with some flowers embroidered on the skirt, above the skirt, a bunch of slim waists, and then suddenly full.

Jingyue lowered her head, letting the plentiful look come into Fang Xing's eyes, and said softly: "Uncle hasn't been for a long time, Jingyue came into the night, can you serve your uncle?"

Fang Xing's gaze stayed on Jingyue's white and tender face for a moment, and then pointed to the charcoal furnace: "Washing your hands and making soup is also a good story. If you can barbecue, then come."

Jingyue smiled, like a peony blossoming.

"The little girl will do it!"

A beautiful woman with a full body is like a daughter, squatting happily in front of you, within reach, most people really can't bear this temptation.

The natural times are so good!

Fang Xing was condescending, and he could see the long eyelashes trembling, and under the tall bridge of the nose was a charming little mouth, and underneath was a chasm.

When the lamb was cooked, Jingyue stretched out her jade finger, took some cumin in a small bowl and sprinkled it on top, and a strange fragrance came.

"Anise fennel can't be used for barbecue, uncle is really a person who can live his life."

"All right."

Jingyue picked up a skewer of barbecue, opened her small mouth, bit a piece, and then handed it to Fang Xing.

"Who are you here for?"

Fang Xing did not take this one, but leaned over and picked up another barbecue.

A piece of roasted meat and a mouthful of rice wine made Fang Xing very happy.

Jingyue got up and said: "Uncle is in a heavy siege, Jingyue came over after hearing the news."

Fang Xing put down the wine glass, looked at Jingyue with a stern look, and suddenly said haha, "How about King Jin?"

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**Author: "Bring the Warehouse to Ming Dynasty" written by Sir Dybala is a reprinted work. Chapter 916 of the main body of the chapter, The Beauty is published by netizens. **

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Thanks: The most beautiful but the reward of reunion and landscape (take the warehouse to Daming Chapter 916).

All the way home, Zhu Gaoxu urged Fang Jay-lun to go to the kitchen to explain to Hua Niang to prepare the hot pot, and then asked Fang Xing: "You didn't take advantage of the chase today. It's not like you Fang Xing is a person!"

Fang Xing said helplessly: "Those people today... don't know who threaded the needle in the middle. Between light and dark, they are all inciting your Majesty to expand the scale of the firearms guard station. At this time, I go to fight Song Jianran, it will only be cheaper. Kill those guys! It's better to be personal."

Zhu Gaoxu touched his beard and said, "Most of those people are from the Capital Governor's Mansion of the Five Armies. Those guys looked at the Jubao Mountain Guards many times, and they were jealous long ago. They just couldn't pull the bottom. Now the enemies in the south are gone. They won't fight anymore. One hand, the whole family will wait to drink northwest wind from now on."

Fang Xing took him to the dining room, and said as he walked: "The firearms guards are not so good at being an army. First of all, from the small banner officer to the commander, even the princes of the Bohou country, they must learn and understand the characteristics of firearms. , And then you can command your subordinates to fight."

"The second is the training of sergeants. Those who have no experience will take a lot of wrongdoing. Otherwise, today is not such agitation, but a memorial and fanfare."

After the two sat down, Fang Xing continued to analyze: "In the final analysis, they are guilty of conscience, worrying that they will not be able to play with the full firearms army, and then they will lose the army and insult the country. Qiu Fu is a role model!"

Qiu Fu didn't listen to advice during the Northern Expedition, and pursued it in his own way. The result was a fall, which caused countless soldiers to sacrifice.

After Qiu Fu's defeat, Daming could no longer withstand a defeat of this magnitude. Zhu Di had to conquer himself as an emperor, and since then he did not trust his generals to be able to expedition to the grassland alone, and finally dragged the sick body, and finally passed away on the way back to the teacher. He was dead on the journey to defend Daming.

Today’s hot pot is a seafood soup base with a lot of side dishes. Zhu Gaoxu ate heartily. He also took a large dried fish when he came home, saying that he was going home to drink.

The expansion of the firearm equipment seemed like a gust of wind, and it was gone after it was blown.

Those frustrated Wuxun were all staring at Zhu Di, feeling that the boss's mind became more and more difficult to guess.

"The old man feels that your majesty is dissatisfied with the martial arts."

Xie Jin has been a little restless recently, and has come to find Fang Xing more often.

Fang Xing nodded and said: "The root of the problem lies in the erosion of the guards. Even the Xuan Mansion and other places have found so much corruption, and there are even people smuggling the grassland. How do you let your Majesty dare to equip them with firearms? If you equip it today, you will reach the grassland tomorrow."

