Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Chapter 932: Jin Wu can't help, 3 wandering

During the Chinese New Year, what naturally pays attention to is eating, and the Fang family always eats.

At Chen Jiahui's house, Fang Xing finally saw how Lu Xiaoran used the maid to supervise Chen Xiao's mouth.

You can't eat this way, and you can only eat a little like that, so Chen Xiao feels like a pig.

Fang Xing and Chen Jiahui were drinking, and they all smiled when they saw the maid quietly serving Chen Xiao.

Chen Jiahui took a sip of wine and said, "It's set, it's going to the Jia Vegetable Office."

"That's not bad, at least better than raising livestock."

The affairs of the Jiashu Department are not complicated, but just grow vegetables. As for rice and wheat, since Nuer Gandusi produced rice, they have become the new favorites in the palace.

Chen Jiahui agreed: "Now I am satisfied, just waiting for a grandson, and then this life will be complete."

"Uncle is still early!"

Fang Xing said with a smile, but Chen Jiahui said with deep meaning: "Nowadays, there are many discussions about your majesty's body, but Zhao Wang has not returned to the fief for a long time. The Wuxuns still think about the prince. If something happens, it is. Important things, be careful!"

Throughout the dynasties, when the throne alternated, something always happened, big and small.

As it stands now, Zhao Wang Zhu Gaosui is like a poisonous snake, hiding in the dark, not knowing when it will spray the venom.

As for Wu Xun, Fang Xing thinks it shouldn't be a big problem.

"Your Majesty is watching. If he is determined to set up more firearms guards, those martial artists will not be afraid, and they will even be left unused."

Chen Jiahui picked up the wine glass and said faintly: "Anyway, be careful."

When he got home, Xiao Bai couldn't wait. Seeing Fang Xing coming back, he clamored to go shopping.

Zhu Di decreed that from the first day to the fifteenth day, Jin Wu in Beiping City couldn't help.

So the people were happy. It was said that the stalls were all set up on the edge of the imperial city, and there were guards who were on duty to solve the problem of eating nearby.

Women usually don't have many opportunities to go out. Even if Fang Xing has no restrictions on this, Zhang Shuhui and Xiao Bai are still abiding by the rules of noble ladies in this era. Except for contacts, they don't go out much.

So Fang Xing certainly didn't have any comments, just thinking that Zhu Zhanji seemed to be fine today, so he asked someone to ask.

"Go and ask Taisun if you want to go shopping."

The Fang family's move was quite quiet. This was what Zhang Shuhui insisted on, saying that he remembered the fact that potatoes were almost taken away, so he should take warning.

The five famous families, as well as the maid and the maid, went all the way towards the city like this.

Entering the city is a sea of ​​people, regardless of men, women and children, regardless of poor and poor, all travel on this day.

"Brother Dehua!"

Chen Xiao and Lu Xiaoran waited outside the doorway, and saw the potatoes sitting on Fang Xing's neck. He couldn't help but envied him: "How do you feel that potatoes are growing every day! It's like bamboo."

Tudou remembered being polite, and arched his hands on Fang Xing's neck. Before he opened his mouth, he leaned back. Fortunately, Fang Xing had already prepared and held his legs, which made it difficult to turn up.

Chen Xiao said enviously: "Don't even say that I turned upside down like this, brother, it's hard to turn over when lying down, Brother Dehua, but did you practice for Tudou?"

Practice your sister!

Fang Xing had already seen Zhu Zhanji, beckoned, and then said: "Children's bones and muscles are already soft. You will know when you have children."

"I have seen your Highness."

Chen Xiao bowed his hand and saw Hu Shanxiang, wondering who this little girl is?

"I have seen the princess grandson."

After Fang Xing arched his hands, Chen Xiao immediately followed to salute, and then whispered to Lu Xiaoran, "The Concubine Taisun is so young!"

"do not talk!"

Lu Xiaoran reached out and pinched Chen Xiao, and then hurriedly followed Zhang Shuhui to salute.

