Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Chapter 927: New book, Wanwan ready to run away

Fire broke out in the palace today!

The news spread throughout the court in an instant, but seeing the order in the palace, no one dared to ask Zhu Di. x update fastest

Zhu Gaoxu didn't care about this kind of news at all. He was more concerned about why Chen Jiahui invited himself to dinner.

"The king is not free."

Zhu Gaoxu simply and rudely rejected Chen Jiahui.

So Chen Jiahui went to find Fang Xing.

"Uncle needn't care. When the matter was at Tianjie Temple, King Han agreed. He also felt that the official position of Shun Cheng was lower. It was just that Jian Yi insisted on not retreating, and finally threatened Jian Yi. It will be at least classic three years later. Department."

Chen Jiahui said in surprise: "Don't irritate Master Jian, then the trouble will be serious."

Jian Yi seems to continue to sit down in the position of the official secretary, which shows that he is one of Zhu Di's most assured officials.

Offending such a person, Chen Jiahui worried that his father and son would not have a bright career in the future.

Fang Xing gave him a reassurance: "Shanglin Yuan Supervisor is not something ordinary people can enter. Han Wang is not stingy, but he will not get fainted. Therefore, behind Chen Xiao's entry, there must be someone helping him. I think... Your Majesty Most likely."

The Superintendent of Shanglin Garden is responsible for the food supply in the palace, and loyal and unprotected people cannot enter.

After Chen Jiahui was sent away, Fang Xing took out a book and Shi Shiran went into the palace.

After entering the palace, Fang Xing was intercepted by the **** who rushed to hear the news.

"Uncle Xinghe, what's the matter with your burning pot bottom? The princess set fire to burn the pot bottom in the palace yesterday, making the whole palace like a big enemy."


Fang Xing was also dumbfounded!

Burn the bottom of the pot?

Isn’t that just a treat for dinner?

But Wanwan... is really burning the bottom of the pot!

Fang Xing said awkwardly: "Well, this is a custom, just want a good omen, the days are booming!"

The chief **** is used to being told to Wanwan, so he half-warned and half-run, said: "Xing He Bo doesn't seem to have the bottom of the pot when he moved, right?"


Fang Xing said with certainty: "The bottom of the pot was almost burnt that night."

The conscience of heaven and earth, the night Zhang Shuhui and others first arrived in Fangjiazhuang, Beijing, they really burned the bottom of the pot.

The reason why you can burn through is not for outsiders!

It's just a hot pot with my wife and concubine. After a long time to reunite, some sparks will inevitably come out in the end, and finally...the black smoke of the whole family, the kind that can kill people.

"Who is Xing He looking for?"

When the **** saw Fang Xing holding a book, he asked casually.

Fang Xing smiled: "I'll go to your Highness for advice."

The chief eunuch, he knew very little about the long-term truth of things, so he hurriedly left.

Fang woke up to the East Palace, saw Liang Zhong's sad face, and asked the reason.

Liang Zhong said without annoyance: "It's the good you did, and the princess who killed him was banned today."

"Foot-footed? Who gave the order?"

Fang Xing felt that Zhu Gaochi was too cruel, so she was willing to stop her feet.

Liang Zhong whispered: "It's an order from the mother."

The two looked at each other and felt that there was no way to rescue the trapped Wanwan.

After seeing Zhu Gaochi, Fang Xing presented the book.

"His Royal Highness, this is a book recently compiled by the minister, please correct me."

Zhu Gaochi lifted his spirits and looked at it carefully after receiving the book.

"Physics, the name is good. Mechanics? The three elements of force..."

Zhu Gaochi is a man who has read many books, but the more he reads, the more frightened he gets.

Mechanics, pressure, buoyancy, light...

This is a book that directly uses words to reveal the changes around everything!

Zhu Gaochi looked at it again, this time looking more carefully, leaving the officials outside the door waiting to handle affairs aside.


When Zhu Gaochi saw the wonderful place, he immediately got the answer to the incomprehensibility of certain things, and he couldn't help but patted the table in applause.

The officials waiting outside were itching to know what book it was, but Zhu Gaochi collected the book and said, "My palace knows what you mean, let's go, wait for the palace to discuss with the father."

Fang Xing bowed and said, "Thank you, Your Majesty."

He originally wanted to find Zhu Zhanji for this book, but after thinking about it, he changed his mind.

Physics, there is a lot of knowledge in it that subverts current common sense.

Through learning, you can know the truth of a number of phenomena that can be seen everywhere.

If mathematics is only eroding the foundation of Confucianism, then physics is wielding a hoe, slowly but firmly digging the foot of the wall.

What is the truth?

There are many principles in Confucianism, and many of them can make people live in this framework for a lifetime.

For example, why a kitchen knife can cut vegetables, the common explanation is that it is sharp.

The physical explanation is ‘pressure’, the pressure per unit area!


Fang Xing didn't expect to pass at once, so he left with a smile.

The officials outside the door looked at Fang Xing, and someone sneered, and when Fang Xing left, he said, "This is the jester!"

The others looked down and didn't talk.

You can die, but don’t bring us, okay?


Fang woke up here, pretending to appreciate the scenery, and went all the way to the bedroom.

The **** who followed him coughed, "Uncle Xinghe, did you go wrong?"

Fang Xing coughed dryly, "Isn't it okay to see the scenery?"

"Xing He Bo, it is forbidden for men to enter the palace. If it is discovered, not only will you be unlucky, but our family will not survive!"

In front is the bedroom~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The **** stopped nagging when he saw Fang Xing go to the left.

But when they walked to the back of the side hall, Fang Xing suddenly stopped. The **** covered his mouth and pointed to the front, expecting Ai Ai to be speechless.

"Hurry up!"

Ten-year-old Wanwan was wearing the clothes of a court lady, sneaking out of the window, and the ropes leading to freedom looked shoddy, but they were also very intimately wrapped in a layer of cotton.

Wanwan is not the pampered child who has no power to restrain the chicken. The trees conquered by her in Fangjiazhuang can testify. This is just the meaning.

The maid by the window poked her head out with a sad face. She knew that she would definitely be punished afterwards, but she couldn't bear to see the princess worried!


The maid saw Fang Xing as soon as she probed, and she was shocked by the way she was covering her mouth.


Wanwan's hand slipped when she was surprised. There is a half-person height off the ground, although there will be no accidents, but the **** hurts!

But the pain she expected did not come, and a pair of big hands caught her.

"Hey! Naughty girl!"

When Wanwan heard her body loose, she whispered: "Fang Xing, don't make a noise, let's run away together."

Fang Xing put her on the ground and asked curiously: "Why are you running?"

Wanwan pursed her mouth and said in anger: "Mother has forbidden Wanwan's feet. It will be tomorrow!"

Fang Xing said with a smile: "It's all my fault, so let's go back first, and wait for me to find your Highness to ask for personal affection, and see if you can be released."

Wanwan shook her head and said: "No, my mother is very angry this time, but the foreign courts have been alarmed. If it weren't for my father's persuasion, my mother would fight Wanwan. It's...er...mother!"

Fang Xing didn't need to turn around, and knew that there were a lot of people coming from the sound of footsteps.

"I have seen the empress."


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