Xie Jin asked, "How about those instructors? If they are sent more, they might be able to monitor this trend?"


The first batch of instructors has already gone, but the news that came back shows that they need time to get familiar with the guards where they are, and then they can slowly enter the role.

"If the people below are careful, it is not difficult to hide from the instructor, so it will take time."

However, the instructor is still welcome, and the people below feel that it is better than the **** supervising the army.


Meng Ying was very depressed, and she rarely left her work, and then went to find Zhang Fu.

"The British Lord, your majesty's attitude is unclear, but can the soldiers on the side wall only watch that they have firearms but can't use them?"

Zhang Fu was holding a book, just listening.

Meng Ying and Zhang Fu are not in the same trench, so it's refreshing to complain.

"I admit that Jubao Mountain Guard is very powerful, Fang Xing is very powerful, but they can't always fight the world, right?"

It is difficult to expand the scale of Jubao Mountain Guards. Everyone knows this truth, and they are even staring at Fang Xing. If one day he wants to expand the Jubaoshan Guard, it is his death date.

Zhang Fu put the book down and said lightly: "How about Xuanfu?"

Meng Ying was frustrated when he heard this, "Your Majesty has made an order, and Guo Yi is going to return to Beijing. Xue Lu will take over the position of Chief Soldier of the Xuan Mansion."

"What else can you say about the Five-Army Capital Governor's Mansion?"

Zhang Fu's lack of mixing does not mean that Zhu Di's thoughts have not been pondered.

"With their hands on the grassland, how can your Majesty rest assured with such an army?"

Meng Ying still wanted to argue, but Zhang Fu didn't want to get too deep. He frowned and said: "There is no need to say more about Baoding. Alutai still hasn't attacked Wala. This is the issue that the Five Army Capital Governor should be concerned about."


After dinner, Fang Xing played with Tudou for a while, then teased with Ping An, and said, "I will sleep in the study tonight."

Xiaobai flatly said: "Master..."

He should have slept with her when he woke up tonight, but now he missed it again.

Zhang Shuhui didn't ask the reason, but shouted at Xiaobai: "Tomorrow night will also be yours!"

Fang Xing smiled, and then went to the study.

It was cold in the study, Fang Xing asked people to set up a charcoal stove and then some mutton to roast.

The marinated lamb sizzled on the grill, the green smoke was faint, and the smell of books disappeared.

Xin Laoqi came in and asked, "Master, can you send more people tonight?"

Fang Xing shook his head: "No need, let go of the middle, and someone will let in."

The fat and thin mutton gradually changed color, and Fang Xing turned it over, leaving nothing.

"If the mutton does not have the fishy smell, it is not as good as pork, so it can be marinated properly. Of course, the last cumin is the key."

Fang Xing looked up and looked at the woman standing by the door, admiringly said: "You seem to be able to confuse men more than before~www.wuxiaspot.com~ It's like... fat but not greasy meat."

A long purple skirt, with some flowers embroidered on the skirt, above the skirt, a bunch of slim waists, and then suddenly full.

Jingyue lowered her head, letting the plentiful look come into Fang Xing's eyes, and said softly: "Uncle hasn't been for a long time, Jingyue came into the night, can you serve your uncle?"

Fang Xing's gaze stayed on Jingyue's white and tender face for a moment, and then pointed to the charcoal furnace: "Washing your hands and making soup is also a good story. If you can barbecue, then come."

Jingyue smiled, like a peony blossoming.

"The little girl will do it!"

A beautiful woman with a full body is like a daughter, squatting happily in front of you, within reach, most people really can't bear this temptation.

The natural times are so good!

Fang Xing was condescending, and he could see the long eyelashes trembling, and under the tall bridge of the nose was a charming little mouth, and underneath was a chasm.

When the lamb was cooked, Jingyue stretched out her jade finger, took some cumin in a small bowl and sprinkled it on top, and a strange fragrance came.

"Anise fennel can't be used for barbecue, uncle is really a person who can live his life."

"All right."

Jingyue picked up a skewer of barbecue, opened her small mouth, bit a piece, and then handed it to Fang Xing.

"Who are you here for?"

Fang Xing did not take this one, but leaned over and picked up another barbecue.

A piece of roasted meat and a mouthful of rice wine made Fang Xing very happy.

Jingyue got up and said: "Uncle is in a heavy siege, Jingyue came over after hearing the news."

Fang Xing put down the wine glass, looked at Jingyue with a stern look, and suddenly said haha, "How about King Jin?"

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