"Fine! It's on the street, it's all free."

The men and women were divided into front and back immediately, looking for food all the way.

According to Fang Xing's truth: the real food must be in the folk! So today’s purpose is to eat!

"Father! Eat!"

Potato sat on Fang Xing's neck and had a clear view of the outside. He saw the Sugar Man and yelled to eat.

Zhu Zhanji saw it on tiptoe, and turned around and asked Hu Shanxiang: "There is a sugar official in front of you, do you want to eat it?"

Hu Shanxiang blushed when he heard the words, and felt that Zhu Zhanji treated himself as a child, so he hesitated.

But Zhang Shuhui said: "Husband, we want one each, and the concubine wants a monkey sugar official."

Xiaobai wants it too, it's a weird one, it's a little pig.

Hu Shanxiang received encouragement, and said timidly: "The concubine wants a...a tiger."

Zhu Zhanji nodded, and then squeezed through the encirclement with Fang Xing and reached the forefront.

Only in the end the tiger made it. After Zhu Zhanji gave it to Hu Shanxiang, Fang Xing joked: "That's right, women are going to be fierce, Shuhui, you will be a tigress in the future!"

Zhang Shuhui groaned: "The concubine body won't return to the forest."

As she said, she looked at Tudou, her eyes overflowing with tenderness.

At this time, the tigress was still a version similar to the future Liao Zhai Zhiyi Li. It was probably the tigress who transformed into a woman, married a man and had children, and finally put on a tiger skin, either eating people or returning to the mountains and forests.

Fang Xing was dumb, and then walked in front of the potato.

"Father! There is meat!"

Since Jinling's No.1 Fresh Produced a skewer of barbecue, it soon became popular across the country, and Beiping is naturally indispensable.

As a result, there were a few more skewers of roast lamb in everyone's hands.

"Brother Dehua, the younger brother felt that this kind of day is the most real, and there is always some illusion in the palace."

Zhu Zhanji felt that he was quite used to this kind of civilian life, and he showed it hypocritically.

Fang Xing disdainfully said: "Let you live a year of common people's life, you must be crazy! Are you used to eating in common people's homes? Are you used to sleeping on hard beds? Also, take a bath once a month~www .wuxiaspot.com~ Are you comfortable?"

Taisun is being taught here, and Zhang Shuhui at the back is not worrying, and is giving Hu Shanxiang a trick.

"What's so scary about those women? You are the princess grandson, you are born a head taller than them. Go and reason with Taisun."

Hu Shanxiang said timidly, "It's like this, take your time."

Zhang Shuhuixiu glared, hating that iron cannot become steel, and said, "What do you know! How will you deal with yourself when someone else has a baby?"

Hu Shanxiang looked at Zhu Zhanji's back in confusion and said, "I don't know."


Zhang Shuhui really had nothing to do with this girl, so she had to take strong medicine: "The palace is a cannibalistic place. To be honest, if I choose, I will definitely not go. If you are soft, you will not be able to stand on your own. Without talking about your feet, your child will be bullied, and...that's a big one! Do you think others will be kind to you and your child?"

Long snack bar Taisun princess!

"Men are all greedy. You have to figure out how to hold Taisun's heart. Didn't these people teach you?"

Hu Shanxiang shook his head. Her parents just told her to behave and don't provoke her grandson. She didn't teach anything else.

This is a pitfall!

Zhang Shuhui shook her head and said, "You must stand up! If you don't stand up, you will be done!"

Xiaobai also punched his fist and said, "Yes, we must drive out those shameless women!"

At this time, Fang Xing, Zhu Zhanji, and Chen Xiao slowed down and were about to ask the women if they would eat rice cakes, but they heard this.

Zhu Zhanji's black face was slightly red, and Fang Xing coughed dryly: "The princess Taisun is simple, and you can be more lively with a few handkerchiefs."

Zhu Zhanji slandered: Is this lively? This is teaching Hu Shanxiang how to clean up my woman!

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