The Imperial College was on holiday, and Chen Xiao was also on holiday, and it was an enlarged holiday.

"You have committed many violations of discipline. From your father's face, we have been tolerant many times, but now your Majesty is in Peking, and the Imperial College is very popular, so he doesn't dare to keep you anymore, let's go!"

Yes, Chen Xiao'graduated', to be precise, he was expelled from the Imperial College.

The Imperial College is currently an official reserve officer. Many of them fail to pass the exams. They come in through the relationship and get in trouble. When the time is right, they can get an official.

Once delisted, it is equivalent to cutting off the official route, so this is the reason why the discipline of the Imperial College is so strict and there are so many people who want to go in.

Chen Xiao made trouble, but it was useless.

I wanted to beat someone, but the Imperial College had already prepared, and two big men in Jinyiwei were at the scene with knives.

No one would question whether officials who dared to attack the Imperial College were killed on the spot.

Chen Xiao didn't dare to go home, he was afraid that Chen Jiahui would break his leg, and he was even more afraid to see Lu Xiaoran.

The man who has done nothing has no face to go home!

Mostly I will go to my friends!

So when Fang Xing saw Chen Xiao with a decadent face, he just said faintly: "Come on, drink a bar."

Halfway through the drink, Chen Xiao gritted his teeth and said: "The younger brother asked himself if he was a leader in the Imperial College, but they actually acted upon me. It's really bullying and afraid of hardship!"

The so-called tipping refers to mischief.

There are also some meritorious children in the Peking Imperial College, but these people have been fishing for three days and drying the net for two days. The people at the Imperial College also opened their eyes, but they didn't see them when they closed their eyes.

Fang Xing said playfully: "If they want to clean up the Imperial College, then it should be done when your majesty moves the capital instead of waiting until now."

"Is it really their black hand?"

Chen Xiao let go of his chopsticks and said angrily: "Did my father's political opponents do a good thing? I'll remind you when I look back."

Fang Xing shook his head and said: "Uncle's political opponents don't have that much energy yet, Jianzhong, you are mostly implicated by me."

Chen Xiao was startled, her fat face trembled, and she patted her chest and said, "Little things, brother Dehua, don't worry. When the younger brother went home, he said that he had offended the professor and was kicked out."

"Then you will be interrupted by your uncle, and you will be locked up at home to study." Fang Xing felt very depressed and hurt Chen Xiao.

Chen Xiao said stiffly: "What are you afraid of! My mother is here!"

The fat face trembled slightly, looking a little silly.

However, Lu Xiaoran's father was the head of the household, and it was said that Xia Yuanji was highly valued. If Chen Xiao was not up to date, this old husband would not follow him.

But how could I watch you sink in!

Fang Xing smiled: "Fine, I'll go back with you and explain this to my uncle."

Chen Xiao whispered: "If the big deal is a big deal, I'll go into business. Don't you say that in the future, businessmen will not be worse than officials! I'll just go for business."

Fang Xing smiled and asked someone to collect the wine, and then said: "What are you worried about? If you have me to eat, you will not die from starvation. Take 10,000 steps, and the academy will have some staff!"

Chen Xiao was happy when he heard it, "Brother Dehua, then I will enter the college!"

Now that the reputation of Zhixing Academy is getting bigger and bigger, if you can get a position in the Academy, it will be much better than being a small official in the Imperial College.

Fang Xing shook his head: "That's not good, you are not a person who can sit still, and I will discuss it with my uncle after the New Year."

This matter can be dealt with when he wakes up, but he has to worry about Chen Jiahui's face.

Chen Xiao was overjoyed when he heard the words, and despite Fang Xing's advice, he forcibly ordered wine and drank stalely. The two went to Shuntian Mansion together.


"Father, the child was expelled from the Imperial College!"

Chen Xiao triumphantly reported his ‘great achievements’.

Outside the Shuntian Mansion Yamen, Chen Jiahui blinked his eyes: "What did you say?"

Chen Xiao didn't know that the disaster was imminent, but still smiled and said, "Father, I got into trouble, and the Imperial College removed me."

Before Fang Xing could react, he saw Chen Jiahui's right fist clenched and hurriedly shouted: "Uncle, misunderstanding! This is a misunderstanding!"

But Chen Jiahui moved faster. As soon as Fang Xing's voice arrived, his fist had already sealed Chen Xiao's eyes.


Chen Xiao staggered while covering his eyes. When Chen Jiahui was about to take a kick, Fang Xing arrived.

"Uncle, this matter has nothing to do with Jianzhong, it's all my nephew's fault."


"You go home first!"

After half an hour, Chen Xiao stared at a panda's eyes and walked away desperately.

"You mean, this is mostly a means of honor?"

Chen Jiahui felt a little dazed. Why would the honorable fellows fall in love with Chen Xiao, who is'stupid as a pig'?

Fang Xing said awkwardly: "My nephew has cheated them recently, so Jianzhong was involved. But it's a good thing, and it will allow Jianzhong to do things earlier."

"Don't take it lightly, don't worry about Jianzhong. Anyway, the old man's meal is not bad, but those who come to honor him are not good. Today is Jianzhong, where will it be tomorrow? You should think about it carefully."

Chen Jiahui looked earnest, and Fang Xing's eyes were a little hot. He lowered his eyes and said, "Uncle, it's okay. Now your Majesty is dissatisfied with the honors, and they have to behave with their tails between their tails. Besides, my nephew is not afraid of their methods. It's a big trouble, Your Majesty is waiting!"

After all, Chen Jiahui is a long-time eunuch, and he immediately reacted: "But is it because of the Qing army?"

"Yes, the results of the clean-up of the North and South Health Stations are Xunqi cannot escape the blame. If there is some recent restlessness, Your Majesty will not be afraid to move the capital right away!"

Chen Jiahui took a deep breath and said with piercing eyes: "Then you should keep a low profile. Wuxun and the civil servants will inevitably fight frequently. It is not the wise man who stands in the middle."

Fang Xing is currently between the honors and the civil servants, and the possibility of being attacked by the fire is very high.


Back home, Chen Xiao's affairs had begun to ferment, and even Zhang Shuhui learned the news.

"Will Jianzhong fail to recover?"

Zhang Shuhui was wiping potatoes with a hot towel.

Hearing the mumble of potatoes under the towel, Fang Xing smiled: "No, I don't want him to be an official. I have a bad temper!"

Zhang Shuhui took off the towel, and the potato was breathing heavily, then she took the opportunity to roll, rolled to the side, and crawled towards the peaceful sleep.

"Husband, Jianzhong's temper is not bad, it's just a little dull, and it won't work if you don't polish it!"

Zhang Shuhui pointed out Fang Xing's mistake with a woman's keenness.

Fang Xing stunned: "What kind of dude is he? But it doesn't matter, depending on what he means, if I want to be an official, then I have to support him. If I don't want to, I will help him in business."

Zhang Shuhui saw that Tudou was about to wake up in peace, so she grabbed his little feet and dragged him back.

"Doing business...I'm afraid that my uncle won't agree. After all, it's a scholarly home."

Chen Jiahui was an official in the imperial examination anyway, if Chen Xiao became a businessman, his grandson would not be able to perform the imperial examination in the future, then...

Fang Xing said entangledly: "It will be allowed in the future, but the merchant's son is bound to be restricted and the official position is not high."

Suppressing merchants to participate in politics was the national policy of the Ming Dynasty, but it completely collapsed in the middle and late stages.

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